Rise From the Humble

Chapter 670: unexpected beauty

Chapter 670 An Unexpected Beauty Comes

   "Zihou, congratulations."

   "You are free and easy inside, and Wen Sheng and I are worried enough outside, thanks to the fact that there is no danger."

As soon as Zhu Pingan came out of the yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he saw Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei waiting outside the door. The two walked over with a smile, and gave Zhu Pingan a light hand on the shoulder. Then the three of them looked at each other and laughed together. Get up, everything is in silence.

  Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei have been waiting outside, and at noon they just asked their followers to deliver some light meals. To be honest, the two were worried about Zhu Pingan outside, especially after Yan Shifan walked into the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, their worries doubled. After Xu Jie, the master in the back, entered the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, the worries of the two of them eased a little. Thinking of the face of Xu Jie, the judge in the court, when punishing Zhu Pingan, they would be more or less merciful.

  As for today\'s result, the two of them never expected it. Before the petition, Zhu Pingan said that he was ready, so that the two of them did not have to worry. Both of them felt that Zhu Ping\'an was comforting them.

   Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping\'an not only talked about it, but actually did it, and even achieved a level that neither of them had imagined.

   If so, it should be clear.

   Unfortunately, there is a foot restraint order from the court, and there are several Jinyiwei who follow behind him not far away, so dinner parties and the like are out of the question, and they can only wait until the result of the petition case is announced. There is a long time to come, and this moment is not too bad.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an and his party walked and chatted, all the way to Linhuaihou Mansion.

  When he was about to reach Gonghou Street, Zhu Ping\'an\'s heart beat inexplicably accelerated a bit, which was a strange feeling.

   Like a whim.

  It seemed as if something in Linhuaihou Mansion was calling him.

   "What\'s the matter, Zihou?" Wang Shizhen asked upon seeing this.

   "It\'s nothing." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly, and didn\'t care, maybe he left in a hurry and his heart beat a little faster.

  Turning into Gonghou Street, Linhuaihou Mansion is within easy reach.

  Suddenly felt strange.

  People stalking in front of the Linhuaihou Mansion, maids, housekeepers and servants, ten or twenty people are waiting at the gate.

   "Miss, miss, uncle is back"

  Hearing a familiar voice from a distance, he saw someone coming to greet him at the door, and the door of Hou Mansion became lively.

  Although everyone in the Hou Mansion had a different attitude towards him than in the past, they had never been so enthusiastic before. Zhu Pingan was greeted at the door suspiciously.


She was attracted by the most dazzling pretty woman in the crowd. She stood gracefully at the door, wearing a light red Yuehuaru dress with a plain gold border and a wide edge, giving off a sense of luxury; the dress was embroidered with red The beautiful plum blossom, with the oriental pearl pendant hanging on her ear, made her face more and more radiant, her dark eyes were as bright as ink, and her red lips were red without spots, her beauty was a bit unearthly.

   stand there

  Red lips and white teeth

   Fairy and pretty

  Such a peerless beauty is like a fairy descending from the earth. She is so indescribably beautiful that it is difficult not to attract attention.


  Zhu Ping\'an was stunned at the door for a while.

   "My husband is back."

  The pretty man smiled lightly, bowed gracefully, and led a few maids and old ladies to greet her, exuding a ladylike air all over her body.

  The human voice is beautiful and sweet, and the voice is as melodious as a lark. It is like hearing fairy music, and it is indescribably comfortable. This time, Husband, the bones of those who call are about to crumble.


   Zhu Pingan didn\'t realize it for a while, but always couldn\'t realize that he was married to Li Shu, and it always felt like a dream. Back then, that tsundere girl who called her poor and ugly, turned out to be her daughter-in-law. Thinking about it, she always felt unreal, like smoke and a dream.

  In the eyes of Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei, Zhu Ping\'an is crazy about joy. No wonder Zhu Ping\'an looked out of his mind when he entered Gonghou Street just now. It turned out that he knew that his beautiful wife had returned from his hometown today.

   Xiao Biesheng is newlyweds, I understand, the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

  After hearing Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen\'s good-natured laughter, Zhu Pingan reacted belatedly, blushing, and briefly introduced Zhang Siwei, Wang Shizhen, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others.

  Li Shu lowered her head, put her slender hands on her left waist, and slightly bent her knees to greet several people.

  Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen both bowed their hands and returned the gift.

  Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others claimed to have seen the mistress, and after saluting and saying hello, they were led aside by the housekeeper of the Marquis of Linhuai.

   "Zihou, we won\'t bother you on such a beautiful day. I\'ll make up your wedding gift sometime later."

  Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen made a joke with a smile, and left with their hands in their hands.

They were happy for Zhu Ping\'an in their hearts. In their eyes, Li Shu, the fifth young lady of Linhuaihou\'s Mansion, was a standard lady. The brazier, grapefruit water, etc. have all been prepared. He is a virtuous and caring person. Such a stunning beauty, what more can a husband ask for, Zhu Ping\'an is out of luck.

   When the newlyweds reunited, there must be endless sweet talk, so Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen left with winks.

   "Ahem. You are back, why don\'t you stay at home for a few more days."

   Under the eyes of everyone, Zhu Pingan looked at the beautiful woman who was close at hand, and his heart beat a little faster. He had never been in a relationship in his previous life, and his experience value was too low. He was usually articulate, but now he didn\'t know how to speak. After holding back for a long time, I managed to say something, and then regretted it when I said it, as if I said something wrong, and it seemed that I didn\'t want to see others.

   "Why, you are not welcome?"

  Li Shu pursed her small red mouth and said coquettishly, her air was like a blue orchid, her eyes were agile, and when she looked around, she had an elf and playful air.

   "Ahem. No, no." Zhu Pingan hurriedly explained.

"You said I want to come. Dad is busy with business, and he went to the south to manage business after only a few days at home. My mother-in-law was worried that you would not be able to take care of me in the capital, worried that you would not be able to eat well, and worried that you would not be well dressed, so she urged me to come. I am stubborn but I have to come." Li Shu glanced at Zhu Pingan, who was red-faced, rolled her eyes arrogantly, and said in a coquettish voice.

  The little girl named Baozi looked down at her toes when she heard the words.

   It seems that the master\'s business is not too busy. It was the lady who said that she wanted pearl powder from the South China Sea for beauty, and urged the master to go to the south to buy pearls.

  However, what the lady said must be reasonable, and the little maid of Baozi lowered her head and nodded vigorously.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at Li Shu and smiled slightly. From the expression of the little maid of Baozi, he could guess something, but he didn\'t point out Li Shu\'s words.

   "Hey, what are you laughing at?" Li Shu pouted her lips at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Grandpa giggling must be so happy that he couldn\'t close his mouth when he saw the young lady, isn\'t he?" The little maid from the side giggled.

   "Let\'s talk about it again, be careful with your skin." Li Shu snorted coquettishly, stretched out her slender hands and pinched the baby\'s fat face of the little bun girl.

   "Hee hee, I know I made a mistake, so I won\'t dare to do it again next time." Baozi\'s little maid begged for mercy.

   After laughing, the old lady came over to ask Li Shu if the uncle had stepped over the brazier, and Li Shu nodded. Then there was a steward who came over with a few burning firewood and put them into the bronze brazier, and soon the dry sandalwood in the brazier ignited, and the white smoke curled up. rising.

   "My lord, it\'s time to step over the brazier, go get rid of the bad luck." The little maid of Baozi urged Zhu Ping\'an\'s sleeve.

   "Why are you so particular about it?" Zhu Pingan shook his head and smiled.

   "Jump!" Li Shu pouted her small mouth, showing her small canine teeth.

  Zhu Ping\'an had no choice but to smile slightly, lifted the hem of his clothes with his hands, and stepped over the brazier in a big stride.

   "Crossing the brazier, the mildew will burn out, it\'s booming, and it\'s going smoothly." The old lady muttered when Zhu Pingan stepped across the brazier.


  The steward at the door lit the two hanging red firecrackers and set them off.


   There was a crackling sound.

  Perhaps girls are a little afraid of firecrackers, and Li Shu is no exception. She lowered her head and covered her ears with Baozi and the others.

at this time

  A pair of warm hands covered Li Shu\'s, covered Li Shu\'s ears, pressed her head in her arms, and blocked the sound of firecrackers behind her.

  Looking at the familiar material of the clothes, Li Shu didn\'t dodge. She just hummed softly, as if expressing her displeasure, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

  (end of this chapter)