Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1464: Japanese pirates go north

Chapter 1464 Japanese pirates go north

  Zhu Ping\'an noticed Zhang Jing\'s slight expression, and knew that his evaluation in his heart had been lowered a little.

  But Zhu Pingan is not worried, because after a few days, when Emperor Jiajing appoints Zhang Jing as the governor of Zhejiang Province and the jurisdiction is Jiangnan, his evaluation in Zhang Jing\'s heart will reach a height that ordinary people can\'t match.

   Now Zhang Jing thinks that he is young and unreliable, and then Zhang Jing will marvel at his overall view! Foretelling things like a god, seeing the details, knowing the future, and planning strategies. Perhaps these will become Zhang Jing\'s own labels in his mind.

  Look at the long-term scenery, don\'t stick to the short-term gains and losses in front of you, Zhu Ping\'an knows this well.

  Next, Zhang Jing asked a few more questions, including what are the difficulties in the team training now, and what are the plans for the future, etc., and then served tea to see off the guests.

  Zhu Ping\'an bid farewell and left Yingtian tactfully. Before leaving Yingtian, he went to look for Xu Wei again, but it was a pity that Xu Wei was not at home, and he didn\'t know where he went. Maybe he went to visit his friends. Although Xu Wei has a weird temperament, he still has some friends. I don\'t know when he will return. Time is precious, so Zhu Pingan didn\'t delay any longer, and went straight back to Taohuaji from Yingtian.

   Nothing happened all the way.

   Arriving at the Taohuaji Barracks, Zhu Pingan entered into a tense military training life, and at the same time paid close attention to the news of the Japanese invasion.

  Time passed day by day, and the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, Naoshima Nao, continued their crimes.

Naoshima and his entourage passed through the pass unscathed and entered Jixi County, Huizhou Prefecture after the garrison fled in Huizhou Prefecture. Jixi County never expected the Japanese pirates to pass the pass so quickly and easily. Before the gates could be closed, Japanese pirates invaded the city and plundered wantonly.

  Then, the Naoshima Naomen and the Japanese entered She County, Huizhou Prefecture from Jixi County.

Naoshima Naoman led a group of Japanese to plunder as soon as they entered She County. After looting two villages, Sanbanlang Matsuura put a Japanese sword on the neck of a local old man with white beard, and asked the old man where he was, and learned that They had already entered She County, and Matsuura Sanbanlang then asked the old man what places were in the north. After asking, he drew a knife and killed the old man, then took out the map in his arms, and added "She County".

"Straight male general, it\'s okay. This place is more than five hundred miles away from Shangyu where we landed. It is recorded in the "Wu Jing Zongyao" of the Ming Dynasty: "Every army marching on the road should rest neatly for ten miles, and dry food for thirty miles." , sixty miles of board and lodging\'. It can be calculated that the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty can march for sixty miles a day. This five hundred miles is enough for the elite troops to travel continuously for ten days. During this journey, the troops of the Ming Dynasty are far from elite. The five hundred miles is enough for them to walk for more than half a month to a month. At that time, His Royal Highness\'s coalition forces will plunder the Suzhou and Shanghai areas of the Ming Dynasty, and they will only plunder for more than a month at most. The inland reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty that need to be considered will only This is the end of Huizhou Prefecture. It is not a worry to go deep into the inland reinforcements. When they arrive in Suzhou and Shanghai for reinforcements, we will set sail and return to Hizen. Therefore, to spy on the inland of the Ming Dynasty, we can stop here. No need to go deeper into Daming, turn head north, according to that old man, to the north is Ningguo Mansion, and to the north is Taiping Mansion, Taiping Mansion is southwest of Yingtian Mansion, we will turn northeast from Taiping Mansion to enter Yingtian Mansion, hehe, Let’s try for His Royal Highness how Da Ming accompanied Ying Tian, ​​and then we can go south from Ying Tian to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and after walking around Daming Su and Hangzhou in this way, we have completed His Highness’s mission, and we can sail back!”

  After completing the map, Matsuura Sanbanlang walked up to Nabeshima Naoo and advised Nabeshima Naoo.

   "Yaoxi, just as Sanbanlang you said." Naoshima Nao nodded and accepted Matsuura Sanbanlang\'s suggestion.

"Bastards, this is the end of going deep into the inland of Ming Dynasty. If you want to kill yourself in She County, we will turn your head and head north! I will take you to Yingtian, the \'Shangluo\' of Daming, to see the knot of Shangluo in Daming Not solid!"

  Nabeshima Naoao turned his head and shouted at the Japanese pirates.

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

   "Shangluo! Shangluo!"

   All the Japanese pirates waved their Japanese swords excitedly, as if crazy.


   Naoshima waved the Japanese pirates and led them to the next village in She County.

"Shexian, She. General Zhinan, General Matsuura, you can\'t be killed, and you can\'t be killed here any more." At this moment, a Japanese pirate who had followed Xu Hai to plunder Daming silently recited Shexian twice, as if suddenly remembering Something happened, his complexion suddenly changed, and he was sweating coldly, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

   "Huh?!" Matsuura Sanbanlang stopped in his tracks, and looked at the pirate with burning eyes and doubts.

Naoshima directly grabbed the Japanese pirate by the collar with one hand, lifted him off the ground, pressed the Japanese sword with the other hand, and sneered impatiently, "Can\'t kill? Hehe, Kameda Jiro, you actually told me Can’t kill?! This general can even kill you, but he can’t kill the village men and women of Daming?! What’s the matter, you killed a few Ming dogs and killed your head, and you want to put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha right away?! How dare you Stopping Ben in the future?! Do you really think that Ben will not be willing to kill you?!"

   Naoshima Naoo raised the Japanese sword with a murderous look on his face as he said that. The scared Jiro Kameda was so sweaty that he couldn\'t speak.

"General Straight Man, be safe and don\'t be impatient. Mr. Guitian has followed Xu Hai to plunder Daming many times, and his hands are stained with the blood of the people of Ming Dynasty. He is not a soft-hearted person. General Straight Man, I want to follow you and me all the way in Guitian For the sake of life and death, give him a chance to explain, and it will not be too late to kill him later."

   At the critical moment, Matsuura Sanbanlang reached out and pressed Naoshima\'s hand holding the knife, and said to Nabeshima.

"Hmph, for Sanbanlang\'s sake, Kameda, I will give you a chance to explain. If you can\'t convince me, then you will have a better memory in your next life, and don\'t stop me!" Naoshima Naoo With a snort, he threw Kameda Jiro to the ground.

   "Thank you General Matsuura, thank you General Nao Nan." Kameda Jiro knelt and kowtowed again and again.

   "Say, why did you stop the general from killing Minggou?!" Naoshima asked impatiently as he pressed the Japanese sword with his hand.

   "Hey, back to the general, this place is She County, so I can\'t kill it." Kameda Jiro replied with a hilarious voice.

   "Huh?! Because it is Shexian County, so you can\'t kill it? Hehe, your reason. Let\'s remember it in the next life." Naoshima smiled angrily, raised the Japanese sword and walked towards Kameda Jiro.

   "She County is the hometown of Hui Wang Wang Zhi." Kameda Jiro shouted hastily.

   "The straight male general will keep him under the knife!" Sanbanlang Matsuura shouted after hearing this.

  He shouted in time, Naoshima\'s knife stopped in front of Kameda Jiro\'s neck, less than one centimeter.

   "She County is the hometown of Hui Wang Wang Zhi?" Matsuura Sanbanlang and Nabeshima Nao were surprised almost at the same time.

"Yes, I just remembered. I heard Xu Hai say that the hometown of King Huizhou Wang Zhi is Shexian County, Huizhou Prefecture. The reason why Wang Zhi called himself \'King of Huizhou\' was because his hometown was Shexian County, Huizhou Prefecture! "

   Kameda Jiro said quickly.

"Well, it turns out that She County is the hometown of King Hui Wang Zhi. It seems that it is really not allowed to kill people in She County. If you kill Wang Zhi\'s hometown relatives and friends by mistake, King Hui Wang Zhi will definitely hate us. If His Highness provokes you for nothing Such a formidable enemy has delayed His Highness\'s plan, and even if we die, we cannot escape the blame."

  Matsuura Sanbanlang nodded, and said to Nabeshima Naoo.

In the shadow of a famous tree, when Naoshima heard that this place is Wang Zhi’s hometown, he immediately became serious, and nodded vigorously, “Yaoxi, what Sanfanlang said is reasonable. Wang Zhi should not be taken lightly. You have provoked such a great enemy for Your Highness." Then he shouted to a group of Japanese pirates, "You bastards, seal your sword! Go north! Wait until you get out of She County, and then have a good time killing!"


  All the Japanese pirates dare not violate.

  (end of this chapter)