Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1094: Zhang Xiancheng launched an attack

Chapter 1094 Zhang Xiancheng launched an attack

   Zhu Ping\'an ordered that all the prisoners be allowed to go home to participate in the autumn harvest, and return to the prison to report after the autumn harvest is over.

   Zhang Xiancheng and others were shocked when they heard the words, and they looked at Zhu Ping\'an as if they were looking at a lunatic.

  The surprise came too suddenly. All the prisoners knelt on the ground excitedly, kept kowtowing, knocking the ground with a bang, thanking them endlessly. Many prisoners were so excited that they couldn\'t help but burst into tears.

   "Everyone, wake up, it\'s getting late, go home. After the autumn harvest, remember to report back to the prison."

  Zhu Ping\'an walked down the lobby, helped up a prisoner who was weeping and kowtowed wildly, and said loudly.

   "Thank you, my lord."

   "Thank you, Lord Qingtian, you are our real parent officer, you are only thinking of us."

   "Master Qingtian, go home, I will set up a shrine for you, and burn incense for you sooner or later, to bless the master\'s safety and health."

  All the prisoners got up, still emotionally excited, and looked at Zhu Pingan with admiration, respect and enthusiasm. Master Qingtian, it turns out that there really is a Master Qingtian, Zhu Pingan is simply the reincarnation of Bao Qingtian in their eyes.

   "Everyone, go back."

  Shengci? ! Stop joking, Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly, waved his hands, and told the prisoners to go home.

   "Thank you, Master Qingtian."

   "Thank you, Lord Qingtian, we will definitely come back after the autumn harvest, and Lord Qingtian is pleading for our lives, and we will definitely live up to Lord Qingtian."

  All the prisoners thanked each other and prepared to leave.

   "Stop! Everyone stop! Who dares to take a step!"

   Just as the prisoners turned around and were about to leave, they suddenly heard stern yelling sounds above their heads.

  The prisoners stopped in fright, turned their heads to look at the speaker, and Zhang Xiancheng appeared in everyone\'s sight.

   Zhang Xiancheng got up from his seat, stood like a tower, pointed at the prisoners, and sternly shouted to stop the prisoners.

   Very imposing!

   Zhang Xiancheng\'s situation at this moment, at this moment, gives people an aura of arrogance, eloquence, and inviolability!

   "Oh, what advice does Zhang Xiancheng have?"

  Zhu Ping\'an turned around, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhang Xiancheng, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, these are one hundred and eight prisoners who have not paid their taxes, not one or two. If you say they will be released, they will all be released? This is letting the tiger go back to the mountain! If these people don\'t come to the prison to report after the autumn harvest, what will happen if they run away? What to do?! That was a big mistake! Mr. County Venerable, have you figured it out?!"

   Zhang Xiancheng looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, made no secret of his opposition, and challenged Zhu Pingan in public.

  At first, Zhang Xiancheng thought that Zhu Ping\'an was going to use torture to force taxes! However, it never occurred to him that Zhu Pingan dared to risk the displeasure of the world by releasing prisoners who had not paid taxes to go home for harvest! Moreover, instead of releasing one or two prisoners to go home for autumn harvest, they released all of them as soon as they were released, a total of 108 prisoners!

   This kid is crazy! Zhang Xiancheng couldn\'t believe his ears when he heard Zhu Pingan\'s order.

  After the shock, Zhang Xiancheng couldn\'t help being ecstatic.

Ha ha!

   Originally, I didn\'t know how to catch Zhu Ping\'an, find Zhu Ping\'s fault, and drive Zhu Ping\'an out of Jingnan County! Unexpectedly, this kid went dizzy by himself, and made this stupid trick: let more than one hundred prisoners go home for autumn harvest!

   This is really sleepy giving a pillow.

   This kid actually put the blame and fault on his own hands, hehe, then I will be impolite.

  Especially, when the prisoners thanked Zhu Pingan, called Zhu Pingan Qingtian Master, and said he was a real parent officer, Zhang Xiancheng couldn\'t help it, what kind of **** Master Qingtian Parent Officer!

  Jingnan magistrate is mine!

  So, Zhang Xiancheng got up without hesitation, tore off his disguise, and challenged Zhu Pingan in public.

"Yes, my lord, Zhang Xiancheng is thinking of you, you have to think twice before acting. Besides, whether it is the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", or the laws and regulations of the past years, or even the laws and regulations of the Han, Tang, Yuan, Song and four dynasties. , and there is no law that allows prisoners to go home for autumn harvest?!"

   Master Yao got up immediately after Zhang Xiancheng got up and spoke. He quoted the scriptures, grasped the provisions of the law, and waved the flag for Zhang Xiancheng.

   "Yes, my lord. You can\'t let them go home for autumn harvest. What about more than a hundred prisoners? What if they run away?"

   "Yes, it\'s easy to let more than a hundred prisoners go, but it\'s hard to come back and report. It\'s rare for one or two to escape. The county lord, you can\'t let them go."

  The subordinate officials of the sixth house also stood in line to agree with Zhang Xiancheng and opposed Zhu Ping\'s decision to let the prisoners go home for autumn harvest.

  For a while, the entire county government officials stood on the side of Zhang Xiancheng, and Zhu Ping\'an became a loner.

  Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and inspected Zhang Xiancheng and the six servants, not surprised at their opposition.

   Not only was it not surprising, but it was even a little gratifying.

In the hall, when the prisoners heard the objections from Zhang Xiancheng and the others, they all glared at Zhang Xiancheng and the others angrily. Due to the intimidation of the officials, they dared not do anything, but expressed their anger with their eyes .

  Thanks to Zhang Xiancheng, they are still locals from Jingnan, bah, what kind of goods are these people!

   Compete with the county magistrate, and judge! Who has the common people in his heart, who thinks of the common people, who makes decisions for the common people, who is the real parent official, who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, this comparison makes it clear!

   Now, all the officials in the yamen are opposed to letting us go home for autumn harvest. All the prisoners looked at Zhu Pingan nervously and uneasy, and they had already accepted their fate in their hearts.


  The consensus is hard to come by, the magistrate is afraid that he will withdraw his order, but we don\'t blame the magistrate, we only blame the dog officials like Zhang Xiancheng!

"Zhang Xiancheng, Master Yao, and everyone, don\'t worry." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, looked at Zhang Xiancheng and others, then glanced at the prisoners, and said in a firm and confident voice, "I believe They. If they run away, it is my Zhu Pingan who made a mistake in my judgment. This mistake is borne by me alone, and has nothing to do with you. Well, documents, make a record, and you can attach your objections. It has nothing to do with you when the prisoners go home for harvest."

   Zhang Xiancheng wanted to say something, Master Yao squeezed his eyes hard at him, Zhang Xiancheng was stunned for a moment, and soon understood, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He understood Master Yao\'s meaning. Since Zhu Ping\'an wants to risk the world\'s disgrace and let more than a hundred prisoners go home for autumn harvest, why not let him go? What about more than a hundred prisoners? If something goes wrong, it will be Zhu Ping\'an\'s responsibility, and he, the magistrate, will do it. It\'s over.

  He committed suicide, so why stop him.

  Anyway, we will leave objections on the record, and if we pursue responsibility in the future, we will not be able to catch up with me. We opposed it, and it was Zhu Ping\'an who insisted on going his own way. In this way, we are not only innocent, but have merit.

   When Zhu Ping\'an gets out, I will be the county magistrate!

  (end of this chapter)