Rise From the Humble

Chapter 231: visit teacher

Chapter 231 Visiting the mentor

  The north wind is bitter, and dead leaves are piled up at the feet.

  Zhu Ping\'an walked out of Li\'s house with his schoolbag slung across his shoulders, but at this time the sun in the west was still hanging in the sky, and there was still some time before sunset.

  Zhu Ping\'an slightly identified the direction, and walked to the house of his mentor, Old Master Sun. The door of the mentor\'s house was not closed as before. Zhu Ping\'an tidied up his clothes and entered the door of Old Master Sun\'s house.

  There is only the teacher\'s wife in the family, and Mrs. Sun, Yan Dao\'s benefactor, is still teaching in the school on the hillside, so Zhu Pingan said hello to the teacher\'s wife, said goodbye to the teacher\'s wife and went to the hillside.

  Since Zhu Ping\'an won the Juren, the reputation of Old Master Sun\'s private school has also grown. There are some rich and powerful families who want to hire Mrs. Sun as their children\'s teachers, but they are all rejected by Mrs. Sun with a joke; in addition, many people from other towns come here admiringly, wanting to send their children to Sun. The old master is studying, and the old master Sun welcomes it, but they have to solve the board and lodging by themselves. Some people gave up because the distance is too far, but there are still some people who buy land and property nearby, just so that their children can live in the old master Sun. Study in private school.

  Zhu Ping\'an went up the hillside, walked through the bamboo forest, and the private school was right in front of him.

   I haven’t seen you for a while, the private school has expanded a lot compared to before, and the conditions are much better. In the private school, Mrs. Sun is leading the children to recite the Analects of Confucius. The children\'s ups and downs of reading are loud and clear, like a spring breeze: a gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always sad.

In the classroom, the younger children are in the front row, and the older ones, such as Zhu Pingjun, are in the back row. After Old Master Sun led the children to read the Four Books and Five Classics, he went to the back in front of Zhu Pingjun and others to explain the principles of stereotyped composition. Essentials.

   "Stupid essays are the writing of the time, and the writing is written for the time. You must keep pace with the times, and don\'t stick to the old ways"

  Old Master Sun\'s hair is gray, but he is very energetic, his limbs are also very healthy, and his face is ruddy. Full of energy.

  Zhu Ping\'an stood quietly and respectfully at the door, not disturbing the teacher\'s teaching.

The children sitting in the front row, when they couldn\'t bear the loneliness and looked out, they found Zhu Pingan standing respectfully at the door, and looked at Zhu Pingan curiously. These children were all foreigners, and they didn\'t know the big man standing at the door. What does brother do. He looked at Zhu Ping\'an with wide eyes curiously.

  After Mr. Sun explained the stereotyped composition to Zhu Pingjun and others, he left a stereotyped topic for them to bring to class tomorrow.

  When Old Master Sun turned around to check the situation of the children\'s dictation, he found Zhu Pingan standing respectfully at the door.

   "The student has met the teacher."

  Zhu Ping\'an stretched his arms forward and bent his right hand slightly. The left hand is attached to it, and the two arms are moved from the forehead to the chest. At the same time, the upper body bows forty-five degrees to salute Mr. Sun.

   "Well, good." Old Master Sun stroked his beard and nodded, couldn\'t be more satisfied with Zhu Ping\'an.

   "I interrupted my teacher\'s teaching, and I hope my teacher will forgive me." Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help apologizing to the teacher when he saw that the students in the school were startled by his voice greeting the teacher at the door.

   "It doesn\'t matter." Old Master Sun shook his head with a slight smile, then led Zhu Pingan to the front and introduced it to the students in the private school. "This is Zhu Zihou, senior brother Zhu that you often talk about."

  Then most of the children in the private school were like modern groupies, asking Zhu Pingan all kinds of questions, waiting for Zhu Pingan to answer their questions. All of them looked like they had drunk two taels of wine, their faces flushed with excitement, showing off to the children next to them.

   It is estimated that next year, Old Master Sun’s private school students will increase. The school valley system proposed by Zhu Ping’an will be implemented in Xiahe Village next year, according to the estimation of the village elders. There will be several times more children going to school than in previous years.

   "Zihou, I\'ll let you explain this sentence to the juniors." Old Master Sun stabilized the order of the private school. Give the podium to Zhu Pingan, and ask Zhu Pingan to explain this Analects to the curious students in the private school.

  The Analects of Confucius that Old Master Sun led the children to read just now: A gentleman is magnanimous. The villain is always close. Old Master Sun asked Zhu Pingan to teach the Analects of Confucius to the students, on the one hand to satisfy the students\' curiosity, and on the other hand to study Zhu Ping\'an\'s recent homework.

"A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always sad. A magnanimous person is broad-minded; a person who is often sad is often sad and troubled. This sentence means that a gentleman is open-minded and calm. A villain is fussy and cares about gains and losses. So, from now on, we all have to be a gentleman."

  Zhu Pingan stood in front, calm and composed, explaining this sentence to the students in the private school in a simple way.

   "Brother Zihou, what is a gentleman?" A child below asked with his cheeks in his hands.

   "A gentleman is one who has no worries or fears in his heart." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

   "So simple?" The child was puzzled.

  Hearing this, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help laughing. This is more like a scene in the Analects. Back then, a student named Sima Niu had a conversation with Confucius like this.

   Then Zhu Pingan explained Yu Dan\'s explanation on this part in the modern lecture hall, combined with Master Zeng\'s explanation and his own understanding, and explained it to the children in the private school in easy-to-understand language.

The children in the private school listened with gusto because they borrowed from the lectures of hundreds of schools; the old master Sun who was sitting in the back also kept nodding his head, his eyes lit up, and he was very satisfied with Zhu Ping\'an, a disciple. This is the ability to master the entire Analects To such an extent.

   "Zihou, if you go to the capital, you will treat me well as a teacher."

  After Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, Old Master Sun said something to Zhu Ping\'an.

   This sentence means that I have great expectations for you to go to the capital for the exam this time.

It was said that Zhu Ping\'an was a little flattered. You must know that in the past, when Zhu Pingan went to take the boy\'s exam, Old Master Sun didn\'t expect much from Zhu Ping\'an; I encouraged him with my eyes; this time I went to the imperial examination, and I was competing with the outstanding talents in the whole country. I didn\'t expect my master to have such confidence in me.

   "Students must work hard and live up to the teacher\'s expectations." Zhu Pingan made a long bow and promised Old Master Sun that he would work hard not to disappoint him.

   Not long after, a bright red sunset shone through the window into the private school, casting a blush on the private school, and it was time for the private school to finish school.

   After school, Zhu Pingan bid farewell to Old Master Sun, and then he and Zhu Pingjun crossed the single-plank bridge as usual and headed for Xiahe Village.

   "Brother, after the Chinese New Year, I\'m going to Tongsheng for an exam."

  Walking on the road, Zhu Pingjun suddenly said something with a serious face.

  Then Zhu Ping\'an\'s mind was filled with the scene of uncle Zhu Shouren and Zhu Pingjun going to Tongsheng for an examination

   "I wish Brother Jun a successful start." Zhu Pingan looked at Zhu Pingjun and said his heartfelt wishes.

"Hehe, you think so too, and I think I will pass." Zhu Pingjun grinned, and then he was a little worried, "You said what should I do if my father hasn\'t passed? Where should I put my father\'s face? what."

  You really think a lot.

  (end of this chapter)