Rise From the Humble

Chapter 648: wonderful, really wonderful

Chapter 648 is wonderful, really wonderful

   "Zhu Ping\'an, are you convicted?"

  Wang Xueyi, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments in the courtroom, after hearing Zhao Daying\'s indignant and wronged words, directly questioned Zhu Ping\'an in a stern voice.

The officials listening in the courtroom also turned their eyes to Zhu Pingan. Zhao Daying\'s scars, stories, and indignation and grievances infected them. At this moment, they also tended to sympathize with Zhao Daying. Strong scrutiny.

Zhao Daying was also looking at Zhu Ping\'an, with a look of grief and indignation. He was held back. Everyone was worried that he would commit suicide to prove his innocence. .

  You haven’t even grown your hair yet, and you’re still fighting with me, you’re still young. Let\'s see how you turn around!

Seeing Zhu Pingan being questioned, Zhao Daying couldn\'t mention how happy he was. After this petition, he must be more valued in Yan Ge\'s place. He selected a few more generous gifts from the clan\'s inventory. It won\'t be long before he thinks My position can rise again, and the glory of my ancestors will reappear on me.

   a time

  Everyone\'s realization was concentrated on Zhu Ping\'an, and Zhu Ping\'an became the focus of the court.

   This is the crime of framing the general.

   Moreover, this general is not an ordinary general, but a general who has thrown his head and blood for Daming for more than ten years and suffered countless injuries!

  At first, everyone thought that Zhu Ping\'an might be overwhelmed and helpless.

  But when everyone turned their eyes to Zhu Pingan to see how Zhu Pingan dealt with the predicament, they were surprised to find that Zhu Pingan showed no sign of being overwhelmed at all, and it could even be said that he was taking a good rest, as if it wasn\'t his business.


   Just like watching a play.

   It was completely beyond everyone\'s expectations.


   And it\'s not all.



   "It\'s amazing!"

  Zhu Ping\'an raised the corners of his lips, smiled happily, clapped his hands, and walked up to Zhao Daying, clapping his hands while talking wonderfully.



what\'s going on?

  Why doesn\'t the surname Zhu play cards according to common sense?

  Everyone was already surprised enough, but now they were even more surprised by Zhu Pingan\'s applause, and many people were dumbfounded.

  Zhao Daying was also stunned, looking at Zhu Pingan with a sarcastic expression, he wished he could slap him to death.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, what are you doing? What do you think of the courtroom! I asked you something, are you guilty?!" Wang Xueyi, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, patted the gavel again in the courtroom and asked angrily.

   "Convicted? What crime am I guilty of? Please tell me clearly."

  Zhu Ping\'an shrugged and looked at Wang Xueyi innocently.

   "You?" Wang Xueyi was sullen.

Another presiding judge in the courtroom, Zhang Gu, the right servant of the Ministry of War who had just been replaced, took Wang Xueyi\'s words and continued, "Zhao Daying is a rare general in my Ming Dynasty, a brave general, and a battle-hardened soldier." Your loyal and brave general, why do you want to frame Zhao Daying and kill him for meritorious deeds?"


  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help laughing when he heard it, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, he almost bent over in the end laughing.

   "That\'s enough for Zhu Ping\'an!" Zhang Gu patted the gavel hard.

"Hahaha, yes, I\'m sorry, I really couldn\'t hold it back, er, ok, ok, I won\'t laugh anymore." Zhu Pingan tried his best to stop laughing gradually, but his face was still full of laughter. Holding back a smile.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, don\'t think that you can do whatever you want in court because of your fame and fame." Zhang Gu pointed at Zhu Ping\'an and said loudly.

   "I just heard a joke, and I couldn\'t hold it back for a while. Please forgive me, my lords." Zhu Pingan bowed to the presiding judge and the auditorium one by one.

   "A joke? Are what I said just a joke to you?" Zhang Gu looked at Zhu Ping\'an expressionlessly, and asked through gritted teeth.

"My lord said just now that Zhao Daying is a rare general in my Ming Dynasty, a brave general, a loyal and brave general who has gone through the battlefield hahahaha, I couldn\'t help it, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry." Zhu Pingan said, holding back He couldn\'t help laughing again, this time the reaction was faster, he stopped smiling immediately, and sincerely apologized to Zhang Gu in court.

   "What\'s so funny!" Zhang Gu jumped up.

   "Master Zhang, please be calm and don\'t be impatient. Let\'s listen to Zhu Ping\'an\'s explanation." Wang Gao of Dali Temple next to Zhang Gu persuaded Zhang Gu and motioned to listen to Zhu Ping\'an\'s explanation first.

   "Okay, I\'ll see how you explain." Zhang Gu snorted and sat back in the chair.

   "Thank you, my lord." Zhu Ping\'an bowed.

   "Wonderful, really wonderful, what Mr. Zhao just said is really wonderful."

  After the long bow, Zhu Pingan got up and paced to Zhao Daying again, with a happy expression on his face again, and clapped his hands again.

   "Zhu Pingan, what do you mean?" Zhao Daying stared at Zhu Pingan fiercely.

"I\'m applauding Zhao Daying." Zhu Pingan clapped his hands again as he spoke, "What Mr. Zhao said just now is really wonderful. A coward on the battlefield, a deserter, and a clever tongue have successfully molded into a brave man. Tiger General, wonderful, really wonderful."



  Zhu Pingan satirized Zhao Daying as a coward on the battlefield? deserter?

  I heard it right, how is it possible, the scars on Zhao Daying\'s back cannot be faked, with so many hideous scars on his back, how could he be a coward or a deserter!

  Everyone was very skeptical of Zhu Ping\'an\'s words. They felt that Zhu Ping\'an was just saying this on purpose to deny Zhao Daying.

   "Do you think that the scar on your back is the meritorious service of Zhao Daying? It\'s a proof of your bravery?" Zhu Pingan stood in front of Zhao Daying and asked with a smile.

Is not it? !

  Everyone was stunned and expressed puzzlement at Zhu Ping\'an\'s words.

   "Wrong, big mistake, the scars on your back not only prove your bravery, but on the contrary, these scars prove that you, Zhao Daying, are a poor coward and a deserter!"

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s words were like a thunderclap, which shocked everyone present, especially the cowards and deserters who spoke louder behind Zhu Pingan, which made everyone\'s ears ringing.



how is this possible?

"I didn\'t see it. Zhuangyuan Lang\'s kung fu of turning black and white and pointing a deer into a horse is top-notch. I admire it. In terms of verbal skills, Zhao Jie, a martial artist, is naturally not as good as you, a person who makes a living by dancing and writing, and I, Zhao, can\'t play verbally." I, Zhao, can only do what I can, and I can only go to the battlefield with flesh and blood to fight for a future." Zhao Daying looked at Zhu Pingan coldly, then turned around and knelt down on one knee to the chairman of the judge, "Zhu Pingan has repeatedly turned upside down. Black and white, humiliate me, and I ask you adults to decide."

  Wang Xueyi and others in the court naturally made the decision for Zhao Daying. Besides, in their view, Zhu Ping\'an was just looking for trouble and playing tricks, so they asked Zhu Ping\'an to give everyone an explanation.

   "As ordered."

  Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands, then looked at Zhao Daying, "Do it, right? What you said makes sense, and you should really do it."

Therefore, Zhu Pingan asked the presiding judge to temporarily borrow two skilled Jin Yiwei. This request sounded absurd. After the joke, Jin Yiwei\'s co-prefect Takumi nodded in agreement.

   Next, Zhu Pingan borrowed two wooden swords, two pieces of linen, and a pot of red ink from the Ministry of Punishment.

  Zhu Pingan wrapped the wooden sword with a cloth, then soaked it in red ink, and gave it to two guards respectively, and ordered them to attack each other with wooden swords, fighting to the death until he called to stop.


   "It\'s just child\'s play!"

  When Wang Xueyi and others saw this, they criticized it bitterly.

  Other observing officials also felt that Zhu Pingan\'s trip was too ridiculous.


   Soon they change color.

  I saw two Jinyi guards attacking each other under Zhu Ping\'an\'s order. The wooden sword wrapped in linen would leave a red mark on the opponent\'s body if it didn\'t hit each other once. After a while, there were seven or eight marks on the two of them.

  Fortunately, it was a wooden sword, otherwise both of them would have turned into pieces of meat.


  Zhu Pingan yelled, and the two Jin Yiwei who were attacking each other stopped. Looking at the sword marks on the two Jin Yiwei, Zhu Pingan nodded in satisfaction.

   "My lords, please take a look."

Zhu Pingan attracted the attention of all the officials, pointed to the sword marks on Jin Yiwei\'s body and continued, "My lords should have seen that the two attacked each other face to face, and the scars left were all on the chest side. A scar is on the back. And such a scar is the scar left by a brave general on the battlefield."

   "If you want to leave a scar on your back, unless it is." Zhu Pingan said and came to a guard in Jinyi, took the wooden sword from him, and said to him, "Turn around and run."

  Jin Yiwei turned around and took a step when Zhu Pingan left a red sword mark on his back with a wooden sword.

   Abnormally dazzling.

   "So, unless it is to escape." Zhu Pingan continued.

   After finishing speaking, Zhu Pingan came to Zhao Daying again, looked straight into his eyes, and said word by word:

   "Scars on the back are a disgrace to warriors!"

  (end of this chapter)