Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1513: do not open the city gate

Chapter 1513 Do not open the city gate

   "The whole city cheers and praises, this feeling is really cool"

   All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army listened to the cheers and praises from the city, and their hearts were as sweet as drinking honey.

"We have made such great achievements, and the folks in the city are so enthusiastic. When we enter the city, there must be officials in the city to meet and reward us. There will be endless wine, endless chicken, duck and fish, and a warm and comfortable environment. big bed"

   "That\'s for sure. I just don\'t know if there are any enthusiastic big girls and young daughter-in-laws. If they fight, how should I choose so as not to hurt others, or, hehe, just sleep with each other."

"Damn, with your horse face, you still have the big girl and the young wife fighting for it. What time is it? The big girl and the young wife don\'t go out of the door. Dream about you. Of course, you received the reward and took it. If you go to a brothel with money, there is a real possibility that sister Yao will compete for you because of the money..."

   "You can eat more meat, but you can\'t drink wine. Didn\'t you hear what the adults said, there is still something to do tonight."

  All the Zhejiang troops followed Zhu Pingan to the city gate, all kinds of flirting in their hearts and mouths.

When they were about to reach the gate of the city, a general from above the city appeared. Under the light of the surrounding torches, he bowed to Zhu Ping\'an with his fists in his arms, and said in a loud voice: "The humble Zhang Gu has met Mr. Zhu. First of all, the humble representative Zhang Shangshu, He Gonggong, Wei Guogong and all the lords and the elders of the whole city express their gratitude to Zhu lord and all the generals and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army who came all the way to rescue Yingtian."

   "General Zhang, you are being polite." Zhu Ping\'an slightly bowed his hand in return.

   "Thank you for what, don\'t be polite, open the city gate quickly, let us go into the city to rest. Is it easy for us to come out early in the morning, except to eat dry food or drink cold water, and a bird fades out of our mouths."

  A group of Zhejiang soldiers laughed and laughed, they just made great achievements, facing the defenders in the city who dare not fight behind closed doors, they have a strong sense of superiority, even if they are not afraid of Zhang Gu, who is obviously a general, they dare to make jokes.

"Ahem, the gates of the city cannot be opened for the time being, and the lowly positions are also obeying orders. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhu and all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army. For the safety of Yingtian, prevent the Japanese pirates from pretending to withdraw their troops and enter the city with their tails when you enter the city, so No one is allowed to open the city gate until it is confirmed that the Japanese pirates are indeed far away from Yingtian or have been wiped out. Therefore, Master Zhu and the soldiers can only be wronged and rest outside the city."

   Zhang Gu cupped his fists at Zhu Ping\'an and the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army with an apologetic expression on his face, coughed and said.

   "What?! Don\'t open the door, don\'t let us enter the city, let us rest in the wilderness outside the city?!"

   "We just beat off the Japanese pirates and saved Ying Tiancheng. We are your saviors. Is this how you treat your saviors? You are killing donkeys! It\'s really chilling!"

   "What Japanese pirates pretended to withdraw their ranks and enter the city. The Japanese pirates have already been beaten away by us. There are still Japanese pirates behind. Don\'t you have eyes?"

   "At the time when the Japanese pirates besieged the city, you were obedient and dared not go out of the city. We beat the Japanese pirates away desperately! You don\'t mind blushing, but you still don\'t let us enter the city to rest?! Do you still want to be ashamed?!"

  Hearing Zhang Gu\'s refusal, all the Zhejiang soldiers suddenly became angry and yelled and cursed. I came all the way to rescue you, set off early in the morning before dawn, lay in ambush in the dense forest for a long time, ate dry food and drank cold water, the cold wind was so bitter, and even risked my life to charge the Japanese pirates, not afraid Destroyed the Japanese pirates, rescued Yingtian, saved you, but you didn\'t even let you go to the city to rest. Is this your attitude towards your savior?! The more you think about it, the more dissatisfied the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army become God, the scolding is endless.

  The common people in the city who helped defend the city have long looked down on them. They share the same hatred with the Zhejiang army, fight for the injustice of the Zhejiang army, support the Zhejiang army, and ask the defenders on the city to open the city gate so that the Zhejiang army can enter the city to rest.

   Closing the gates of the city is a collective decision of a group of official bosses, and there is nothing they can do about it.

   "Quiet!" Zhu Pingan turned around and looked at the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, and shouted loudly.

  Suddenly, the Zhejiang army quieted down.

Zhu Pingan\'s prestige in the Zhejiang army is increasing day by day, especially in today\'s battle, Zhu Pingan predicted the enemy first, and every word must be right. The Japanese pirates seemed to obey Zhu Pingan\'s orders. The advance and retreat were all within Zhu Pingan\'s expectations. Under his leadership, he won a bloodless victory, and all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army believed in Zhu Ping\'an. Therefore, when Zhu Pingan gave an order, all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army obeyed the order.

  Seeing that the Zhe army had calmed down, Zhu Pingan nodded in satisfaction, then looked up at the city.

   Seeing Zhu Pingan appease the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, Zhang Gu couldn\'t help but wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Just now he thought that the Zhejiang Army was going to mutiny, and his heart was in his throat. Fortunately, Zhu Ping\'an, Mr. Zhu, controlled the situation. However, the actions of the adults really make people blush. They are really ashamed to face the Zhejiang army, but there is no way. The adults can hide, but he can\'t hide as a lieutenant general. To appease the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, he couldn\'t help but blushed with guilt in the face of the Zhejiang Army\'s scolding.

Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled and cupped his hands at Zhang Gu, and said in an unhurried manner: "My lords\' worries are not unreasonable, and soldiers take protecting their families and defending the country and obeying orders as their bounden duty. Your Excellency’s decision, then our Zhejiang army must obey the camp and rest outside the city. However, our Zhejiang army sent troops early in the morning, and then fought fiercely against the Japanese pirates. Now we are exhausted and it’s getting late. It’s not easy to bury a pot to cook food. Teng Teng eat and reward me, my soldiers."

Soldiers take protecting their families and defending the country as their bounden duty to obey orders. Hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, Zhang Gu was filled with admiration and blushed even more. This makes one dedicate to grown-ups through a hanging basket."

   "Now that we are at war, there is no need for good wine. The more delicious food, the better." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile.

   "Definitely, definitely." Zhang Gu responded repeatedly.

   Soon, baskets of hot chicken, duck, fish, steamed buns, meatloaf and broth came down from the city. Zhu Pingan thanked Zhang Gu and others in the city, sent people to receive them, and divided them equally among the soldiers.

  The city specially prepared a feast for Zhu Pingan, which was extremely exquisite and rich, and could be called a full feast of Manchu and Han banquets. It was sent down in two large baskets.

   "When we charge against the Japanese pirates today, the soldiers at the front of the formation should stand out." Zhu Pingan looked around at the soldiers and said loudly.

   Soon, all the soldiers who charged at the front stood up, there were more than 80 people in total, most of them were brave men pushing wooden carts.

   "Good!" Zhu Pingan glanced at them one by one, and praised them with satisfaction, "You put on the strong and strong, take the lead, and don\'t fear the Japanese pirates. The meal given to me in the city will be rewarded to you."

   Then, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t refuse, and ordered them to sit down before the big meal. Considering that thirty dishes were not enough for more than eighty people, he filled them with chicken, duck and fish.

Zhu Pingan did not have a big meal with them, but went to a group of ordinary soldiers, sat down on the floor like them, took a big bowl, saw everyone dumbfounded, couldn\'t help laughing and scolding: "Don\'t be dumbfounded, eat meat!" , eat and drink enough, camp and rest, there are big things tonight."

   "Hey, eat meat, eat meat." All the soldiers smiled and started to eat and chew.

  All the soldiers and civilians in the city were greatly touched when they saw Zhu Pingan rewarding the soldiers of Fen Xian with a big meal, and went to eat the big pot meal by themselves.

  (end of this chapter)