Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1463: The second examination of Zhang Jing (Part 2)

Chapter 1463 Zhang Jing’s second examination (Part 2)

   "Well, what do you think is the first priority for the plan to destroy the Japanese?" Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Ping\'an with burning eyes, and asked again.

   Zhang Jing also asked Hu Zongxian about this question last time. At that time, Hu Zongxian\'s answer was: transfer troops, transfer troops, or transfer troops.

  Hu Zongxian regards troop mobilization as the first and most urgent task of destroying the Japanese. If he wants to destroy the Japanese, he must mobilize troops.

  Zhang Jing is looking forward to Zhu Ping\'an\'s answer, and see if Zhu Ping\'an has any unique insights into the current strategy of fighting Japanese.

   "The lower officials think that the first priority of the plan to eradicate the Japanese is to unify the command!" Zhu Pingan cupped his hands without hesitation.

   "Unified command?" Zhang Jing was slightly taken aback. To be honest, Zhu Ping\'an\'s answer was somewhat unexpected.

   "Or to be precise, appoint the governor." Zhu Pingan said softly.

   "Why did you say that?" Zhang Jing asked with great interest.

"Nowadays, Japanese pirates are becoming more and more corrupt. Countless Japanese pirates gather and scatter to ravage the south of the Yangtze River. From Shandong Province in the north to Guangdong Province in the south, they are all within the range of Japanese pirates. It is difficult to wipe out the Japanese pirates, and it is even difficult to resist the Japanese pirates. In this case, if you want to wipe out the Japanese pirates, you must coordinate the troops and materials in Shandong, Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces, and unify the command. Gather forces, deploy troops and dispatch generals to destroy the Japanese pirates. In addition, the current military system in the south of the Yangtze River makes it difficult to effectively concentrate troops to wipe out the Japanese pirates. Now patrolling the sea has no responsibility to manage the army, and there is no right to fight the Japanese with flags in the river. Sending the soldier talisman, but the officers have no soldiers who have fought, the militiamen have no daily training except for the officers, and the military supplies and food have no other items of wealth. Therefore, unified command is imperative. If we want to achieve unified command , the only way is to appoint a governor to appoint a governor of Zhejiang. No, it is an extraordinary time to do extraordinary things. The governor of Zhejiang is far from enough. The governor of Jiangnan should be appointed. The governors include Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. Endow all military and financial powers in the governor\'s jurisdiction, have the right to coordinate the distribution of money, food and supplies to the provinces in the jurisdiction, have the right to command and mobilize the troops of the provinces in the jurisdiction, and gather the strength of the provinces to fight and wipe out the Japanese pirates. Unified command, appointing the governor of Jiangnan, like a human brain , The lower officials think that this is the most important task of destroying the Japanese."

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at Zhang Jing, and said slowly. Although the voice was not loud, it was loud and deafening.

   "Governor of Jiangnan, Governor of Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places of military affairs."

Hearing this, Zhang Jing couldn\'t help taking a deep breath. Zhu Pingan, the governor of Jiangnan, dared to think too much. The governor of Jiangnan took up half of Ming Dynasty, and it was the most affluent place in Ming Dynasty. The governor of Jiangnan had too much power. , The military power equivalent to half of the Ming Dynasty is in hand, and the word high and powerful is not enough to describe the governor of Jiangnan.

  Although Zhang Jing also thought about appointing a governor, he just felt that the governor of Zhejiang Province should be appointed, or at most the governors of Zhejiang and Zhili, and the governors of Zhejiang and Nanzhili. Since the establishment of my Ming Dynasty, at most I have appointed governors who manage the military affairs of the two provinces.

  Where would you dare to think that the Holy One would appoint a governor to manage half of the Ming provinces including Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi.

  Zhang Jing never dared to think about it.

  So, when Zhu Ping\'an said this, Zhang Jing couldn\'t help but gasped.

   "Ahem, Mr. Zhu, you are still too young, and you are a bit whimsical. It is impossible for the governor of Jiangnan. From ancient times to the present, there has never been a governor with such high authority and power."

  Zhang Jing coughed, waved his hands, and said bluntly.

Faced with Zhang Jing\'s doubts and denials, Zhu Ping\'an remained calm and calm, and insisted softly, "Perhaps the lower official is too young, but it has never happened in the past, so it doesn\'t mean there will be no future. The lower official thinks that appointing the governor in this way can get twice the result with half the effort. , can wipe out the Japanese pirates in the fastest, best and most stable way.”

  The reason why Zhu Ping\'an is so persistent is because he comes from modern times and is well aware of the development and evolution of history.

  Historically, Emperor Jiajing will soon appoint the governor of "Zhejiang Zhili", whose jurisdiction is Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other half of Ming\'s provinces, holding half of Ming\'s military power.

  The governor of "Zhejiang Zhi" that Emperor Jiajing is about to appoint is the actual governor of Jiangnan, and the jurisdiction is exactly the same as that of the governor of Jiangnan mentioned by Zhu Ping\'an.

The reason why Zhu Pingan said the governor of Jiangnan instead of the governor of Zhejiang Province is because the governor of "Zhejiang" literally means the governor of Zhejiang and Nanzhili provinces. The reason why he governs Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, etc. Half of the Ming province was specially approved by Emperor Jiajing, and it is actually the governor of Jiangnan.

  Now it is said that the governor of Zhejiang Province is appointed. In the absence of special approval from Emperor Jiajing, it is the governor of Zhejiang and Nanzhili provinces, and its jurisdiction is only the two provinces of Zhejiang and Nanzhili.

   Only after Emperor Jiajing specially approved the jurisdiction of the "Zhejiang Zhi" governor, the governor of Zhejiang Zhizhi could govern Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces.

In the future, after Emperor Jiajing issued a decree to set up the governor of Zhejiang Province, and specifically stipulated that its jurisdiction should be Nanzhili, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, the governor of Zhejiang Province would be the actual governor of Jiangnan. The governor is also correct, but it would be wrong to say that the governor of Zhezhi is now appointed.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an said the governor of Jiangnan.

   Now insisting on his own opinion may leave Hu Zongxian with an impression of being too young and taking it for granted.


Zhu Ping\'an believed that after Emperor Jiajing appointed Zhang Jing as the governor of Zhezhi, Zhang Jing\'s thought of what he said today would definitely make him startled and his scalp numb, and his own image would suddenly shine in his mind. At that time, I will definitely leave an unforgettable impression in Zhang Jing\'s heart.

  Zhu Ping\'an is good at it, he is really good at predicting things.

  This is the same as wanting to rise first, suppressing and reversing, and it will leave a deeper impression.

   This day will be soon.

According to historical records, within three to five days at the earliest, or ten and a half months at the slowest, Emperor Jiajing will issue an imperial decree and transfer Zhang Jing as the governor of Zhejiang Zhili, under the jurisdiction of Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other half of the Ming Dynasty. For all the military power and financial power in the governor\'s jurisdiction, Zhang Jing can directly write and dispatch troops in Shandong, Nanzhili, Huguang, Guangdong and other jurisdictions without going through the cabinet or asking the emperor for instructions. At that time, Zhang Jing would like to transfer Guangxi wolf soldiers again, which is a matter of saying a word.

  Young, still young, it is good for young people to have self-confidence, but self-confidence must be realistic.

   Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s insistence, Zhang Jing shook his head slightly in his heart, and his score for Zhu Ping\'an\'s answer this time was not as high as the previous question.

  It is necessary to appoint a governor, but the governor of Jiangnan is a bit taken for granted

  Hu Zongxian\'s answer to this question, Zhang Jing scored a few points higher than Zhu Ping\'an.

  (end of this chapter)