Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1465: Firearm training

Chapter 1465 Firearm training

   "Report, there is the latest pond report." The gatekeeper handed over the latest pond report to Zhu Ping\'an.

Zhu Pingan opened the pond newspaper and browsed through it. This pond newspaper recorded many incidents of Japanese invasion. On the second side of the pond newspaper, he found news of Shangyu Japanese pirates. Yesterday, this group of pirates robbed Huizhou from Jixi County, Huizhou. In Shexian County, after looting two villages, they marched rapidly overnight and raided into Jingde County, the border of Ningguo Prefecture. Tang Bao also specifically recorded that Cai Yaozuo, the history of the classics of Jingde County, mobilized more than 1,100 soldiers and horses from all walks of life, and bought a coffin from the coffin shop. There is no reward for the support of the elders of Germany. Today, the Japanese pirates invaded the country and killed my father and the people. Cai will swear to destroy the Japanese pirates. If I succeed, this coffin will be filled with the heads of the Japanese pirates. If you fail and die on the battlefield, you can carry me back in the coffin if you can help me." After speaking, the people carried the coffin all the way, and vowed to go out of the city to wipe out the Japanese pirates.

  Tang Bao only recorded that Cai Dianshi swore to leave the city. When it was published, Cai Dianshi had not yet fought against the Japanese pirates.

Tang Bao is optimistic about Cai Dianshi\'s suppression of Japanese. Tang Bao analyzed that the failure of those county towns to suppress Japanese before was because there were not enough troops, and there were only three to five hundred people to suppress Japanese. Now this group of Japanese pirates is less than 120 There are ten people, and Cai Dianshi has assembled more than 1,100 soldiers and horses, ten times the strength of the Japanese pirates. In addition, Cai Dianshi is skilled in bows and horses, and he is a family of generals. The determination and the determination to suppress the Japanese, the so-called mourning soldiers must win, and Cai Dianshi will surely succeed in this battle.

  I hope that Cai Dianshi can succeed immediately.

  Zhu Ping\'an closed the Tang newspaper and read a sentence silently, but he was sweating for Cai Dianshi in his heart.

   Without him!

   This group of pirates is too strong.

  If it weren\'t for the elite troops, ordinary civilians and soldiers in the guards would not be the opponents of this group of Japanese pirates at all.

The general advantage in military strength is not enough to wipe out this group of Japanese pirates. The Shaoxing government has gathered more than 2,000 troops to suppress the Japanese pirates, but they can\'t make any achievements. Fifty people, the loss is not too much, and the big waves washed the sand, the remaining Japanese pirates are the elite of the elite, each of whom has experienced hundreds of battles. Cai Dianshi\'s more than 1,100 troops are not enough to deal with The Japanese pirates established enough advantages.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an was a little worried about Cai Dianshi.

   "Bang, bang, bang"

  On the Taohuaji school field, the Zhejiang Army has already started live ammunition drills. There is a lot of gunpowder smoke and the pungent smell of gunpowder permeates the air.

  One of Zhu Pingan\'s training directions for the Zhejiang Army is to use firearms.

  If crossbows are a great revolution in ancient warfare, then firearms are a subversive revolution in warfare.

  Replacing cold weapons with hot weapons is a historical necessity, and Zhu Pingan decided to advance this step.

Zhu Pingan has a clear understanding of himself. Compared with this cold weapon era, his understanding and experience of cold weapon warfare does not have much advantage. Compared with the famous generals of this era, such as Qi Jiguang, Yu Daqiu and others In fact, I am far inferior to them, but if it is a hot weapon war, then Qi Jiguang, Yu Daqiu and the others, it is no exaggeration to say that in this era, no one can compare with myself. This is the advantage of hundreds of years of experience. Therefore, whether it is to adapt to the development of the times or to make use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, Zhu Ping\'an will definitely push the Zhejiang Army on the road of weaponization.

  Although the firearms of this era are still rough and immature, they still have a huge advantage over cold weapons. It’s just that the understanding and application of firearms by people in this era is not enough.

   First, time cost. It takes about two years to train a qualified cavalry soldier; it is relatively easy to train a qualified melee veteran, but it takes a year and a half; it is easier to train a qualified long-range archer than a melee veteran, but It also takes three to five months; to train a qualified firearms soldier, the time cost is relatively low, and one or two months is enough.

  Secondly, the cost of military resources. In the era of cold weapons, compared with the era of hot weapons, the requirements for the quality of soldiers are higher, and the requirements for physical strength are very high. After all, strength is the basis of combat power in the era of cold weapons. If your sword and spear are weak, and you can\'t pull your longbow, then you are a burden. However, in the era of hot weapons, as long as you can afford a gun, that\'s enough.

  In addition, the battery life cost. Cold weapon wars, wielding swords and spears, panting within a few rounds, drawing bows and archery is better than battery life, but in ancient times, shooting eight arrows in a row was a qualified archer, and shooting twelve arrows in a row was an elite archer, Generally speaking, it is almost the limit for an archer to shoot fifty arrows in a battle that lasts for several hours. But as for the firecracker, it saves a lot of effort. It is almost effortless to load the gunpowder, and it is also effortless to pull the trigger. As long as the gunpowder is sufficient and the gun does not explode, it can theoretically last infinitely.

  So Zhu Pingan\'s drills for the Zhejiang Army focused on firearms.

However, it is a pity that the firecrackers and artillery of this era are really too rough, and the firecrackers are still matchlock guns, which are too backward. Although Zhu Pingan is a liberal arts student majoring in ancient Chinese literature, he is not as good at making guns as a science student. Cannon, but I have never eaten pork and seen pigs run away. After all, it comes from modern times and has hundreds of years of historical experience. I still have some ideas for improving firearms in this era, at least it can provide some ideas.

   For example, use flint instead of matchlock, for example, add rifling to the barrel to improve shooting distance and accuracy, etc.

There is a famous saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration, plus ninety-nine percent sweat, but that one percent inspiration is the most important, even more important than the ninety-nine percent." Every sweat counts."

  Although I don’t know how to install flint, let alone how to draw rifling on the barrel, I can provide this epoch-making idea. Through skilled craftsmen and thousands of trials, I can always make it successfully.

  Of course, there are ideas that can be realized without skilled craftsmen.

   For example, an epoch-making technique to increase the reloading speed of the matchlock gun-oiled paper gunpowder pack. Wrap the gunpowder and warhead in oiled paper. When loading the gun, tear off the end of the paper with your mouth and use it. It is easy and fast to load the matchlock gun, preventing soldiers from loading too much due to tension, suddenness and other factors on the fierce battlefield. Or install less gunpowder and cause shooting failures and accidents. This technique seems simple and inconspicuous, but according to historical development, it took around the 17th century to be invented.

  However, it has been invented by Zhu Pingan in advance. Zhu Pingan also remembered this technique after discovering that the Zhe Army loaded gunpowder slowly two days ago, and that accidents often occurred due to overloading or underloading.

  Now the Zhejiang Army is training firecrackers, using oil-paper gunpowder packs, and the speed has more than doubled.

   This technique was listed by Zhu Pingan as the top secret of the Zhejiang Army, and it is strictly forbidden to leak it to the enemy.

  Of course, Zhu Pingan did not cherish himself, and recorded this invented technique in a secret book, and reported it to Emperor Jiajing. However, the Ming army currently does not pay enough attention to firearms, and its own suggestions may not attract enough attention. However, I believe that with the formation of the Zhejiang Army and the establishment of the Zhejiang Army, this situation will definitely change.

  (end of this chapter)