Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1514: Big things in the night (Part 1)

Chapter 1514 Deep in the night planning big things (Part 1)

   As night fell, the Zhejiang army set up camp outside the city, and the bonfires lit up like stars.

  The Zhe army ate big fish and meat, and roasted the fire. Many generals in Yuanzi were still angry.

"What are you yelling about? I didn\'t hear what the adults said. There are not many pig teammates. How can we set off our Zhejun show. Before, more than 50 Japanese pirates besieged the city, and the 100,000 soldiers on the city did not dare to fart. , cowered on the high wall, and our Zhejiang army only had more than 800 people. We fought like a tiger and attacked the Japanese pirates without fear of death. The more fierce we are, the more we compare, the faces of the officials in the city have been swollen, didn\'t you see that the officials in the city have no face?!"

"Hey, from this point of view, it\'s a good thing for them to close the gates of the city. The Japanese pirates we beat off can still scare them into closing the gates. They really went to grandma\'s house. Are there any guards in the city? ! Hehe, I guess the officers and soldiers in the city are all small toothpicks after taking off their pants, hahaha..."

"Hmph, just wait, stay until late at night, the adults will lead us to accomplish great things, we will be famous all over the world, and the officers and soldiers in the city are destined to be stigmatized forever. At that time, the swollen faces in the city will be bleed by us, so that we will become famous all over the world. When they see us, they will be ashamed to tie their crotch. Hehe, when the time comes, people with discerning eyes will see how good our lord and our Zhejiang army are, and how incompetent the Yingtian defenders are!"


   After eating and drinking enough, the general of the Zhejiang army laughed and was in a happy mood after talking a lot.

  It was already dark, and after the food was finished, Zhu Pingan ordered that all the soldiers and horses, except for the fifty sentinels, be sent to sleep.

  The Zhe Army eats well and sleeps well, and the Japanese pirates are not bad either.

After the Japanese pirates evacuated from the city to the southeast safely, they were still lying in ambush in a woods and waited for the Zhejiang army to pursue them. I didn\'t chase after it at all.

   The Japanese pirates ambushed a lonesome.

   "This Zhejiang army is too cowardly. At first they rushed towards our army. I thought they were a strong army. I didn\'t expect them to be no different from other Ming troops. They were all cowardly."

   Naoshima Naoao came out of the woods, spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and cursed mockingly.

"The leaders of this Zhe army are the emperor\'s relatives, and they would not risk their lives. They rushed over just now, but it was just speculation. They hid in the woods for an unknown how long, until Yingtian City cut off Matsushita. Waiting for others, they are sure that we will have no hope of retreating, so they rushed out to bluff and gain fame. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than speculation. These royal family and nobles are the most cherishing their lives, and they accept it when they see it. If it is not bad, until we sail into the sea , they will never come again..."

  Sanbanlang Matsuura looked in the direction of Yingtian from a distance, and curled his lips in disdain, showing full contempt for the Zhejiang Army.

   "That means they won\'t attack?" Nabeshima asked.

  Matsuura Sanbanlang nodded without hesitation, and said to himself, "Now Yingtian is a bird of fright, and the Zhejiang army is speculating. If we don\'t turn around and attack the city, they will be thankful. How dare they pursue it."

   "Yaoxi! Then go south to find a Zhuangzi, eat and drink enough, rest for a night, and tomorrow the southeast will march into Wuxi, enter Suzhou and set sail into the sea, and report to His Highness before returning to Fei." Naoshima Naonan ordered.

   "Onboard! Onboard!"

  Hearing the news of returning to the sea, all the Japanese pirates screamed excitedly. After fighting in Daming for so long and robbing so many precious gold, silver and jewels, they also felt homesick and wanted to return to their hometown with pride.

   Immediately, a group of Japanese pirates, led by Nabeshima Masao and Matsuura Sanbanrou, sang Hizen songs and swaggered forward.

   A few miles forward, the Japanese pirates came across a small village, but the villagers ran away with their families, valuables and grains were swept away, leaving only some inconvenient and worthless household items.

  From the stone tablet erected at the entrance of the village, we can know that the name of the village is Guocun.

  The Japanese pirates went into the village and ransacked the village, but they didn\'t find much, except most of the sacks of grain.

   The millet couldn’t be eaten directly, and had to be ground into rice. The Japanese pirates thought it was troublesome, so they threw away the millet, cursed and continued on their way.

  What they don\'t know is that there is an inconspicuous but not hard to find secret cellar in the backyard of the main house in Guocunli. There is a lot of grain, black meat and bacon and old altar wine hidden in the secret cellar. But the Japanese pirates didn\'t search very carefully, and left without finding anything valuable, missing such a secret cellar.

  Not far from Guo Village is Niu Village. The Japanese invaded Niu Village as soon as they came out of Guo Village. Just like Guo Village, Niu Village also had its villagers go away, taking away valuables and food.

  The Japanese pirates ransacked Niu Village, but found neither valuables nor food to feed their stomachs. They were very annoyed. If they didn\'t want to expose their traces too much, they would have set Guocun and Niu Village on fire.

   Similarly, the Japanese pirates did not search carefully, and did not find a cellar under the wall of the largest and richest rich man in Niu Village. There are also a lot of grains, sauced chicken and ducks in sauce in the cellar, as well as several jars of the best daughter red.

  After eating ashes in Guocun and Niucun successively, Japanese pirates entered Zhangjiazhai, and Zhangzhongzhai also went to Zhaikong.

However, Zhangjiazhai is indeed a well-known and wealthy village nearby. Japanese pirates found a cellar in the ancestral hall of the Zhang family in Zhangjiazhai. In the deepest part of the cellar, there were dozens of bags of grain, more than ten cylinders of flour, dozens of altars of good wine, and dozens of altars. pickles, and dozens of bacon hanging on the top of the cellar.

   Not only that, the Japanese pirates found two **** pigs, five goats, and a group of chickens, ducks and geese deep in the garden of the head of the Zhang family. Several bags of grain were placed on the ground, allowing these livestock to eat. Apparently, the members of the Zhang family fled in a hurry and did not have time to take the animals away, so they could only hide the animals in the garden, throwing away a few bags of grain, intending to escape and bring them back home.

   These are cheaper for Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates occupied the most luxurious home of the head of the Zhang family in Zhangjiazhai, and used his two-story small house as a temporary base camp. They gathered all the food, fine wine, pigs, chickens and ducks looted from the Zhang family\'s ancestral hall in the yard. .

   "Cooking rice, butchering pigs and goats. My sons and daughters are in the sky. After a hard day, please reward me."

   Naoshima ordered with a wave of his big hand.

"General, wait a minute. In order to prevent accidents and prevent someone from poisoning you, it\'s not too late to verify it for a while before using it as usual. Although this possibility is close to zero, Ming people are cowardly and don\'t know where we are going today, but Be prepared, I will return to life before returning to fat, so it is better to be careful."

  Matsuura Sanbanlang took a step forward, pointed to the food and wine in the yard, and reminded softly.

   "Hehe, Sanbanlang, you are just being careful, but if you are careful, then verify it as usual." Nabeshima Masao nodded with a smile, and directed the Japanese pirates to verify whether there is any problem with the food, wine and meat.

The Japanese pirates poured flour, pickled vegetables, and fine wine into several pots to feed the pigs, chickens, and ducks. After waiting for half an hour, they found that the pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese were all fine, so they were relieved to kill pigs, sheep, stewed meat, and barbecue. , dough pancakes

   Soon, the smell of meat and wine wafted from the courtyard of Zhang’s house

  (end of this chapter)