Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1054: The Days I Rehabilitated in the Hou's Mansion (2)

Chapter 1054 The days when I recuperated in the Hou Mansion (2)

"Sister Hua\'er, it\'s time for me to fan my brother-in-law~~ Auntie said Niuniu is the best at fanning." Little Lolita Niuniu stepped on the embroidered stool by the bed, hurriedly climbed up the soft bed, The soft body rolled to Hua\'er, the little bun girl who was playing the fan, sat up and hugged Hua\'er\'s arm, while shaking coquettishly, raised her head and blinked her big watery eyes and said softly to Hua\'er.

  Little Lolita Niu is soft and cute, she speaks with a milky voice, and has two small dimples on her upturned face, no one can refuse such a soft and cute little girl.

   "Miss, can you do it?" Hua\'er was captured almost immediately, but after looking at the little arms and legs of little Lolita, she was not at ease to hand over the heavy responsibility of fanning to little Lolita.

   "Of course, Niuniu is the best."

  Little Lolita Niu nodded her head, assuring herself like a little adult, soft and cute.

"Okay, let\'s try it, little lady." Hua\'er only lasted 0.01 second before being defeated by the little Lolita\'s soft and cute magic skill. Try it, thinking that if it doesn\'t work, she will take it back.

   "Sister Hua\'er, don\'t worry, Niuniu is fine with fanning."

  After the little Lolita Niuniu took the fan, her two dimples bloomed with joy, and she fanned Zhu Pingan solemnly.

   "Brother-in-law, is Niuniu comfortable with fanning?" Little Lolita Niuniu asked Zhu Pingan while fanning and tilting her head.

   "Comfortable, Niu Niu is awesome." Zhu Pingan naturally praised without hesitation.

  Then, the little Lolita Niuniu was so happy that she almost jumped up on the soft couch as if she drank honey.

   "I\'ll come too, and I\'ll play the fan too."

   Seeing Niu Niu being praised, the bear child was also encouraged. He also kicked off his shoes and climbed onto the bed.

   "Slow down, slow down, Brother Rui"

  The little maid of Baozi was very nervous, for fear that the bear boy Rui would touch Zhu Pingan\'s injured **** with his hands and feet.

  "Sister Niuniu, if you\'re tired, replace me, and I\'ll replace you." The bear climbed into bed and sat next to little Loli Niuniu, whispering flatteringly.

   "Then you have to study hard. You can\'t fan too hard, and you can\'t be too small." Little Lolita Niuniu is like a little teacher, teaching the bear children like a teacher.

   "Yeah, I\'m so smart, I can learn it as soon as I learn it." Brother Rui nodded vigorously, boasting without blushing at all.

   Once learned?

  You are really brazen, Zhu Pingan smiled and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Seeing that little Lolita Niuniu was doing well in fanning, Hua\'er felt relieved, and handed over the task of fanning to the two younger ones. She got out of bed and went outside to fetch two plates of fruit, one on the limp little one. There was food for the two little ones on the table, and a plate came to Zhu Pingan, sitting on a futon under the bed, Xiaopang held a toothpick in his hand and inserted a piece of watermelon, and fed it to Zhu Pingan.

"Huaer, I\'ll just hold it and eat it myself." Zhu Ping\'an is not used to the life of this kind of noble man who stretches out his hands to eat and opens his mouth. He just got hurt on his buttocks, and it\'s not that his hands were interrupted. He can do it himself. .

"My uncle is injured. The lady told Huaer to take good care of my uncle. My uncle reads a book, and Huaer feeds you." Hua\'er shook her head firmly and insisted on feeding Zhu Pingan with fruit. She couldn\'t stay idle. Well, since the job of fanning was snatched by the two younger ones, it is impossible to give up this one in hand.

   "It doesn\'t matter if I watch while eating." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

   "It\'s best to concentrate on reading." Hua\'er was very determined, and the chubby hand raised the watermelon pulp to Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth.

   "Uh, okay." Zhu Pingan looked at the persistent painting and nodded helplessly.

   "Hehe, uncle eats."

  When Zhu Ping’an agreed, Hua’er, the little maid of Baozi, couldn’t help smiling happily. Her whole body was as happy as blossoming. Baozi’s face turned into a steamed bun, and she held the watermelon pulp and shook it around Zhu Ping’s mouth.

   "En." Zhu Pingan hummed, opened his mouth to catch the watermelon that Hua\'er fed, and bit down, his mouth was rustling. The sweet juice and faint fragrance of the watermelon permeated the mouth, feeling great.

  Tasty and delicious, smooth and dripping.

   On a hot summer day, eating a bite of iced watermelon is really a great enjoyment in life, Zhu Pingan is not without emotion.

   "Uncle, is it delicious?"

   Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er looks like a child waiting for praise, her baby\'s fat little face is full of anticipation.

   "Sweet and delicious, delicious." Zhu Ping\'an satisfied her.

   Baozi’s little maid, Hua’er, smiled contentedly, her big eyes narrowed, and she became more motivated. She lowered her head and held a toothpick to the fruit plate, ready to make persistent efforts and feed Zhu Pingan another delicious fruit.

   What a simple girl.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at the happy painting and hooked the corners of his lips involuntarily.

Baozi’s maid, Hua’er Duck, was sitting on the futon under the bed, the top of her head was not much higher than Ruan Tiao, and Hua’er was lowering her head at the moment, considering whether to insert watermelon, peach or peel a loquat or lychee, Zhu Ping’an lay on the pillow , right above her head.

  Hua\'er is wearing a double-snail bun and a red pearl ribbon. It\'s not as stiff and tall as in TV dramas. Hua\'er is very lively and cute.

It\'s summer, Hua\'er is wearing a loose and simple light green color embroidered home dress, the top is a collarless and sleeveless light green double-breasted bijia, and underneath is a colorful embroidered official pink skirt. This kind of dress is not out of the ordinary. Women, especially girls and young women, like to wear this kind of casual clothes, because it is convenient and quick to wear.

Hua\'er lowered her head, and the red pearl ribbon she wore in a snail was hanging down on her pink and tender neck. Because she got close, Zhu Ping\'an could see the faint layer of silk on the back of Hua\'er\'s pink and fair neck. Fluff, the sun shines through the window, that layer of fluff is shining brightly in the sun, it looks very cute.

   "Uncle, eat lychees."

  Hua\'er, with her head down, finally made up her mind, peeled a lychee, raised her head and blinked her eyes expectantly, and stretched out the same white, tender and round lychee to Zhu Ping\'an\'s lips with her white, chubby paws like offering treasures.

  He raised his head and stretched out his hand, this action shook Hua\'er\'s loose collarless uniform.


   Really dazzling.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help closing his eyes

   "Grandpa, don\'t you like to eat lychees?" Hua\'er saw that Zhu Ping\'an closed his eyes, and couldn\'t help asking curiously, thinking that Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t like to eat lychees.

   "I\'ve had enough, I\'ll close my eyes and squint before eating." Zhu Pingan replied with his eyes closed.

   "Sister Hua\'er, soil...brother-in-law won\'t eat it, give it to me, give it to me." The bear child had long been greedy, and at this moment he couldn\'t help snatching the lychee over, and stuffed it into his mouth in a hurry.

  (end of this chapter)