Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1096: Famous for a while

Chapter 1096 Famous for a while

   I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air! !

  The glaring remarks of the prisoners made the whole teahouse instantly quiet, just like absolute zero, falling into absolute silence.

What? !

what did they say? !

  They said that in order not to delay the farming season, Zhu Pingan, the new county magistrate, had the audacity to give more than a hundred prisoners who had not paid their taxes a holiday, let them go back to the autumn harvest, and then return to the prison to report after the autumn harvest? !

  Everyone in the teahouse was completely stunned, their heads turned around stiffly like a wooden man, and their eyes were fixed on the talking prisoners, as if they were suddenly awakened in a deep sleep, as if they were mentally retarded and out of focus.

  What the hell? ! Give prisoners a day off? !

  From ancient times to the present, for thousands of years, I have never heard of any official who dared to give prisoners a holiday! Counting all the great figures in history, I have never heard of a single person who dared to give a prisoner a holiday? !

   Did Zhu Pingan eat the guts of a bear? ! Or crazy? ! Or was his head caught by the door? !

Qiwanzhai Tea House was absolutely quiet for a few seconds, then buzzing exploded, people recovered from their stunned, took a breath, heart lake suddenly turned up a monstrous wave, surrounding the prisoners in disbelief Ask all kinds of details, such as the number of prisoners released, the scene at that time, and so on.

The storyteller, who was originally taking a tea break, got the news, and didn’t care about taking a tea break in the background. He put down his teacup and ran out. He became the most active person in questioning the prisoners, just like an ancient news reporter, asking very detailed questions. carefulness.

In the end, people confirmed the authenticity of the news: Zhu Pingan, the new county magistrate, was sympathetic to the hardships of people\'s livelihood, and when the autumn harvest was approaching, he gave a holiday to 108 prisoners who had not paid taxes in the prison and allowed them to go home to participate in the festival. After the autumn harvest, they were required to return to the prison to report on their own.

   This is just like a legend. After learning the whole story, Mr. Storyteller was very excited, and felt that today was the right time. This is the freshest and most authentic first-hand material. It is even more legendary than a legendary story. It is conceivable that when I process this news, it will be very popular. Mr. Storyteller made up his mind to follow up, pay more attention to, and inquire more about the story of this new magistrate in the future.

  After the shock, everyone in the restaurant gave Zhu Pingan different opinions.

  Some people think that Zhu Ping\'an is crazy and stupid in reading, and dares to give prisoners a holiday for the autumn harvest. After the autumn harvest, they can go back to report on their own and then go to jail? !

  Of course, more people praised Zhu Ping\'an\'s feat.

Many people in the restaurant felt their faces were hot. Just a second ago, they were humiliating the new county magistrate Zhu Pingan for being incompetent, useless, and useless. Criticizing such a useless magistrate on the booth would be a disaster for the people of Jingnan. In a second, they dared to risk the disgrace of the world and gave more than a hundred prisoners a holiday and autumn harvest. It takes a lot of courage and compassion to be able to do such a shocking feat that no one dared to do before and no one dared to do in future generations. He can be called the first person in the ages, with courage soaring to the sky!

   Is it a disaster for the people of Jingnan?

  People are so benevolent and sympathetic to the sufferings of people\'s livelihood, even prisoners can be treated so tenderly, let alone the general public.

  In short, Zhu Ping\'an became famous all of a sudden.

Zhu Ping\'an\'s reputation quickly spread from the Qiwanzhai teahouse, spread throughout the streets and alleys of Jingnan County, and soon spread to all villages in Jingnan County, and within a few days the entire Taizhou Prefecture began to spread the word about Zhu Ping\'an. The story of the autumn harvest for more than a hundred prisoners is over. In less than half a month, Hangzhou, Yanzhou, and Jiaxing, which are close to Taizhou, also know the name of Zhu Pingan, the new magistrate of Jingnan County, and his amazing feat.

  Jingnan County shook.

  Taizhou government shakes.

  The entire Zhejiang Chengxuan Political Commissioner was shocked.

  Zhu Ping\'an became famous all of a sudden, and Zhu Ping\'an\'s name was known for the first time by the Political Envoy Secretary of Zhejiang Chengxuan.

   "The higher the praise, the harder the fall! After the autumn harvest, when the prisoners don\'t return to the prison to report, let\'s see how Zhu Pingan ends up."

  Master Yao knew that Zhang Xiancheng was in a bad mood, so he came to Zhang Xiancheng\'s office room specially, waved back and forth, and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Xiancheng with a teapot, handed it to Zhang Xiancheng who looked worried, and said with a smile.

  After listening to Master Yao\'s words, Zhang Xiancheng\'s unexpected expression softened a lot, and he took the teacup handed by Master Yao.

"Although I understand the truth, I just feel uncomfortable. I have worked hard and worked hard for decades, and my reputation is not obvious; why did Zhu Ping\'an come here for a few days? He obviously did not obey the law and released prisoners privately." , but has a huge reputation." Zhang Xiancheng took a sip of tea, and said to Master Yao with a displeased face.

  If the people of Jingnan County heard what Zhang Xiancheng said, they would definitely spit on him. You still have the face to say that you have worked hard and worked hard, but you are working hard to earn money, bully others, and act recklessly.

   "Brother Zhang, be safe and don\'t be impatient. The autumn harvest will only take half a month at most. When the time comes, Zhu Ping\'an will look good."

   Master Yao picked up the teacup and said with a smile.


  Zhang Xiancheng nodded.

   "However, you can\'t just wait, you have to find something for him to do, so that he won\'t be uneasy again." Master Yao pulled the corners of his mouth sinisterly, showing a fox-like smile, the corners of his mouth were full of bad water.

   "How to say?" Zhang Xiancheng asked very interested.

   "That\'s it, that\'s it" Master Yao leaned closer to Zhang Xiancheng\'s ear, and said his plan.

   "Okay! Okay! Let\'s do it like this." Zhang Xiancheng nodded repeatedly, unable to hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

   On the second day, shortly after the county government responded to Mao, the drum of grievances rang in front of the gate of the county government.

   "Who plays the drums? Please come to the hall."

   This is the first time since Zhu Ping\'an took office, he heard the sound of the grievance drum. Zhu Ping\'an attached great importance to it, and immediately asked people to invite the drummer to enter the lobby.

"Master Zhixian, I reported the theft three months ago and lost a cow. It\'s been three months, why hasn\'t there been any movement? It seems that the autumn harvest is almost here, and there is no cattle. How can my family harvest in the autumn? The magistrate of the county seeks to make the decision for me."

  A man in coarse clothes with bare arms walked into the lobby with his shoulders slanted, knelt down with a plop, lowered his head and complained.

  Three months ago?

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help turning his head to look at Zhang Xiancheng, Master Yao and Zhang Danian, who were sitting in the hall, and asked softly, "Is there such a thing? Where is the file at that time?"

   "Yes." Zhang Xiancheng and the other three nodded.

"Master Hui County, at that time the former magistrate was directly responsible for the case, and the file was also kept by the former magistrate, and the humble officer did not have this case file in his hands." Zhang Danian, the official of the punishment room, got up and said, pushing the file on the former magistrate .

  The former county magistrate was murdered less than a month after he took office. It has been three months since the theft, and the scene of the theft is gone

   There is simply no way to solve the case in court. Zhu Pingan had no choice but to apologize and ask the person concerned to go back first, and promised to solve the case as soon as possible.

  The people who lost their cows here left the lobby, and the drum of grievances rang again outside.

  This time it was a pig loss, and the case also happened three months ago. Coincidentally, the file was also kept by the former magistrate, and it disappeared.

  After the loser left, the drum of grievances sounded again.

  This time it was the loss of the sheep, which also happened three months ago. Coincidentally, the file was also kept by the former magistrate, and it disappeared.

  (end of this chapter)