Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1515: Big things in the night (Part 2)

Chapter 1515 Deep in the night planning big things (Part 2)

  In the courtyard of Zhang’s house, the aroma of wine and meat is fragrant, and Japanese pirates dance in their crotch.

  In the courtyard, the two **** pigs that had been alive and kicking had their final destination. One was stewed in a cauldron, with a gurgling meaty smell; Sheep, chickens, ducks, and geese all have their own destinations, either stewed in a pot with a **** pig, or roasted on a fire.

Two Japanese pirates wearing only loincloths were playing sumo wrestling in the courtyard, and the rest of the Japanese pirates sat around drinking and eating meat, or booed and took out a handful of gold and silver jewels to bet on the sumo wrestling side, or beat their chopsticks and sang the song of the Japanese country. The ballad is really as high as it is.

  If Matsuura Sanbanlang hadn’t always been cautious and insisted that the Japanese pirates were not allowed to drink too much, and that they could only drink a bowl of wine per meal, these Japanese pirates would have been so drunk and unconscious.

  Although you can\'t drink alcohol, you can eat meat openly, which also appeases these Japanese pirates. Their life in Japan was not so good in the past. It would be good to eat meat once a month, but they still eat meat openly. The biggest manifestation is that these days after landing in Daming, although the daily battles are constant and they are running around and fighting every day, the bodies of these Japanese pirates are getting stronger and stronger, and every Japanese pet has the body of a tiger and wolf. , looks particularly oppressive.

  In order to lead by example, Naoshima Naoo drank a bowl of wine and smashed it to the ground, expressing that he would never drink too much, and Sanbanrou Matsuura didn\'t even drink a drop of wine. Of course, both of them didn\'t eat less meat, one could eat more than the other.

  After eating and drinking enough, the Japanese pirates came to rest in the Zhang residence as if there was no one else around.

  Of course, Matsuura Sanbanlang, who has always been cautious, arranged for five Japanese Japanese to be on guard at night.

   Not long after, there were bursts of snoring in the courtyard of Zhang\'s house, and the resting Japanese pirates were all asleep.

  The five Japanese pirates who were on duty at night probably ate too much, and people tend to get sleepy when they are full, and they are no exception.

It was okay at the beginning of the night watch, they were all dutiful and responsible, but after half an hour, their eyelids began to fight, but they could still force their spirits up, but after an hour, they gradually couldn\'t hold on It\'s too sleepy, I can only lean against the wall to support my body.

   After a while, three Japanese pirates on duty at night leaned against the wall and fell asleep, snoring gradually.

  The remaining two Japanese pirates also nodded their heads for a while, and it seemed that it would be a matter of time before they fell asleep.

   One night and one night into the center.

  While Zhang\'s house was full of snoring noises, the Zhejiang army\'s temporary camp under Yingtian City was quiet and tense.

  If someone checks it, they will find that the Zhejiang army has already been empty.

  The Zhe army rejuvenated their seminiferous tubes after their early meals. In the middle of the night, when it was almost noon, the Zhe army who had slept enough and nourished their energy quietly got up and put on their armor. Under the cover of night, they left the camp and sneaked southeast.

  The soldiers of the Zhejiang army walked quickly with branches in their mouths, making no sound except for the sound of low footsteps.

"Da Dao, take two quick and alert people to investigate first. See where the Japanese pirates are located and what the situation is. Remember, you must be careful and careful, and don\'t startle the snake. Although we have made arrangements in advance, it is inevitable. When one day fails to fulfill one\'s wishes, it is best to be careful."

  Zhu Ping\'an called Liu Dadao to stop before departure, and asked him to take someone to investigate first to find out the situation of the Japanese pirates.

  Liu Dadao was ordered to select two quick-witted experts, put on night clothes, and go to the southeast to investigate first.

About half an hour later, Liu Dadao and the others came back from the investigation, and replied to Zhu Pingan excitedly, "Young master, we have already investigated clearly, hehe, the Japanese pirates are in the Zhang family courtyard in Zhangjiazhai, and everything is in order." Under the arrangement of the young master. We saw the bright lights of the Zhang Family’s courtyard two miles away. These Japanese pirates had no intention of hiding at all. They really had nothing to fear! The peacock tail given by Miao Village really worked, and those Japanese pirates were all deceived. Overturned, we heard the snoring of the Japanese pirates from a long distance. The Japanese pirates scattered five spies outside, three of them were lying on the wall and snoring, and the other two were leaning against the wall motionless. They must have fallen asleep. , didn’t dare to get too close.”

   "Very good." Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but smile when he heard Liu Dadao\'s report.

  The peacock tail was the medicine that Zhu Ping\'an sent people to beg from Wuxi barbarian seedlings, and it was brought back together with the secret knife creation medicine.

  Peacock tail is not the tail of a peacock. It is a herb picked in the mountains by Wuximan Miao Village. It is shaped like a peacock\'s tail, hence the name Peacock Tail. Peacock tail is not poison, it is not poisonous, but it can help sleep and has the effect of numb nerves. Wuxi Manmiao collects peacock tails, dries them, grinds them into powder, and stores them for later use. Peacock tail powder can be dissolved in water or wine. It is colorless and tasteless. Wuxi Manmiao uses it as a sleeping pill. It is usually given to Zhaizi people after they are injured to relieve pain. This is a chronic sleeping pill, which slowly develops its properties, causing people to gradually lose consciousness, and finally become drowsy, just like natural sleep entering deep sleep. People who don\'t know peacock tail can\'t even notice it after being tricked. In about an hour, the effect of the medicine will be in place, and the property of the medicine is three points stronger than that of Mongolian sweat medicine, which is necessary for murder and arson.

  Of course, Mongolian sweat medicine is a fast-acting medicine, and it will be poured as soon as you drink it. Peacock tail is a chronic medicine, and it takes about an hour to fully exert its medicinal properties.

  After Peacock Tail exerts its medicinal properties, it takes a long time to wake up, depending on the body constitution, ranging from half a day to a day. If you want to wake up early, you can take "Zaoqicao" for immediate results. It is also a herbal medicine cultivated by Miao villages. It usually grows next to the peacock\'s tail, which can be regarded as the antidote for peacock\'s tail.

  Zhu Ping\'an knew the medicinal properties of Peacock Tail, so he asked people to ask for a large number of them from Wuxi Manmiao, as a weapon to save people and kill people. It is also a big gift specially prepared for Japanese pirates.

  Zhu Ping\'an carefully studied the behavior of Shangyu Japanese pirates after they landed in Daming, and found that this group of Japanese pirates was treacherous and bold, cautious and arrogant. This group of Japanese pirates often murdered and set fire, and they were not afraid of the Ming army chasing and besieging them.

  For example, after this group of Japanese pirates landed in Shangyu, after burning, killing and looting in Funing Town, they did not escape or escape. They arrogantly used the three-story wooden building of the richest man in Funing Town, Zhang Yuanwai\'s house, as a temporary residence, eating, drinking and resting. The same is true in Jixi County, Jingde County and other places. After burning, killing and looting, they ate, drank and rested on the spot or nearby as if no one was around.

   Almost without exception.

However, although the Japanese pirates are arrogant, they are more cautious. Judging from the pond newspaper and various news, although the Japanese pirates eat and drink a lot, they drink relatively well, and they don’t drink much each time. You can see it.

  According to the characteristics of the Japanese pirates in Shangyu, Zhu Pingan specially prepared a big gift for them.

When troops were dispatched from the Taohuaji military camp to rescue Yingtian, Zhu Pingan specially ordered people to purchase a lot at Taohuaji. Food, bacon, bacon, wine, etc. were all added with peacock tails, and they were pulled by a modified wooden cart. Thirty cars.

  According to historical data and research on the Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan concluded that the Japanese pirates must go southeast to evacuate from Yingtian.

Therefore, in advance, people will quietly put these added food in the southeast of Yingtian in the Lizheng and wealthy places of Guocun, Niucun, Zhangjiazhai, Erdaohe, Taichangzhuang and other villages and towns. at home.

   Just in case, Zhu Pingan also ordered peacock tail medicinal powder to be poured into the wells of these people. Wait until the matter is over, and then pour the "early grass" powder into the well to detoxify, and you don\'t have to worry about the people being recruited in the future.

  (end of this chapter)