Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1055: The Days I Rehabilitated in the Houfu (3)

Chapter 1055 The days when I recuperated in the Houfu (3)

"Be careful with your hands and feet, don\'t make any noise, don\'t disturb my uncle\'s recuperation!" Qin\'er stood at the door, staring at the girls\' cooking utensils such as copper pots, copper stoves, soup spoons, and long chopsticks. One by one into the bedroom.

   "It\'s okay, I didn\'t sleep, I\'m not in the way." Zhu Pingan lay on the bed and waved his hands indifferently, watching them busy with interest.

  Lunch is venison pot. Zhu Ping\'an already knew this from Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, and now it has been confirmed.

  After setting up the copper boilers, the girls brought in bowls of sesame sauce and refreshing side dishes. Of course, the protagonist of today’s lunch—venison.

  Plates of bright red venison with almost no weight loss were brought in by the maids. The venison was cut in a moderate thickness and the texture was picturesque. If the venison is cut too thin, the gravy will not be locked in, and it should be loose and broken when it is cooked. If it is too thick, the taste will be lost. The texture of each piece of venison is a unique masterpiece. The venison with red background and red stripes is like the bright red plum blossom juice dripping into the water and slowly blurring, finally solidifying into an abstract ink painting.

  Fresh and juicy, without any smell.

   Such a plate of fresh venison awakened Zhu Pingan\'s taste buds before it was scalded in the pan. It is worthy of being "the best of meat".

   Venison has been known as "the best meat" since ancient times. It tastes the best among meats. Its meat is tender, fragrant but not greasy. Of course, its price is also the best. Whether it is ancient or modern, venison is a precious food. Deer are quick to move, timid and easy to scare, low fertility, breeding costs, inbreeding and genetic degeneration and disease, etc., so that they cannot be domesticated by humans like pigs, cattle and sheep, so they are rare and expensive. Venison has always been All are expensive ingredients.

  Of course, the essence of venison is only relatively expensive. It is expensive to ordinary people, but it is nothing to the families of dignitaries.

  After Li Shu heard that doctor Zhang mentioned that venison would help Zhu Ping\'an recover, he ordered people to go to the north overnight to collect a yellow-rumped red deer, and handed it over to the kitchen of Marquis Linhuai for slaughter. Because there are few people in the Jingxiang Garden, and Li Shu pays attention to the freshness of the ingredients, so only a few pieces of the most tender and tender venison are left, as well as some venison, venison, venison liver, and venison tripe. The rest of the venison is also lost. , Simply use the waste, and distribute it to the kitchens of the Linhuaihou Mansion, under the pretense of giving extra meals to the old lady and others, which can be regarded as a favor.

  After the girls arranged the hot pot ingredients one by one, Li Shu came in from the outside.

Li Shu should have just taken a bath, her pretty face is covered with a red door that is smothered by the heat, it is as delicate and lovely as a flower petal, and the three thousand black silk is still full of water vapor. The butterfly carved out of luminous pearls shines brightly in the sun, a strand of blue silk hangs on the chest, brushing the beautiful and clearly visible collarbone. If the shoulders are shaved, the skin is like creamy fat, and the catkin is as soft as white snow. The outer cover is a white gold silk red plum organdy that drags the floor, and the lotus steps are slow, like flowers and willows.

  Washed away, but still charming and charming, the stunning Zhu Pingan kept his eyes on, raised his head, and looked at Li Shu who was walking slowly without blinking.


  Li Shu walked to the bed, stretched out her slender hands and waved in front of Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes, smiling sweetly and looking forward to her beautiful eyes.

   "Hehehe... It\'s not all the fault of the lady, the soul of the uncle was taken away by the lady."

  Qin\'er covered her small mouth and giggled coquettishly.

  Hearing this, the other girls in the room couldn\'t help covering their mouths and giggling coquettishly.

   "Hunn said, I think you little hooves are itchy? You dare to tease the master." Li Shu laughed and scolded Qin\'er and the others.

   "Miss calm down, the maidservants don\'t dare anymore..." Qin\'er and the others pretended to be afraid, and giggled while covering their small mouths.

  For a moment, the room was filled with the voices of girls giggling and giggling, full of coquettishness, and Yan Yan curled up, as if entering the kingdom of daughters.

"There are beauties in the north, who are peerless and independent. When you look at the city, you look at the country. I don\'t know the city and the country. It\'s hard to get a beautiful woman again... As the saying goes, a woman is the one who pleases herself. Since your lady has carefully groomed me With such a beautiful appearance, I certainly can\'t let down your lady\'s kindness, so I must appreciate it."

Zhu Pingan, who came from modern times, has already developed a thick skin. He was teased by the girls, and he didn\'t blush at all. He first stared at Li Shu intently, recited a hymn, and then turned his head and smiled at Qin\'er and the others. , explained calmly, fully explaining what it means to be brazen.

"Shameless and skinless, which one groomed you. I think the holy court made a mistake. You shouldn\'t spank your ass, but you should spank your thick skin..." Li Shu couldn\'t help but rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan, Pouting his cherry mouth, he said angrily.

  Qin\'er, Hua\'er and the others covered their small mouths to hold back their laughter, their shoulders trembling, and they endured very hard.

  After some frolicking, the pot of venison began to bubbling.

The pot is a soup base made of deer bones, with red dates, wolfberry, angelica, spear root and other medicinal foods. As the milky white soup rolls, the meaty aroma of deer bones and the nutrition of the medicinal foods slowly spread in the soup. Blending in, the fragrance becomes stronger and stronger.

   "You can eat the meat now."

  The bear boy beside him had already started to drool, he rubbed his saliva vigorously, raised his chubby face and looked at Li Shu expectantly. Little Lolita Niu Niu couldn\'t do much better either, with her little finger in her mouth, she blinked at Li Shu.

   "Two little greedy cats." Li Shu couldn\'t help laughing, glanced at Zhu Ping\'an out of the corner of her eye, and changed her name, "Three greedy cats."

   "It\'s out of the pot."

  Amidst the cheers of the bear children, the fresh venison ingredients were dropped into the tumbling soup base by the maids.

  The venison is fresh, put it into the pot, and dance up and down with the bottom of the soup. There is no foam at all, only the attractive fragrance wafts.

   "One, two, three, four, five, you can eat, you can eat."

After the bear counted to five, he couldn\'t wait for a moment, and couldn\'t stop urging the girl to get him some meat from the soup. When the girl fished out a piece of venison, the bear was like an agile fat dog. Regardless of the hotness, he grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, but it was so hot that he grinned, but he ate happily, and his face was full of satisfaction and happiness.

   "Brother-in-law eat." Little Lolita Niuniu served the cooked venison in front of Zhu Pingan like a treasure after she got the cooked venison in her small bowl.

   "Niuniu you eat, brother-in-law has."

  The patient Zhu Ping\'an was well taken care of by Li Shu, chewing venison in his mouth, and said vaguely.

  Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an was eating, the little Lolita Niuniu stopped insisting, and started eating intently like a kitten, with her little cheeks bulging.

   "As expected of the best meat."

After taking a bite of venison, Zhu Pingan said with emotion, the venison looks similar to pork after being cooked, but when it is eaten in the mouth, it is like heaven and earth. The texture of venison is firm and chewy, not fat or not. It is not greasy and not greasy, the skin is refreshing and the meat is tender, and there is a sweet taste, which is really the ultimate enjoyment.

   "If it tastes good, eat more."

  As Zhu Ping\'an\'s breeder, Li Shu also feels a sense of accomplishment when she sees Zhu Ping\'an\'s delicious food.

  As for eating venison, Li Shu is not very interested. She prefers vegetarian dishes. She only occasionally picks up a chopstick between "feeding" Zhu Pingan, and most of the time focuses on "feeding" Zhu Pingan.

  The mouth of the bear was oily, and the belly was round and round. Until he couldn\'t eat any more, he reluctantly chewed on a piece of deer tendon, like a pig, lying on the bed when he was full, humming in satisfaction.

  Little Lolita was also 100% full after eating, and she blushed in embarrassment.

  Zhu Ping\'an naturally gave full play to his full strength. The battle was at the last moment. When everyone was full, Zhu Ping\'an fought alone and swept away another plate before ending the battle.

   Venison is really delicious.

  Zhu Ping\'an lay lazily on the bed, took a sip of hot tea, and burped contentedly.


   The fly in the ointment is that the venison is too filling.

After eating, Zhu Pingan felt his whole body was warm, and the sweat on his forehead flowed again after he wiped it off. A wave of hotness ran back and forth in his body, as if he wanted to shake his **** and run wildly in the snow. Impulsive, especially when Li Shu is lying beside her and rubbing against her, this impulsiveness is even stronger.

  It\'s a pity that I have more energy than energy, and I just moved my lower body slightly, and the aching **** reminded Zhu Pingan, you better save it.

  However, ten days, soon.

  Persevere, Shenlong will have his own time to wag his tail.

  (end of this chapter)