Rise From the Humble

Chapter 647: Zhu Pingan, are you guilty?

Chapter 647 Zhu Ping\'an, are you guilty

  Scars are military medals.

The court of the Ministry of Punishment seems to have become Zhao Daying\'s show. Zhao Daying showed the scars on his back to everyone in various poses and shapes, shirtless, like a general who has returned from victory, with high spirits and high toes Angry.

  Zhao Daying took everyone\'s shocked look into his eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, the winning ticket was already in his hands.

  My scars are my medals.

  My scar will also become your crime for framing the loyal general Zhu Pingan.

  Zhao Daying glanced at Zhu Pingan with the eyes of a victor, as if he had already seen that Zhu Pingan was thrown into prison for framing.

   "Lord Zhao, why do you have so many scars on your body?" A military officer who had had a drink with Zhao Daying yesterday stood up in the gallery, and asked a question pretending to be curious, which immediately touched Zhao Daying\'s heart.

   All the officials looked over curiously, and for a moment Zhao Daying became the center of the entire court, attracting everyone\'s attention.

"This knife wound is seven inches long and one inch deep into the shoulder blade. It was left by me, Zhao, in the 23rd year of Jiajing when I went out to fight against the Tatars in the Xuanfu. Resisted two Tartars and ten captains, killed one and ran away, leaving this scar that goes deep into the shoulder blade."

"This gunshot wound is more than the size of two copper coins. It was left in the 27th year of Jiajing when I, Zhao, fought against Haixi Jurchen in Jizhou. A group of Jurchen elite cavalry besieged, and when they were exhausted, they couldn’t dodge in time and were stabbed. Fortunately, I was killed by the horses and came back.”

"This knife wound is six inches six inches long, three inches wide, and five inches deep. It was left by me, Mr. Zhao, in the 29th year of Jiajing when I went out of the fortress with the General Soldier at the National People\'s Congress. The Tatars are cunning. The Qingqi broke up our army formation, and we fought on our own, from the moment the sun came out of the mountain until the sun went down before repelling the Tatars. When I was chasing a Tatar commander, I was cut with a knife, which almost killed me Zhao’s life was fortunately blessed by the emperor, I lay in bed for seven days and seven nights before waking up."

"This is also a knife wound, two inches smaller than the last one. It was also left in the 27th year of Jiajing. The Tatars entered Datong to play grass. The wolf cub will hang up again."

"This arrow wound was caused by the Gengxu Rebellion last year. I was ordered to lead my troops to pursue the Tatar partial division, and I was shot by a Tatar dog. But I shot someone from Zhao, and they didn\'t fare well. I led the army for a while. Cover up and kill, behead fifty-nine"

  Breathless, Zhao Daying stretched out his hand and pointed at the scars, explaining in detail their length, size, and age of the injury.

  Every scar was accompanied by a thrilling story. All the officials heard a thrilling story, as if they had personally experienced a battlefield, as if they had witnessed a tiger general wearing a scarlet armor rushing back and forth among the enemy troops.

"it is good!"


   "What a hero!"

   "Such a strong general, really is Zhao Zilong at that time!"

   "With General Zhao and other **** and brave generals around, why worry about the Tatars not being wiped out, and why not worry about the Japanese pirates not getting rid of them!"

   "General Zhao is truly brave and mighty. My Ming is really lucky to have General Zhao. If everyone is like General Zhao, then my Ming will definitely be sealed off as a wolf again."

  Every time Zhao Daying introduced a scar, there would be a burst of applause, especially the military officers in the auditorium. All the officials in the hall were shocked by Zhao Daying\'s scar.

   Not only the strict party, but also the Li party, the neutral party, and all officials are unanimously praised!

  Strict party needless to say, even if Zhao Daying has no scars, even if Zhao Daying is a rich man, they are still on Zhao Daying\'s side, this is their position.

At the beginning, the officials of the Li Party and the neutral parties still had some prejudices against Zhao Daying in their hearts. It is deafening and direct to the hearts of the people. When they first learned the content of the memorial, they were shocked and angry. There are such heartless people in the world.

   But now

  After seeing the criss-crossing and centipede-like wounds on Zhao Daying\'s back, they said they looked at Zhao Daying with admiration.

seeing is believing.

  Zhu Ping’an’s memorial is well written, but it’s just words on paper. They didn’t see it with their own eyes. At this moment, they witnessed Zhao Daying’s canine-toothed knife wounds, sword wounds, and arrow wounds on his back, and they were already shocked.

   In my heart, I couldn\'t help but think of this wise saying left by my ancestors: hearing is believing. Seeing is believing. From this incident, they regained control of the saying.

  Even though the positions are different, even though Zhao Daying is a strict party. However, it can\'t erase the fact that Zhao Daying is a tough general.

  With so many criss-crossing scars, who dares to say that Zhao Daying is not a **** warrior? !

  For such a brave general, will he lack military merit? A fierce general who has fought for the country and the people for years, will he slash the butcher knife at the people?

It\'s completely unnecessary, lacking military merit, he can go to the battlefield and kill for a while, so why bother to "borrow" the heads of ordinary people, besides, swinging a butcher\'s knife at innocent people is simply too much for a tiger general It\'s a great shame, they don\'t bother to do so.

  Zhu Ping\'an, what are you fighting with me? !

  Listening to Lei Ming\'s applause, and looking at the officials who were shocked by him, Zhao Daying couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his lips.

   Strike while the iron is hot.

After explaining the scars, Zhao Daying immediately knelt down on one knee, his eyes filled with angry tears, and clasped his fists to ask the chief judges in the courtroom to decide for himself. His words were full of indignation and sadness: "I, Zhao Daying, went to the battlefield before I was crowned. , I have lived and died for the Ming Dynasty for more than ten years, no matter whether it is a Tatar or a Jurchen, no matter how cruel the enemy is, I, Zhao Daying, have never frowned once, and I have never stepped back! But in the end, I was crowned out of thin air I will not accept the charge of killing the good and pretending to be meritorious!"

   "The last general doesn\'t want to get promoted and get rich, but only asks the adults to uphold justice and wash away the innocence of the young general!"

"The sun is shining, the sky is shining, and I will fight for more than ten years, but I will be accused of such a crime, and I will have no face to see my ancestors. Why don\'t you kill yourself to prove your innocence, or you can go to see Jiuquanzhi innocently?" Your ancestors and your descendants."

Zhao Daying spoke angrily and his voice was getting louder and louder, and finally he was roaring, his face was flushed like anger, and the veins on his neck were exposed. Excited, he clenched his fists and slapped his chest vigorously, "" Bang bang bang" sound.

  Finally, he grabbed the saber on the ground and was about to wipe his neck.

  If it wasn\'t for the Jin Yiwei next to him who moved quickly and stopped Zhao Daying, Zhao Daying would have committed suicide.

  Those who see this situation are sad.

  Anyone who looked at it couldn\'t bear it, and seemed to empathize with it, as if seeing Yue Pengju died in the Fengbo Pavilion.


  The gavel tree in the courtroom was like thunder, Wang Xueyi, the minister of punishment, shouted sternly towards the courtroom:

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you are guilty!"

  (end of this chapter)