Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1056: The Days I Rehabilitated in the Hou Mansion (4)

Chapter 1056 The days when I recuperated in the Hou Mansion (4)

  Dong Long~Dong Long~

A heart-pounding rumbling drum sound spread to the Marquis of Linhuai\'s mansion, and it exploded like a spring thunder. It felt as if the gods swung a drumstick as thick as a mountain peak, and slammed it on the drum surface as wide as a lake. .

  With the sound of rumbling drums, the windows trembled.

   "Long live, long live, long live..."

   Faintly, I can still hear the sound of the mountain shouting long live.

   "What\'s going on outside?" Zhu Pingan put down the "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War" in his hand, and looked up out of the window in doubt.

"Uncle~uncle~, the emperor is amnesty outside. I heard that the emperor is here in person. All the prisoners in the capital have been released. It is crowded with people outside, and many people have gone to see it." General trotted in from the outside with the hem of her skirt in her hand, and chattered.

   Really amnesty the world!

  Although Zhu Ping\'an knew that Emperor Jiajing was going to pardon the world, after all, the boots hadn\'t landed yet, and now the boots finally landed.

  Emperor Jiajing amnesty the world, Brother Yang\'s life was saved!

Zhu Pingan was overjoyed. Hearing this, he couldn\'t help being excited and was about to get up, but he forgot his physical condition. As soon as he pressed the bed to get up, he pulled the wound on his buttocks. The pain was terribly painful, but Zhu Pingan still had an expression of joy on his face.

  Thinking that Senior Brother Yang was no longer in danger of his life, Zhu Ping\'an touched his injured butt, feeling in his heart that this imperial rod was a good deal.

   "Uncle, slow down..."

   Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er saw Zhu Ping\'an get up, and couldn\'t help but ran over worriedly to support Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Uncle, do you want to change... change your clothes?"

   Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er supported Zhu Ping\'an, and couldn\'t help asking in a shy voice like a mosquito. After the question, her pretty face flushed red with embarrassment, as if a crab essence had been cooked and revealed its original shape.


  Zhu Ping\'an was taken aback, not keeping up with the rhythm of Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er.

   "Changing clothes, is my uncle going to change?" Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er repeated it in a low voice like a mosquito, her shy little face became even redder, and her head was almost buried in her pair of big breasts.


  In ancient times, in addition to changing clothes, changing clothes also had euphemisms for defecation.

  Hua\'er thought she was going to the toilet?


  Don\'t even mention it, it\'s probably because you drank too much tea and ate too much fruit. When Hua\'er said this, I really felt a strong desire to defecate.

  But thinking about the current situation of my own mobility, if I want to urinate, I really need someone to support me, otherwise I can\'t even get out of bed, and I can\'t stand up when I get out of bed. Thinking of this, even though Zhu Ping\'an had a thick skin, he couldn\'t help turning red at this moment.

   But the problem is that in the backyard of Linhuaihou Mansion, except for the male master, no other male servants are allowed to enter. Naturally, Liu Dadao and the others can\'t point to it. There are only women here. If anyone needs to help, it can only be girls like Hua\'er, or the old lady. If he had to choose one of them to help him urinate, Zhu Pingan would definitely not choose the old lady.

   Of course, the painting is also included.

  This kind of thing seems to be being taken advantage of by oneself, but it is actually a girl being taken advantage of. In the feudal society of ancient times, men and women were not clear about giving and receiving, and it was still very important for girls to have a clear reputation. If Hua\'er is allowed to help her to relieve herself, if someone spreads gossip, it will have a bad reputation for Hua\'er, and it may have an impact on her future marriage. So let\'s forget about painting.

   "Ahem, where\'s that painting, sister Li?"

  Zhu Pingan coughed, and asked a little embarrassedly. After much deliberation, he could only trouble Li Shu. Of course, it won\'t bother Li Shu too much, just let Li Shu support her a little bit, and she will take care of the rest. After all, I just couldn\'t stand up with the stick on my buttocks and thighs, but my hands are fine.

"The eldest lady\'s husband hid an outer room outside. After the eldest lady came back in a fit of anger, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Angrily, she dropped a set of precious blue and white porcelain, and she was still looking for death. The lady was called by the old lady to release the eldest lady. "Hua\'er, Baozi\'s little maid raised her red face and whispered back.

   I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but there seems to be a kind of anticipation and eagerness on Zhu Ping’an’s shy and flushed little face.


   Must be an illusion.

  Zhu Pingan closed his eyes and shook his head.

"My lord, what\'s the matter with you? Are you suffocating... it\'s broken. Slave... Slave help you get out of bed and change your clothes." Hua\'er saw Zhu Ping\'an shaking his head, thinking that Zhu Ping\'an was too dizzy and couldn\'t hold on anymore. , and didn\'t care about being shy and reserved anymore, he asked a question with concern and then said anxiously.

   Stuffed? !

how come.

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s face turned red.

"My lord, it\'s not good if you hold it... if you hold it bad, I heard from Mother Liu that if a man holds it... it will affect that..." Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi, lowered her head and blushed, her ears were red Thoroughly.

  Zhu Pingan was stunned for a second before he realized which one Huaer was talking about. By the way, what do you little girl ask all day long? !

   "Ahem, it\'s okay, it\'s okay, I didn\'t hold back. I don\'t need to change clothes yet. I\'m just a little excited to hear that the Holy One is amnesty." Zhu Pingan coughed, explained softly, and took a breath to suppress his bowel movements.

  Li Shu has been out for a while, thinking about it, she should be back soon, and she can bear it for a while.


   Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er heard the words, and there was a touch of disappointment on her flushed little face.

   Just at this time, a little girl outside came in with a basin of fruit.

Seeing the little girl coming in, Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er seemed to have thought of something, took the fruit plate from the little girl\'s hand, and assigned the little girl out, "Go to the pharmacy and watch uncle\'s soup, I will serve you here It\'s fine."

  Baozi’s little maid, Hua’er, is the first-class girl in the family, and also the housewife that everyone has passed on in private. She can be regarded as half the master. Naturally, the little girl didn’t dare to disobey, and obediently took orders to go to the pharmacy.

   Hua\'er nodded her chin in satisfaction when she saw the little girl leave. It\'s already afternoon now, my uncle will definitely change clothes. If the aunt changes clothes, of course it is most suitable for him to serve him. I am the housekeeper appointed by the young lady, and before the young lady went to the eldest lady, she also confessed to herself that she should take good care of the young lady.

  Many girls in the house looked at my uncle\'s eyes, wishing to eat him. I don\'t know how many little hooves have the idea of ​​climbing the bed in their hearts. It\'s because my uncle has always kept himself clean that they didn\'t succeed. If they were to help my uncle change his clothes, they would have some crooked thoughts if they didn\'t keep them neat. Last time, there was a girl next to Miss Six who wanted to take advantage of my uncle\'s drunkenness to climb on the bed, which made Miss Six very angry. Hmph, I have to help the lady keep an eye on it, and I can\'t give them a chance.

  (end of this chapter)