Rise From the Humble

Chapter 230: when will try

Chapter 230 When will I try

  What kind of wife do you want to find in the future?

  After hearing this question, Zhu Pingan shifted his gaze to Li Shu, a black-bellied girl with burning eyes, and stayed there for about two or three seconds.

  Red lips and white teeth, looking bright; mink fur dress, charming and charming.

  When Li Shu was looked at by Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu, and said jokingly with the corners of his lips curled up:

   "You don\'t need to be too beautiful, you don\'t need to be too smart, you don\'t need to be unruly, self-willed, and don\'t mess around, you must be gentle and virtuous, and you must be considerate and loving, and you must"

  Every time Zhu Pingan said something, Li Shu\'s charming face turned cold.

   "There are so many demands, it\'s better to be a monk!"

  With a dark face, Li Shu messed up the chess pieces on the chessboard and lost her temper inexplicably.


  Zhu Ping\'an looked at Li Shu with curious eyes, saying that he was talking nonsense, why is this girl so excited? !

"Cough cough cough, I originally wanted to introduce my family\'s, um, maid, to you, but I didn\'t expect you to be too picky, hum, and you don\'t look in the mirror yourself, and you don\'t like this or that, you don\'t know good people. !"

  Li Shu noticed Zhu Ping\'an\'s curious eyes, and realized that she had lost control of her emotions, her face flushed slightly, but she confidently pushed all the responsibilities onto Zhu Pingan, and vented her anger logically.

   "Forget it, my own daughter-in-law will find it by myself, so don\'t bother you!" Zhu Pingan shook his head, thanking you for not being sensitive.

   "You\'re old!" Li Shu, a dark-bellied girl, gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, and her complexion seemed even worse.

   This girl forgot to take her medicine.

   "Three rounds just now, um. Just think I won two rounds, as we agreed before. I went to find my two books." Zhu Pingan got up and said lightly. He went to the bookshelf.

   "It\'s what you call it, it\'s what it is." Li Shu pursed her mouth unhappily.

  Zhu Ping\'an just glanced at Li Shu with eyes like a kitten pulling a ball of yarn, childishly, then shook his head slightly, then turned and walked towards the bookshelf.

  When Zhu Pingan walked to the bookshelf, he heard the voice of a black-bellied girl losing her temper. It seemed that she was teaching a little girl a lesson. It was a privilege in a feudal society.

   "Come here, are you blind, didn\'t you see the chess piece fell to the ground? I don\'t know if this chess piece was made for me with ivory, you can\'t even buy one if you sell it!"

   Then there was the voice of the little girl timidly and Nuonuo apologizing. The voice was a little strange. It wasn\'t the little girl with buns, but probably a little girl with a lower rank. She was almost made to cry by the black-bellied girl Li Shu.

   "Hey, why are you crying? Did I wrong you?" The black-bellied girl was aggressive.

   "No, I\'m sorry miss." The little maid was frightened and knelt on the ground. I\'m afraid that my lady will lose her temper again.

   What a savage girl, she is as unlovable as she was when she was a child.

  Zhu Ping\'an curled his lips, selected a book he needed from the bookshelf, and continued to look through it. I found six books one after another, all of which were about stereotypes and policy theory. Li Shu\'s family has a large collection of books, most of which can be said to be more than 90% books on imperial examinations. Zhu Ping\'an became the biggest beneficiary of Li\'s study. In many cases, Zhu Ping\'an is still full of gratitude to the Li family.

   "Hey, Zhu Ping\'an, when are you going to have a test?"

  Li Shu who taught the little girl a lesson. Seeing that Zhu Pingan had chosen the book, he asked with a stinky face.

   "It\'s almost coming soon. I originally planned to wait until my brother got married, but after reading some previous opinions, it is too late. From now on, I will go to the capital, thousands of miles away, and I guess I will have to leave in a few days."

  Zhu Ping\'an put the book on the desk, leaned over to register the books, and replied calmly.

  The Enke Township Examination started in early March, and now it is more than December, and there is only about March left, and there is not much time left.

In ancient times, there were no cars, no passenger cars, no trains, let alone airplanes and ships. Long-distance travel required manpower and animal power, or walking, or riding a cow, or at least riding a donkey, or riding a horse-drawn carriage. Of course, ancient boats can also be used, but now it is cold winter In this season, all the rivers and lakes to the north are frozen, and you can only walk or ride a horse or a car. Two days ago, Zhu Ping asked someone to inquire about it, but he hadn\'t heard about the convoy from Kaoshan Town or Huaining County to the capital. Since the snow fell, most of the convoys stopped.

   Probably can only walk.

  The distance from my home to the capital is about 1,200 miles, and I can’t walk in a straight line. It would take a long time to walk to the capital on my own two legs, and I would probably have to leave soon, otherwise I would not be able to catch up with the exam.

Although roads and bridges were built in ancient times, compared with modern times, there are still too few. The roads in some places are very rough and difficult to walk, which is no different from no roads. In addition, there are quite a few places without roads. It\'s all wilderness, and you can only explore it with your own feet, or you have to take a long detour.

   It is a long way to walk from Xiahe Village to the capital, and there are many places to pay attention to along the way. The first is to beware of thieves who rob you. Although it is a time of peace, it is not ruled out that there are some young people with ulterior motives; the second is to be especially careful of wild animals when driving in the wild. It becomes food in their mouths. The third is the resting place, walking on the road, you can’t walk very far in a day, you have to find a good place to rest at night, the town is okay, maybe you can use the identity of a person to get to the post station, but there is no post station in the village and small town, so you can only do it yourself Looking for a place, whether staying in a private house or a temple, or staying in an inn, or sleeping in the wilderness, there are many places that need to be careful.

  This is what people often say, it’s always good at home, but it’s hard to go out.

  Considering the above situation, it is estimated that I can travel 30 miles a day, which is considered good. If I catch up with the carriage, I can walk about 50 miles a day, but if there are any accidents on the road, it will take a long time. After months of rushing, I have to rest for a few days when I arrive in the capital, and I have to review for a few days before the exam. I have to set aside time.

  Because of the distance and various uncertain factors, I had to leave for the capital earlier.

   "So fast?" Li Shu, a dark-bellied girl, seemed a little surprised.

   "What, what\'s the matter?" Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu after registering the books.

   "No, no." Li Shu flattened her mouth, her face was slightly red.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, what are you going to take the exam for? Is it the number one prize?" Hua\'er, the little **** the other side of Baozi, couldn\'t help interjecting and asked, she was really curious.

"Stupid girl, he is taking the general examination. After the general examination, it is called \'Gongshi\'. The Gongshi will then go to the palace examination. The first three in the palace examination will be awarded the Jinshi and the first place. The first is the champion, and the second is the second place. , the third place is Tanhua; the second one is given a Jinshi background, the first is commonly known as Chuanlu; the third one is given a Jinshi background."

  (end of this chapter)