Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1025: your son misses you

Chapter 1025 Your son misses you

  The night is dead and silent.

   "Ah Choo."

  In Jingxiangyuan\'s study room, Zhu Pinganhu, who was sitting at his desk, felt his nose itch and couldn\'t help but sneezed reflexively.

   "Strange, who is talking about me behind my back? I have sneezed twice now." Zhu Pingan rubbed his nose and whispered to himself.

   "Brother Zhu, after drinking the ginseng soup, let\'s rest early."

  Hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s sneeze, Li Shu walked in gracefully, holding a cup of fragrant ginseng soup in her slender hand, and complained distressedly.

   "Silly girl, didn\'t you fall asleep, why did you wake up again?"

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help feeling warm when he heard Li Shu\'s blame. He looked up at Li Shu and said with a smile.

   "Your son misses you."

Li Shu put down the ginseng soup, and slender hand swipe past Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder like playing the piano, her beautiful eyes are looking forward to, and she lies on Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder, her charming and pretty face is close to Zhu Ping\'an\'s ear, her red lips slightly Qi, the voice is charming and soft.

At this moment, Li Shu was only wearing a rose-red silk pajamas as thin as cicada\'s wings, without even a corset. Under her slender pink jade neck, a piece of skin like creamy white jade was half-covered and pressed on Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulders. .

  In an instant, the interior is full of spring.

  Zhu Ping\'an felt thirsty instantly, picked up the ginseng soup, and took a big gulp, "Ahem, we don\'t have a son."

   "Knowing that I don\'t have a son, why not go to bed quickly"

  Li Shu blushed and gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, got up and left with her little **** twisted.

  After walking out of the study door, Li Shu took another step back, revealing a long and slender jade leg. She leaned her head back and showed her small canine teeth at Zhu Pingan. She said fiercely, "Don\'t leave a drop of ginseng soup."

   "Follow the order."

  Zhu Pingan picked up the ginseng soup with a smile, drank it down, and praised it very much, "It\'s delicious, delicious in the world."

  Li Shu pursed her mouth in satisfaction, retracted her slender legs, shook her head, and left in satisfaction.

   It is hardest to bear beauty\'s grace.

  After Zhu Pingan finished drinking the ginseng soup, he put the things on the table back, then extinguished the candles in the study, and went to the bedroom.

Late at night.

  Everything in the world fell into sleep.

   Early morning.

  Dawn awakens the world.

  As usual, Zhu Ping\'an went to Prince Yu\'s Mansion accompanied by Liu Dadao.

  Yang Jisheng\'s case continues to ferment. Yan Song\'s statement in front of the emperor yesterday that Yang Jisheng secretly colluded with the two kings has already spread throughout the entire Yuwang Mansion. Everyone in Yuwang Mansion is panicked.

  At the end of the time, a group of servants came from Xiyuan to convey Emperor Jiajing\'s will to Yuwang\'s mansion.

At noon today, at the Public Office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the trial of Yang Jisheng\'s case of framing Shangguan was made public. Officials from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, as well as Jin Yiwei and relevant yamen in the capital, were ordered to participate in the court trial; The members of the court attended the court trial.

  For avoidance and consideration of status, King Yu did not attend the court trial, but ordered Chen Yiqin, Gao Gong, Yin Shidan and Zhu Pingan to go together.

  Before noon, Zhu Ping\'an and his party arrived at the Public Office of the Ministry of Punishment ahead of schedule.

  Because Emperor Jiajing ordered the court trial to be made public, the people in the capital could watch the whole process of the court trial outside the Yamen.

  When Zhu Ping\'an and his party arrived, a lot of people who got the news gathered outside the public office of the Ministry of Punishment, three floors inside and three floors outside, densely packed with people.

  Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment of Yan Song, the chief assistant of the dynasty, is the hottest topic in the entire capital. To tell the truth, Yan Song\'s reputation in the hearts of the common people is really not good. Selling officials and nobles, mutilating Zhongliang, bewitching saints to go to court, etc., most common people classify Yan Song as a treacherous minister, and regard Yan Song as "a traitor who is a disaster for the country. don\'t die". After hearing the news of Yang Jisheng\'s impeachment of Yan Song, many ordinary people applauded Yang Jisheng in their hearts, and regarded Yang Jisheng as a hero with awe-inspiring righteousness, defying power, and pleading for the people. When they heard that Yang Jisheng had been arrested and imprisoned, many ordinary people complained and sympathized for Yang Jisheng.

Therefore, when it was heard that the trial of Yang Jisheng was publicly announced at noon today, many ordinary people in the capital dared to come here spontaneously, and even some ordinary people came all the way from outside the capital. What it looks like, I want to see how the court trial is going.

  Of course, there are also quite a few people who came to watch the excitement.

  Anyway, there are many people attending the court trial outside the public office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and there are just a sea of ​​people.

  If there were not officials from the Ministry of Punishment leading Zhu Pingan and his party into the public office through a special passage, Zhu Pingan and the others would not be able to squeeze in.

  Zhu Ping\'an and the others, as observers of the court trial, were seated at the lower right side of the Ministry of Punishment\'s public office. Officials from Prince Jing\'s Mansion also arrived, and they were placed on the left side of the lower part of the Ministry of Punishment\'s public office, facing the people from Prince Yu\'s Mansion across the air.

"Ha ha."

  When the officials present at Prince Jing’s Mansion saw the people from Prince Yu’s Mansion coming, they didn’t say hello, but let out gleeful laughter.

   "Is it brainless?" Zhu Pingan slandered.

"Brain-damaged? Huh? Hahaha. The word Zihou is very useful. Some people have physical disabilities, while others have brain disabilities." Yin Shidan had never heard of the word "brain-damaged". After hearing what Zhu Pingan said, Slightly startled, and then tasted it for a while, couldn\'t help but burst out laughing, praising Zhu Ping\'an for his precise words.

   Gao Gong couldn\'t help but smile slightly when he heard the words.

   "Let\'s not add extra details."

  Chen Yiqin was a relatively conservative person. He turned his head and reminded Zhu Ping\'an and Yin Shidan in a soft voice, telling them to be patient and not to conflict with the people in Prince Jing\'s Mansion, so as not to add unsafe factors to the court trial.

   "Brother Yifu, we understand." Yin Shidan and Zhu Ping\'an nodded, no longer paying attention to the provocation of Prince Jing\'s mansion.

   "Look, it\'s coming, it\'s coming."

   "Master Yang is here"

  About ten minutes later, Zhu Pingan heard excited voices from the crowd outside. When he turned his head, he saw that the crowd outside was moving excitedly.

  Yang Jisheng is here!

  Zhu Ping\'an stood up involuntarily, and looked outside the yamen.

  Yang Jisheng\'s figure appeared in his sight, and he came to the Public Office of the Ministry of Punishment under the **** of a team of Jin Yiwei.

Yang Jisheng saw that he was tortured in prison. His face was unclean, his hair was disheveled, and a few strands of hair fluttered in the wind like withered grass. Wooden shackles, his hands and neck were shackled in shackles, and shackles were worn on his ankles. As he walked, the shackles rattled on the ground.

  However, even so, Yang Jisheng\'s spirit is radiant! Head held high, step forward.

  The whole person exudes a kind of brilliance.

  It seems that he is not a prisoner, but a soldier who goes to the battlefield.

   "Master Yang, Master Yang"

   "Just man, righteous man."

   "Punishment is not a doctor, and this has not yet been tried by the court. Why did you put the shackles on Master Yang?"

   "Everyone, make way for Mr. Yang"

   There was a lot of voices outside, talking about everything, but soon the crowd spontaneously made way for Yang Jisheng.

   "The wind blows the shackles and the city is full of incense, and clusters of people fight to see Yuanwailang. How can they both claim to be righteous, and have a poor long board to see the prince.

  Sages are as virtuous as heaven and earth, and Ting Wei said that they have passed the Han and Tang Dynasties. Sexual addiction has always been regarded as death, and this body does not follow Yang.

  I, Yang Jisheng, thank you all folks. "

  When Yang Jisheng wore shackles and passed through the passage that the masses spontaneously gave way to, he wrote a poem on the spot, chanted while walking, and thanked the masses.

  (end of this chapter)