Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1093: An astonishing move, risking the displeasure of the world

Chapter 1093 A shocking move, risking the world\'s displeasure

   Zhu Ping\'an visited Yao\'s hometown for nearly an hour. While talking about the daily life, he asked about the situation in Dayao Village and several nearby villages.

  After leaving Yao\'s hometown, Zhu Ping\'an continued to visit two villages, and then returned to the county government.

  Through the visits, Zhu Ping\'an strengthened his determination, and once he returned to the county government, he ordered the government servant to be promoted.

   "It\'s about to be released in the afternoon, why did you suddenly get promoted? Did Xiaoxian Zun take the wrong medicine?"

   "If you don\'t know how to be a county magistrate, why don\'t you do it? When is this, and you are still promoted?! It\'s a joke."

   "What kind of moth is Xiaoxian Zun going to produce?!"

   All the officials of the county government received the notice of promotion, and they all slandered Zhu Pingan in various ways.

   "Let\'s see what Xiaoxian Zun is going to do, and I will adapt to the situation later." Zhang Xiancheng instructed everyone like this.

  The subordinate officials of the Sixth House and others understood, followed Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Zhubo, and rushed to the lobby one after another.

   "Officer Zhang, inform the prison guards to bring all the prisoners in the prison who have not paid taxes to the lobby."

  Zhu Ping\'an took out a "holding" lottery from the lottery tube and handed it to Liu Mu, who handed it to Zhang Danian, the official of the punishment room, and ordered him to notify the prison to bring all the prisoners who were imprisoned for not paying taxes to the lobby.

   Send all prisoners who haven\'t paid their taxes to the lobby? ! Then there must be a hundred and ten people? !

  Xiaozhi County, what is this for? !

   Zhang Dianli took the order and did not immediately execute Zhu Ping\'an\'s order, but subconsciously looked at Zhang Xiancheng.

   Zhang Xian Cheng nodded his head unobtrusively, Zhang Dianli received Zhang Xian Cheng\'s acquiescence, and then took orders to go to prison.

  Zhu Ping\'an narrowed his eyes, taking this scene into his eyes, knowing it clearly in his heart, and didn\'t make any reaction on his face.

  After Zhang Dianli left, the subordinate officials in the lobby whispered to each other, and the lobby was full of their buzzing voices. They didn\'t understand why Zhu Pingan brought all the prisoners who had not paid their taxes to the lobby for trial? ! No need, they were arrested just because they didn\'t pay taxes, and they\'ve already been in court. But why did Xiaozhi County bring them to the lobby again? Trial again? Playing prestige? !

   Or do you want to use torture, beat them severely with a stick, torture them, and order them to pay taxes? !

  If these prisoners who do not pay taxes are really tortured, maybe it is really possible to force some people to pay taxes.

  Don\'t say it, this is really a method.

   Tsk tsk tsk, I didn\'t expect that!

  Fortunately, he is still a scholar. He looks simple and honest, gentle and gentle, and he is not very old. I didn\'t expect him to be so dark and ruthless!

  If he really wants to do this, maybe he can really force some people to pay taxes and food. This is more or less a little performance after he took office. This is not allowed, and his conspiracy cannot be allowed to succeed.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Xiancheng couldn\'t help but look up at Master Yao who was beside him.

Director Yao had a sympathetic heart, and he understood Zhang Xiancheng\'s eyes in an instant. He smiled slightly, lowered his head and said to Zhang Xiancheng in a low voice, "Brother Zhang, don\'t worry. Officials are strictly prohibited from abusing punishment. Only when four conditions are met: \'committing a felony\', \'clear evidence of stolen goods\', \'disobedience to recruitment\', and \'clear document\', can criminals be punished. There are strict regulations: Except for homicide cases and robbery cases, the rest of the criminals can only be whipped. If you need to use torture tools such as sticks, clamps, brain boxes, and irons, you must go to each level. If he wants to use torture to force taxes, we, as officials of the imperial court, naturally cannot sit back and watch the county respect him for violating laws, abusing punishment, and bullying the people."

   Zhang Xiancheng was reminded by Master Yao, and immediately felt relieved. The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept in silence.

   Soon, Zhang Dianli led the prison guards and escorted more than a hundred prisoners who had not paid taxes, money and food to the lobby.

  The number of prisoners was too large to stand in the lobby. Some prisoners stood outside the lobby and were guarded by jailers and yamen servants.

   "Kneel down!"

   Yamen servants and jailers ordered the prisoners to kneel down.


  The two rows of yamen servants under the court hall slammed the killing stick vigorously, shouting mighty, and the court hall suddenly became solemn.

   "The grassroots/criminals pay homage to the county magistrate."

  All the prisoners trembled, and fell to their knees one by one, feeling uneasy. They didn\'t know why the magistrate put them in court again, but a strong premonition enveloped them, making them feel like they were about to go to the guillotine.

   "Get up."

  Zhu Ping\'an sat on the high hall, raised his right hand, and made the prisoners stand up.

  All the prisoners got up anxiously, their legs trembling, waiting anxiously for the fate to come.

   "You are all prisoners who have not paid taxes." Zhu Pingan looked at the prisoners and said slowly.

  Straightforward to the point, the picture is poor, this is to use torture to extort taxes, right? !

   Zhang Xiancheng and others looked at Zhu Pingan, and when they were about to wait for Zhu Pingan to use torture, they decisively dissuaded him in accordance with the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" and other laws, so as to prevent Zhu Pingan\'s conspiracy of extorting taxes by torture from succeeding.

   "Master Zhixian, we didn\'t intentionally not pay taxes, we really couldn\'t make up the taxes..."

   "The harvest was not good last year..."

   "We really didn\'t intend to resist the tax. My mother-in-law is sick, and the food is sold to buy medicine. The county magistrate..."

  A kind of prisoner couldn\'t help explaining anxiously.


  All the yamen servants knocked on the ground with killing sticks, and ordered the prisoners to be silent. The prisoners were frightened and dared not speak out.

  Everyone looked at Zhu Pingan, waiting for Zhu Pingan\'s next move.

The ceremonial officials and criminal officials were instructed by Zhang Xiancheng and Master Yao, and they had already lifted half of their buttocks, and they were waiting for Zhu Pingan to order to use torture to extort taxes. According to Chenghua regulations, prevent and oppose Zhu Ping\'an.

  Amid all the attention, Zhu Pingan got up from the lobby and looked at the prisoners in the courtroom.

  All the prisoners were in fear, and the two were fighting, quite a feeling of imminent disaster.

  The pupils of Zhang Xiancheng and Master Yao contracted slightly, and their eyes were focused on Zhu Ping\'an. The buttocks of the officials in the ceremonial room and the official in the punishment room were lifted by a third, and only a little of their buttocks were touching the chair.

   "You are all prisoners held without paying taxes."

In the midst of everyone\'s attention, Zhu Pingan continued the sentence just now and continued, "You are also the sons, husbands and fathers of the family. You also have families, parents, wives and children, and you also have to live. It is almost September, and soon It’s time for the early rice harvest. In order not to delay the farming season, and for the sake of your parents, wives and children, the official hereby grants you permission to go home for the autumn harvest. However, when the autumn harvest is over, you must report back to the prison as soon as possible. Now, you can all back home."


What? !

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an\'s words fell, Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhuzhu and the sixth house subordinates all looked at Zhu Ping\'an in shock.


can not believe!

  Zhu Ping\'an...he, he...he is really risking the world! Has he eaten the bear\'s heart and leopard\'s gall? ! Does Zhu Pingan know what he is doing, releasing more than a hundred prisoners to go home for harvest? ! In the whole world, in history, no magistrate has ever dared to do such a crazy thing! He, Zhu Pingan, the county magistrate, doesn\'t want to do it, does he? !

   Zhang Xiancheng gasped, pointed at Zhu Pingan with a trembling finger, his eyes were wide open, almost popping out of their sockets, his mouth was wide open, too shocked to make a sound.

   In fact, they were not the most shocked.

   It was the trembling, uneasy, and fearful prisoners in the lobby waiting for the imminent disaster.

A group of prisoners who thought they were in danger, unexpectedly heard Zhu Pingan\'s order to let them go home for autumn harvest. They couldn\'t believe their ears, and they couldn\'t believe that the county magistrate wanted to let them go home for autumn harvest. ? !

is this real?

   This is a shocking surprise!

  All the prisoners pinched their arms and felt the bone-piercing pain. Fang believed this to be true. The county magistrate really wanted to let them go home for the autumn harvest. They were unbelievably happy, and many prisoners even cried in excitement.

   "Master Qingtian, thank you, Master Qingtian."

   "Don\'t worry, my lord. I will return to the prison on time after the autumn harvest. If anyone dares not to go back to the prison, I will be the first to spare him!"

   "After the autumn harvest, we must return to the prison to report. If anyone does not come back, he will have no children and grandchildren."

  All the prisoners knelt on the ground, thanked Zhu Pingan incoherently, and swore one by one that they would return to the prison after the autumn harvest.

  (end of this chapter)