Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1095: tea house criticism

Chapter 1095 Tea House Criticism

   "Qiwanzhai" teahouse is the most famous teahouse in Jingnan County. It is located in the center of the county town. It covers an area of ​​about 200 square meters and has two floors. It can accommodate more than a hundred people to enjoy tea together.

  The name of the "Qiwanzhai" teahouse is taken from the "Song of Seven Bowls of Tea" written by Lu Tong, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, who is the sub-sage of tea. Lu Tong said in "Seven Bowls of Tea Song": "One bowl of tea moistens the throat, and the second bowl is broken and boring. The third bowl is exhausted, but there are only 5,000 volumes of words. The fourth bowl sweats lightly, and all the injustices in life are poured into the pores. San. Five bowls of Muscle and Bone Clear, six bowls of Tongxian Ling. Seven bowls can’t be eaten, but I feel the fresh breeze in my two armpits.” Lu Tong wrote the beauty of tea, and the store used it as the name of the teahouse. It is not only considerate, but also very Compelling.

Not only the name of the store is second, but the owner of the teahouse also knows how to operate it. Not only the tea and ingredients are carefully selected, but also storytellers, singers, and opera singers are often invited to the teahouse for free performances for tea drinkers to enjoy and entertain. Therefore, the teahouse The business in the teahouse is very booming. Every day, the teahouse brings together the three religions and nine streams of Jingnan County. There are many people talking and colliding with miscellaneous news. More than half of the political news and gossip news in Jingnan County are brewed and spread here.

  For example, today, Qiwanzhai invited a storyteller to talk about the Three Kingdoms, and the teahouse was full of seats. The storyteller told the story of Feng Chu Pangtong trying to defend Leiyang county magistrate. After the story, the storyteller went to the backstage for a tea break. After talking about the Three Kingdoms for a long time, the storyteller\'s throat was so dry that it was about to smoke. He had to drink half a pot of tea to moisten his throat and take a good rest before continuing to tell the story.

  Mr. Storyteller went down to rest, and the tea customers in the teahouse became lively.

  Mr. Storyteller told the story of Pang Tong trying to defend Leiyang County Magistrate. Coincidentally, the hottest and most concerned topic in Jingnan County now happens to be the new county magistrate. After Mr. Storyteller went down, the tea guests naturally chatted about Zhu Pingan, the new magistrate.

"This person can\'t be compared with others. Look at Pang Tong. In half a day, he has dealt with the political affairs that have been backlogged for hundreds of days. What about our new county magistrate?! It\'s been a few days, and I heard about a case There is no trial, hey, the people of Jingnan are really suffering, and there is such a useless magistrate."

At the table closest to the storytelling table in the teahouse, a bearded tea customer was sitting. He was listening most seriously just now. Now he thought of the demeanor of Fengchu Pangtong in the storyteller\'s mouth, and then thought of the performance of the new county magistrate in the past few days. After such a comparison, I couldn\'t help it. After taking a sip of tea, I started complaining.

"Do you know why? Let me tell you. My brother-in-law is the servant of the county government. I heard from him that our new little county gentleman was emptied out by the old fritters of the county government. Xiao The county lord sent someone to send the files of the backlog of cases, and it has been a few days, but he has not received a single file."

  A tea customer on the table next to him was eating melon seeds while deciphering the bearded man and the surrounding tea customers.

"That\'s true, I\'ve heard it too. I have a relative who is a secretary of the county government. He mentioned it to me when I was drinking the day before yesterday. It is said that Zhang Xiancheng took care of it behind the scenes, and the six servants united and refused to cooperate. .”

   Soon someone nodded in agreement and further decrypted.

   "As I said earlier, there is no hair on his mouth, and he can\'t do things well. This little magistrate is too young, he probably doesn\'t have all his hair, and he doesn\'t have any helpers. He alone is no match for Zhang Xiancheng and the others."

"It is said that the new official takes office three fires. Our Xiaozhi County is good. When the new official takes office, the fire certificate is held by the people below and the match is poured with a basin of water. Let alone three fires. Not even a single flame can be lit."

"Hey, this little magistrate is about to be expelled. Even if he is not expelled, he will be dismissed by Shangfeng. As the head of a county, Jingnan County will not be able to carry out any work. You say, if he is not expelled Punishment, who is punished."

"It\'s really hard for us ordinary people in Jingnan to have such an incompetent county magistrate. Look at Chun\'an County, the county magistrate of Nahai is well-known. We are unlucky. The county magistrate has changed so many, but he just cubs with a weasel , A nest is not as good as a nest."

   "Hey, we\'d rather have a county magistrate who is greedy for money and **** than an incompetent magistrate who will exhaust the entire army to death."

   Once the topic started, the car could not be stopped, and everyone in the teahouse made comments one after another. Basically, all they heard was dissing Zhu Ping\'an\'s voice. They were extremely disappointed in Zhu Ping\'an.

  The more you diss Zhu Ping\'an, the more passionate everyone becomes, and there is a tendency for heroes to see the same thing and cherish each other.

   "Xiao Er, hurry up and have a bowl of tea, our throats are almost smoking."

   Just as everyone in "Qiwanzhai" dissed vigorously, five or six people from the teahouse Jin came in, urging the waiter to pour tea.

  These people became the focus as soon as they entered, attracting everyone\'s attention.

  No one else, because of the clothes these people are wearing, they are all wearing prison uniforms!

  Prison uniform? !

   Fugitive? !

  When everyone saw the prison uniforms on them, they couldn\'t help but think of the words fugitive and prison escape.

   Then take a closer look at them. They are all dirty and unkempt, and they look like prisoners who have been locked up for a long time.

  Prisoners are not squatting in the prison, why come here?

   Everyone knows that Xiaozhi County has not received even a file, and has not tried a single case. How could any prisoner be released?

   Isn\'t this a jailbreak? !

  Jingnan County is not big, and it has been many years since anyone has escaped from prison. Now that such a prison escaped appears all of a sudden, this is explosive news. All the tea guests looked in shock at the prisoners in prison uniforms who came in.

   "Look outside, there are many more outside."

  A tea customer by the window saw prisoners in prison uniforms passing by the teahouse from the corner of his eyes. He fixed his eyes and found that there were many prisoners in prison uniforms passing by the teahouse outside. He couldn\'t help shouting loudly to remind everyone.

  After listening to the reminder, everyone looked out one after another. Sure enough, they saw many prisoners in prison uniforms, at least 70 to 80, passing by the teahouse. Looking at the direction, they should be heading out of the city.

   "How come so many people have escaped?!"

   "What does the county government do to eat? How did so many people escape from prison?!"

   "What does this little county gentleman do?! He is really incompetent. He can\'t control his subordinates, and he can\'t even control the prisoners. He let so many people escape from prison!"

   All the diners in the teahouse were stunned. They looked at the tea guests in prison uniforms with strange eyes, pointing and whispering.

   "What are you talking about! You can talk about us behind our backs, but you can\'t speak ill of the magistrate magistrate behind his back! What escape?! We were specially granted by the magistrate magistrate to go home for autumn harvest."

"We are all prisoners who were imprisoned because we did not pay taxes. The county magistrate took pity on us, and life was not easy. Considering that the autumn harvest is coming soon, in order not to delay the farming season, he specially allowed us to go home to participate in the festival. Autumn harvest, let us return to the prison to report after the autumn harvest."

   "The magistrate is such a good official, if any of you dare to speak ill of the magistrate behind his back, don\'t blame me for not having eyes!"

   Several prisoners in prison uniforms who were begging for tea could bear it at first when they heard the whispers behind everyone, but when they heard them say that Zhu Ping\'an was incompetent behind their backs, they couldn\'t help but beat the case, glared at everyone, and said loudly.

  (end of this chapter)