Rise From the Humble

Chapter 229: Only women and villains are difficult to raise

Chapter 229 Only women and villains are difficult to raise

  The old hen made its final contribution. The mother made the chicken soup fragrant and thick, full of maternal love. Zhu Pingan drank two bowls of chicken soup in one go and ate three pancakes before finishing.

   After the meal, people came to the house one after another, or congratulating them to give gifts or offerings, etc. Mother Chen did not accept the gifts, and the donations were handled by Zhu Pingan according to the specific situation. This situation lasted for two days before slowly returning to normal.

  Cows and sheep are scattered on the sunny hillside, gnawing on fallen leaves and hay, and the children who herd the sheep are wrapped in cotton jackets and sleep soundly against the tree trunks, just like a paradise.

  Zhu Ping\'an passed by down the hillside, carrying his schoolbag across his shoulders, and walked towards Shanghe Village.

  The Li family in Shanghe Village is already used to Zhu Pingan. From entering the door to going to the study, it is as natural as returning to his own home. Of course, if there is no certain black-bellied and self-willed girl

   "Hey, Zhu Ping\'an, how can you come in without knocking?"

  In the study, Li Shu was holding a chess piece in her hand, she was charming and charming, and she gave Zhu Pingan a sneaky look with her **** eyes.

  A beautiful face, a savage temper.

  This feeling is like a budding poppy quietly spreading throughout the room, always giving people a suffocating beauty, like angels and demons.

   "The study is not a boudoir." Zhu Pingan replied flatly, and entered the study with a cool breeze.


  The black-bellied girl Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, pouted her lips, her cheeks were dizzy, as if she was accusing Zhu Pingan of molesting her.

   "Here, this is the content of the last few chapters."

As Zhu Pingan said, he took out a booklet sewn with needles and thread from his schoolbag and put it on the desk, then took out the book he borrowed last time from his schoolbag and shook it at the dark-bellied girl, indicating that there were not many books, and then Just go to the bookshelf.

The black-bellied girl was playing chess with the little maid of Baozi. Seeing that Zhu Pingan was ignoring her, she was quite dissatisfied. Attacking, oppressing, swiping, swiping, three moves, five divisions, and two cuts to eat most of the chess pieces of the already dwarfed Baozi little maid.

   "Miss~~" Baozi\'s little maid turned red-eyed, and looked at her young lady aggrievedly.

   "Who made you so stupid. You\'ve already been given three pieces, and you still can\'t help but play, what a disappointment!" The black-bellied girl Li Shu angrily pulled the chess pieces, messing up the chessboard.

   The little maid of Baozi puffed her mouth in aggrieved manner, and suddenly saw Zhu Pingan who was borrowing books behind the bookshelf. His big watery eyes lit up, and then he looked at his family and said, "Miss, I\'m not good at chess, but I\'m sure one person can play chess well."

  The dark-bellied girl\'s eyes flashed, and she seemed to have guessed who the bun was, but she asked indifferently on her face, "Who is it?"

   "Zhu Ping\'an, he\'s a great man, he must be good at chess." Baozi.

   "Him?" The black-bellied girl snorted, "Who knows if it\'s a good one?"

  Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er rolled her eyes, then got up from her seat, walked towards Zhu Ping\'an who was flipping through the books behind the bookshelf, walked up and down, and said a few words.

  The black-bellied girl Li Shu saw Zhu Pingan looking towards her, and then saw Zhu Pingan shaking her head.

  At a glance, it was clear that the little maid of Baozi asked Zhu Pingan to play chess with her in the past, but Zhu Pingan shook her head, which made Li Shu, a black-bellied girl, very dissatisfied and pouted.

  You don\'t want to accompany me, do you? !

   "Hello, Zhu Ping\'an, come and play chess with me." The black-bellied girl pouted, bossing her around.

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words and glanced at the black-bellied girl. He hooked the corner of his mouth in disdain.

   "You" stomped her feet in a girlish way.

   At this time, Baozi moved Zhu Ping\'an, but with the voice of his own lady, his hard work was wasted reads;.

   "You, you beat me a game. You can choose a book, and it will be yours in the future. How about it, dare you?"

  The dark-bellied girl looked at Zhu Pingan provocatively, and played with a chess piece casually with her slender hands.

   "Why not."

  Hearing that, Zhu Ping\'an became interested, and happened to have a book in his fancy. This book is very thick. If it is copied, it will take several days. If I play chess with the black-bellied girl Li Shu at the moment and win, this book will belong to me. It is a business that can make money without losing money, why not do it.

To be honest, I used to play chess a lot when I was in school in my previous life, and I also checked a lot of chess records. I am not good at Go, but I can say that I am very good at chess. Fall into the trap, kill with one hit.

  So Baozi’s little maid graciously helped Zhu Ping’an and the black-bellied girl Li Shu set up the chessboard, and the old mother and little maid on the other side also performed their duties and served tea and water.

first round

Li Shu took the lead, and Zhu Pingan got on the horse. At the beginning of the game, Li Shu frequently passed the checkpoint and ate Zhu Pingan\'s chess pieces on Zhu Pingan\'s side many times, but when Li Shu was proud, Zhu Pingan only took one move to kill Chess, he won the game without taking a piece from Li Shu.

   In the second game, Li Shu was a lot more cautious, but she was still trapped in the chess game by Zhu Pingan, and lost the second game unknowingly.

   "You will cheat behind your back!"

  The black-bellied girl Li Shu, who lost two games in a row, was not convinced at all.

Then, in the third game, Zhu Pingan seemed to be specifically responding to Li Shu\'s words. He started aggressively, with "two-headed snake", "bold piercing through the heart", and "cannon smashing Dansha". The chariots, horses and cannons of Li Shu\'s side were eaten up one after another, and in the end only one veteran was left, and the rest were not left behind.

   Li Shu’s expression at that time almost swallowed Zhu Pingan alive

   "Pro, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, In, Front."

   Just when Zhu Ping\'an was going to be the last general, Li Shu, who was facing him, uttered a sentence like reads;.

   Then, I saw Li Shu brushing back all the pieces that had been eaten by her back to their original positions.

   "What are you looking at, this is the mantra of the past life, I can be resurrected after chanting it once."

  Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, plausible, her big watery eyes were full of pride.

  This shit, he was resurrected with a mantra!

  However, where is the difference in level? Zhu Pingan still used the broken chess pieces to eat up Li Shu\'s chess pieces, leaving only two bishops and three pawns.

   Then I saw Li Shu\'s trickery, her bishop could cross the river, and she said that it was bought with a lot of money and hired a lot of money to be a martial arts master as a pawn, which is more powerful than a car!

  However, even so, Zhu Pingan still strangled Li Shu\'s Dumbo and martial arts master pawns on the spot.

   Li Shu was once again left with a bare veteran.

  Then, a scene that subverted Zhu Ping\'s chess view happened. Li Shu used Zhu Ping\'s taxi to eat Zhu Ping\'s handsome man. What does this mean!

"Under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. I used a lot of money to separate one of your taxis, and it was used for me! I let the spy soldier hide beside your old man for so long, just for this moment, the people around you Sudden attack, you can\'t prevent it."

  Li Shu rested her chin and looked at Zhu Pingan with a face full of muddleheaded looks.

   "Only women and villains are difficult to raise."

  Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu who was in high spirits, shook his head slightly, and said lightly, this girl took all these two.

   "Cut, it sounds like you\'re going to be a monk!" Li Shu curled her lips disapprovingly, and then looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, "Look down on women, you won\'t marry a wife in the future?"

   "I just look down on you!" Zhu Pingan glanced at Li Shu and said lightly.

   "You\'re so narrow-minded, hey, what kind of wife do you want to find in the future?" Li Shu curled her lips in disdain, and then asked jokingly, but her eyes were burning hot.

  (end of this chapter)