Rise From the Humble

Chapter 649: are you riding backwards

Chapter 649 Are you riding a horse backwards?

  The scars on the back are a disgrace to warriors!

Zhu Ping\'an\'s words were resounding, and the entire courtroom of the Ministry of Punishment rang loudly. Wan Gong of Dali Temple and Wang Gao of the Metropolitan Procuratorate on the presiding judge\'s seat bowed their heads and exchanged glances from time to time. Jin Yiwei and Zhao Daying, who were marked with red sword marks, nodded after a while.

  The officials in the auditorium in the public hall had more people whispering to each other this time, their eyes shifted from the red knife mark on Jin Yiwei\'s chest to the scar on Zhao Daying\'s back, and there were occasional chuckles.

If Zhu Pingan simply said this sentence, it might not have such a big impact, but before Zhu Pingan said it, he asked two Jin Yiwei to show up in a simulated battle to prove this sentence, which is very intuitive. There are knife marks on the chest, but none on the back, which is very convincing.

After seeing the scars left by Jin Yiwei after the simulated battle, everyone can\'t help but compare the scars on Zhao Daying\'s back. It is indeed like what Zhu Pingan said, if the two armies are fighting and hitting each other, then it is normal for the chest side to be injured. How could it be that his back was injured, unless he was running away and was chased by the enemy, slashed and stabbed.

  Of course there is another possibility, poor martial arts, being attacked by the enemy. However, this possibility is unlikely. What about the five scars on your back, were they all sneak attacks? Are you a pighead, fell five times in a pit? ! Therefore, this possibility can be ignored.

  After figured it out

People think back to what Zhao Daying just said, and they will feel that it is full of loopholes. For example, the most obvious example is the arrow wound that Zhao Daying said. You were shot by a Tatar archer when you were on the sidelines, so the question is, how did you get shot in the back when you were chasing?

  So, after figuring it out, people also find it ridiculous.

After Zhu Pingan finished speaking, he looked straight into Zhao Daying\'s eyes. At the beginning, Zhao Daying looked at Zhu Pingan very confidently, but as people whispered and pointed, Zhao Daying His eyes flickered a little.


  Five seconds later, Zhao Daying no longer looked at Zhu Pingan, but shouted at Zhu Pingan angrily as if he had transformed into Dou E.

   "Pure bullshit!"

Zhao Daying roared angrily, then turned around and loudly argued to the presiding judge and the auditorium, "My lords, don\'t be deceived by Zhu Pingan\'s rhetoric. How many soldiers with back injuries are there? Could it be that they are all cowards and deserters? Zhu Pingan is deliberately misleading your lords. The confrontation between the two armies is not a two-person fight. , Chest and back injuries are nothing more than normal."

   "Oh" Zhu Pingan intentionally lengthened his voice after Zhao Daying finished speaking.

   Oh damn, oh, get out of here!

  Zhao Daying simply didn\'t want to see Zhu Ping\'an for a moment, everything was caused by this bastard, it was this **** who caused him to be suspected by everyone!

When Zhao Daying gritted his teeth in resentment, Zhu Ping\'an\'s elongated ending finally stopped, but just after stopping, Zhu Ping\'an\'s question came, "Dare to ask Mr. Zhao, do you like to ride horses backwards when you are fighting in the battlefield? "

   Riding Nima backwards!

  Are you a pig head? Who rides a horse? I still like it. You must be sick!

   Zhao Daying didn\'t answer, but expressed his answer with eyes like an idiot.

"When Mr. Zhao introduced these scars just now, I don\'t remember the others very clearly, but I remember the last arrow wound that Mr. Zhao said very clearly, because this arrow wound is directly related to today\'s petition. Mr. Zhao said this The arrow wound was caused by the Gengxu Rebellion last year. I was ordered to lead my troops to chase the Tatar army. I was shot in the back. Is Mr. Zhao possessed by the soul of Zhang Guolao? Did he chase the enemy on horseback? How can chasing the enemy be punished? Did you shoot in the back?"

  Zhu Ping\'an asked with the corners of his lips curled up. When he mentioned the word "back", he deliberately emphasized his tone with a look of sarcasm.


  After Zhu Ping\'an finished asking, there was a chuckle in the auditorium. Zhang Guolao is possessed, hehe, what Master Zhu said is too interesting.

   "What do you know, have you ever been on a battlefield?" Zhao Daying became angry with embarrassment.

   "Are you riding backwards?"

   Zhu Pingan looked at Zhao Daying and asked curiously.

   "Do you know that the battlefield is changing rapidly, how can it be?" Zhao Daying was anxious, and his voice was raised several times.

   "Are you riding backwards?" Zhu Ping\'an asked again.

"You are a scholar, you have never been on the battlefield, how do you know the dangers of fighting on the battlefield, there are dangers everywhere on the battlefield, and there is a possibility of injury in the front, back, left, and right." Zhao Daying\'s face turned green, just a few seconds Already had the urge to strangle Zhu Ping\'an ten times.

   "Oh, are you riding backwards?" Zhu Ping\'an snorted, and then asked again.

  Next, no matter what Zhao Daying said, Zhu Pingan always used "Are you riding backwards?"

   Respond with such a sentence.

   To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, first capture the king.

  It takes seven inches to hit a snake.

   This flaw is Zhao Daying\'s seven-inch gate of life. No matter what Zhao Daying says or how to explain it, this arrow wound can\'t be explained. Why did you get shot in the back when you chased the enemy? No matter what you do, I will hold on to your flaw, and no matter how you explain it, you won\'t be able to make up for it.

  It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers!

There is no need to refute all the scars on Zhao Daying\'s back one by one, as long as he grasps one flaw, as long as he can\'t fix this one flaw, the image of a brave and fierce general that Zhao Daying worked so hard to create will completely collapse .

   "Are you riding backwards?"

  Zhao Daying choked on Zhu Ping\'an\'s words and almost vomited blood. Why can\'t you change the words? I can\'t answer!

After Zhu Pingan asked again, Zhao Daying finally thought of a reason, "No, who the **** is riding backwards? I got up and chased the Tartars, but I was accidentally shot by the Tartars who were behind. Already!"

   "Isn\'t Master Zhao chasing the enemy, why are there Tatars behind?" Zhu Pingan asked immediately.

   "Didn\'t I say that those who are left behind." Zhao Daying replied impatiently.

"Huh? Mr. Zhao, are you chasing the Tatars, or are you running a race against the Tatars? Why did you overtake the Tatars and not kill or fight, but instead let them fall behind and shoot you?" Zhu Pingan refused. While Zhao Daying was thinking, he asked another question right after Zhao Daying finished speaking.

   "The situation was urgent at the time, I didn\'t see it, and he took advantage of it." Zhao Daying\'s head was covered with cold sweat.

"Pfft, Mr. Zhao is really joking. He went to chase Tatar, but the Tatar couldn\'t see it when he was so big?" Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but shook his head with a smile, and then continued, "Even if Mr. Zhao didn\'t see it?" Now, what about the subordinates who accompanied Lord Zhao to pursue the Tatars, it is impossible that no one of the hundreds of people saw it, right?"

"What do you know!"

  Zhao Daying was so ashamed and annoyed that his neck was flushed red, and the sweat on his forehead flowed down his temples.

   "Yes, I just don\'t understand. If I don\'t understand, I have to ask, so I\'m asking Mr. Zhao, please clarify." Zhu Pingan nodded cooperatively, clasped his hands and smiled, and asked again.


  Zhao Daying.

  (end of this chapter)