Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1024: Enjoy the grass in spring

Chapter 1024 Spring Appreciation Grass

"Zi\'er. Knowing that Yang Jisheng impeached my uncle, he still dares to give advice to Yang Jisheng?! He, Zhu Ping\'an, is committing suicide! Hahaha, this is really a crime made by God, and it is still unavoidable; self-inflicted crimes, you can\'t live. You should, rob I am the champion, seduce my cousin, now, let me see how Zhu Pingan dies!"

  When Ouyang Zishi heard the words, he drank the wine in his glass excitedly, and most of the depression in his heart disappeared at once, so he was very happy.

"That\'s not true, hehe, the world is saying how smart Zhu Ping\'an is. I think he is as good as his surname, and as stupid as a pig (Zhu). No, I think he is not as good as a pig, and he doesn\'t even know current affairs, hehe." Luo Longwen Carrying the jug, he filled Ouyang Zishi with wine again, nodded vigorously and echoed.

   "He\'s just a pig." Ouyang Zishi cursed bitterly when he recalled the past.

   "Zi Shi, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Luo Wenlong held up his wine glass, respected Ouyang Zishi, and said meaningfully.

"Hehe, what Brother Luo said is very true." Ouyang Zishi heard the string song and knew the elegance, "I turned around and reminded my uncle and my cousin Donglou. He, Zhu Ping\'an, is going to kill my uncle this time. Can\'t let him go."

"Yes, we must not let him go this time. Zhu Ping\'an is Xu Jie\'s favorite student. Xu Jie is now the cabinet\'s second assistant. In the future, the prime minister will get old and retreat to the second line. Xu Jie will be the cabinet\'s first assistant. Xu Jie Once we are in power and Zhu Ping\'an comes out to assist us, how can we live a good life? We must know that raising tigers will cause endless harm." Luo Longwen nodded.

"What a \'tiger\'s legacy, its harm is endless\', brother Luo said, I will definitely pass it on to my aunt and cousin." Ouyang Zishi heard Luo Longwen\'s words, couldn\'t help but slapped the table excitedly, and decided to use this The statement reminded my uncle Yan Song.

   "Hehe, Zishi is overrated." Luo Longwen shook his head modestly.

   "Brother Luo is too modest." Ouyang Zishi laughed.

  The two looked at each other and smiled, raised their glasses and clinked, and drank together.

  After the wine was hot, Luo Longwen said quietly, "This time Zhu Ping\'an is definitely dead, it depends on how he died."

   "What Brother Luo said is true." Ouyang Zishi put down his wine glass, "Zhu Ping\'an suggested that Yang Jisheng\'s revision of the memorandum must not be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise people will say that my uncle and cousin are narrow-minded and retaliated."

  Luo Longwen nodded, "Don\'t worry about this, except for you and me, there are no more than one person who knows about it, and none of them will spread the word."

   "Brother Luo, how do you put Zhu Pingan to death so that outsiders will not criticize my uncle and cousin?" Ouyang Zishi asked.

   "Hehe, isn\'t this ready-made." Luo Longwen smiled meaningfully.

   "You mean?" Ouyang Zishi was thoughtful.

   "Hehe, as long as Zhu Ping\'an is identified as Yang Jisheng\'s accomplice, then Zhu Ping\'an will be dead this time." Luo Longwen said with a sinister smile.

   "Party? Zhu Pingan didn\'t sign Yang Jisheng\'s memorial? Besides, isn\'t it impossible to say that Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Jisheng to revise the memorial?!" Ouyang Zishi shook his head.

"Hehe, the same party does not have to sign the memorial. As long as Yang Jisheng says that Zhu Ping\'an is his party, then Zhu Ping\'an is the same party." Luo Longwen said with a dark smile, "I entered the Fusi Prison in Beizhen. Ask Yang Jisheng to say what he will say, and no one can survive the means of imprisonment. In addition, the fact that Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Jisheng to revise the memorandum cannot be said to the outside world does not mean that Zhu Pingan cannot be said to the outside world that Zhu Pingan is Yang Jisheng\'s accomplice. "

  Ouyang Zishi suddenly realized when he heard the words, and then asked another question, "What if Yang Jisheng insists on not recruiting?"

   "It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t recruit." Luo Longwen smiled sinisterly, "Isn\'t there still Jingcha? Jingcha is up to us. As long as the prime minister nods, Zhu Pingan can\'t run away."

   "Jingcha will be fined and demoted for dereliction of duty at most, and Zhu Ping\'an can\'t be put to death?" Ouyang Zishi was puzzled.

   "Hehe, Zishi, do you still remember the small county I told you about?" Luo Longwen asked with a smile.

   "What small county?" Ouyang Zishi looked bewildered.

Seeing that Ouyang Zishi had forgotten everything, Luo Longwen didn\'t care at all, and reminded with a smile, "As I mentioned before, there is a small county on the southeast coast, which is known as a poor place to die in the bureaucracy. The so-called poor mountains and evil waters Troublesome people, the local grassroots are poor and evil, killing officials has become the norm; and because it is not far from the sea, the local pirates are constantly harassed, and they are often harassed, and even once broke into the county government; The Nanman Hmong rebelled continuously. At that time, I said that in the past five years, six county magistrates had died in a row. One was killed by robbers when he was in spring, a county magistrate was assassinated by assassins who offended the local forces, and another was a fool who has not been able to find out the cause of death. However, today the data has to be changed again, and it has to be added A short-lived ghost. At the beginning of the month, I heard the news from the Ministry of Officials that I was an alternate magistrate last month. The county magistrate who took over the post went to the local government for less than a month. The cause of death has not yet been found out. In the past five years, seven county magistrates have died in a row. Now, the county magistrate of this small county is vacant again."

   "Ahem. I remember." Ouyang Zishi suddenly remembered, gritted his teeth and nodded angrily. That day was the day he caught Zhu Ping\'an\'s adultery with his cousin!

   "Hehe, son, tell me, what will happen if Zhu Ping\'an is relegated to this small county as magistrate?" Luo Longwen said with a sinister smile.

   "Seven county magistrates have died in five years. If he goes, this record will become eight." Ouyang Zishi smiled and opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Remove the \'ba\', it will definitely become eight. Let me tell you, don\'t underestimate this small county, the water inside is deep." Luo Longwen said with narrowed eyes, "As long as Zhu Ping\'an takes office, within half a year, The grass on his grave can be a foot high."

"Okay!" Ouyang Zishi excitedly slapped the table and applauded, gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly, "Then I will propose to my uncle this time, to demote him to this death! When the time comes, I will go to Zhu Ping\'an enjoy the grass and spring on the grave."

  As long as he thinks that Zhu Pingan has robbed him of the number one prize, and also robbed his cousin, and made him so ugly in front of everyone during this period, Ouyang Zishi would like to tear Zhu Pingan\'s body into thousands of pieces to relieve his hatred.

   "Hehe, it\'s wonderful. When the time comes, I will enjoy the grass with my disciples." Luo Longwen clapped his hands and applauded.



  Ouyang Zishi and Luo Longwen looked at each other with a smile, toasted and celebrated together, everything was said in silence.

  (end of this chapter)