Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1026: court trial

Chapter 1026 court trial

  The wind blows the shackles and the city is full of incense, and clusters of people fight to see Yuanwailang.

  Yang Jisheng stood upright with his battered body, wearing heavy shackles, dragging the shackles, striding forward while reciting "Mouth Chanting on the Way to the Court Trial" loudly, and went to a court trial that was destined to be unfair.

   This scene fully demonstrated his awe-inspiring righteousness and sacrificed his life for righteousness.

  The eyes of the onlookers couldn\'t help but get wet. Yang Jisheng\'s fearless figure dragging the shackles and shackles was deeply imprinted in their minds, shining brightly.

   "Master Yang was wronged."

   "Master Yang is a righteous man, why should he put shackles on Lord Yang?! Why don\'t you put the shackles on that old traitor."

   "God has no eyes"

   "Good people don\'t get rewarded, and it\'s unreasonable to harm people and enjoy great blessings"

   "Master Yang, we support you."

  The onlookers were furious, sighing, and cursing, because there were so many people and the scene was chaotic, and the law does not blame the crowd, they can confidently and boldly express their true feelings without worrying about being settled later.

  Hearing the movement outside, Yan Maoqing, the censor of the left deputy capital, pulled an official of the Ministry of Punishment closer and scolded in a low voice.

  The officials of the Ministry of Punishment were obedient, and after Yan Maoqing finished scolding, he bowed and turned around to leave, recruiting a few officials, angrily ordering them to maintain order and suppress outside speech.

   "Silence! The place where the trial is important, don\'t make any noise!"

  The official took the order and went, and sternly reprimanded the crowd outside.

  It worked a little at first, the crowd was still afraid of the officials, but after a few minutes of silence, after someone took the lead, the order once again got out of control, and the moans and comments from the crowd were even louder than before.

   No matter how much the official reprimands, it will not work.


  Officials of the Ministry of Punishment couldn\'t help scolding the officials who maintained order.

   "Yang Jisheng colluded with the two princes in private, falsely passed on the prince\'s decree, and his behavior was equivalent to conspiracy. This is the kind of prisoner who is in the shackles!" Yan Maoqing shouted at the crowd outside, and at the same time ordered the officials to repeat loudly.

   "Convicted before trial?! You can really do it! Shady! Shady!"

   "Convicted without trial?!"

   "From here on out, the court trial is a joke!"

  Yan Maoqing’s explanation spread to the ears of the onlookers, not only did it fail to suppress public opinion, but it also backfired, aggravating the public’s speech even more.

   "Forget it, it\'s better to block it than to block it. It\'s better to prevent the people\'s mouth than to prevent Sichuan. It\'s still important to do business, and the court trial is the most important thing. These grassroots can only hold their tongues, and their words can be used as farts."

  Yan Shifan, who was sitting in the office of the Ministry of Punishment, saw this scene, called Yan Maoqing, shook his head at him, and twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain.

  At this moment, Yan Song, Zhao Wenhua and others were also sitting in the government office, silently watching the court trial outside.

  After Yang Jisheng walked into the public office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the court trial began.

This court trial was presided over by the Ministry of Punishment, and the presiding judge was He Ao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment. Wang Xueyi, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Shi Chaobin, a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, sat on the chief judge\'s seat in the middle; , Several officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Jinyiwei. Further down, there is the auditorium where Zhu Ping\'an and others are.

  Yang Jisheng stood under the hall wearing chains and shackles.

   "Who is under the hall?!"

  Punishment Minister He Ao patted the gavel and asked the question knowingly.

   "The lonely criminal Yang Jisheng Yang Jisheng!" Yang Jisheng replied proudly.

"it is good!"

  Hearing Yang Jisheng\'s claim, the crowd outside couldn\'t help bursting into applause.

  Punishment Minister He Ao couldn\'t help but frowned.

Wang Xueyi, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, is a hard-core member of the strict party. Seeing that Yang Jisheng is so confident at this moment, his eyes can\'t help but gleam fiercely. He sneered and shouted at Yang Jisheng, "Yang Jisheng, the bold criminal, why don\'t you kneel in court?! You want Are you contemptuous of the court?!"


  Under the suggestion of Wang Xueyi, the servant of the Ministry of Justice, the guards on both sides of the public office immediately cooperated with hitting the ground with water and fire sticks in their hands, loudly and mightily, putting pressure on Yang Jisheng who was standing in the hall.

"Wang Xueyi is a well-known member of the strict party. It\'s no secret that he is known for having no lower limit and no integrity. Yang Jisheng is naturally very shameless towards him. He glanced at Wang Xueyi with his head up and spat in disdain, "I What is Yang Jisheng\'s crime in impeaching treacherous ministers who harmed the country and the people? Besides, I was born as a second-class Jinshi handpicked by the Holy Majesty, how can you, a treacherous minister, have the right to ask me to kneel down! "

Hearing this, Wang Xueyi\'s face turned black with anger, he slapped the table in anger, stretched out his hand and squeezed a stick, and made a gesture to throw it at Yang Jisheng, "Yang Jisheng, a bold criminal, refused to kneel and insulted the judge when he was interrogated, you are contemptuous of the court , You are so stubborn, it’s not good to bully me with the killing stick?! Someone, beat me hard.”

  Nima, how can there be such a trial!

  This is an abuse of public property!

   This is a court trial, not a rural county government!

  Seeing this, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help standing up.

   "Zi Hou, calm down, we are just listening." Yin Shidan grabbed Zhu Ping\'an in time, and shook his head at Zhu Ping\'an.

Zhu Pingan calmed down when he heard the words, Yin Shidan was right, he was just an observer, he had no right to speak in the courtroom, even if he spoke loudly, it would have no effect at all, and people like Wang Xueyi would definitely use it to disturb the courtroom In name, he was driven out of the court trial site.

A small leak will sink a great ship!

  Therefore, Zhu Pingan gave a dry laugh, "Hehe, I have been sitting for a long time, and my **** hurts. I will get up and move around."

   After speaking, Zhu Ping\'an moved a bit and sat down again.

  However, fortunately, Wang Xueyi\'s sign was stopped by Shi Chaobin, a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, who was on the side.

Shi Chaobin stretched out his hand to hold down the stick in Wang Xueyi\'s hand, shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice, "My lord, Yang Jisheng has a reputation, so he really doesn\'t have to kneel. As for insulting the judge, it\'s because he is the first offender. That’s it. If you commit the crime again, it’s not too late to fight again.”

  Wang Xueyi looked impatient, but when he thought of beating up, he really looked ugly, so he gave Shi Chaobin a face.

   "Yang Jisheng, let me ask you, who ordered Ru Shangshu to frame and slander Lord Yan Songyan?"

  Punishment Minister He Ao had already been instructed by Yan Song before the court trial, so this meeting followed Yan Song\'s instructions.

"First, my impeachment of the traitor Yan Song is not to frame and slander the traitor. The \'five traitors and ten crimes\' committed by the traitor Yan Song are true and the evidence is conclusive. It can be found out with a single investigation; second, I impeach the traitor Yan Song. Pleading for the people, eradicating traitors and traitors for my Ming Dynasty, this comes from my blood, why should I be instructed by others!"

  Yang Jisheng sneered and said generously.

"Isn\'t someone instigated? Well, let me ask you again, why did you say \'or ask the two kings\' in the memorial? Why did you involve the two princes?" He Ao was already prepared for Yang Jisheng\'s answer, and then asked again one question.

  Hearing He Ao\'s question, Yang Jisheng couldn\'t help thinking of Zhu Ping\'an\'s reminder yesterday morning.

"Why did I say \'or ask the second king\'?" Yang Jisheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his eyes swept over the presiding judge and the second judge one by one, "He Shangshu, why don\'t you ask yourself?! Today\'s court trial, everyone here My lord, how many are the accomplices of Yan Bandit, so I don’t need to point them out one by one?! Can you try the case impartially?! Hmph, just like all of you present, most of the courtiers are Yan Bandit’s best friends, only The two princes are young and not afraid of Yan Song, and they dare to tell the truth in front of the Holy One, I said \'or ask the two kings\', in the hope that the Holy One can learn the truth from the two princes Yuwang and Jingwang."

  (end of this chapter)