Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1007: Yan Shifan

Chapter 1007 Yan Shifan with Unique Wisdom Eyes

"What\'s bad?! Meicun, how old are you? Why don\'t you have any concentration. Su Zi said: \'For the way of generals, you should first cure your heart. The Taishan Mountain collapses in the front and the color does not change. The elk thrives on the left. Keep your eyes on, and then you can control your strengths and weaknesses, and you can wait for the enemy." Look at yourself again, how panicked you look?" Yan Song gave Zhao Wenhua a sideways look, and taught calmly.

   "Yes, yes, what the adoptive father taught is true." Zhao Wenhua nodded repeatedly, admitting his mistake.

   "Okay, let\'s talk, what\'s the matter?" Yan Song nodded slightly and asked.

   "Father, Yang Ni\'s memorabilia. You will know after reading it." Zhao Wenhua said, holding the memoir in both hands and presenting it to Yan Song.

  Yan Song stretched out his bony hand to take the manuscript, unfolded it casually, and set his eyes on the manuscript.

  At the beginning, Yan Song was still very calm, but after looking at it, Yan Song\'s calmness gradually disappeared.

  Seeing Yang Jisheng\'s righteous words, fearless accusations of life and death, and the evidence listed on paper, Yan Song, who is the chief assistant of the cabinet, at this moment, a panic began to take root in his heart.

  Of course, it is Yan Song after all, even if he feels panic in his heart, he looks much calmer than Zhao Wenhua.

   "Dad, let me see."

   The fat one-eyed Yan Shifan stepped forward calmly and asked.

   "Oh, Donglou kid, come and take a look." Upon hearing this, Yan Song, like throwing a hot potato, handed over the copy of the melodies in his hand to Yan Shifan.

  Yan Shifan borrowed the manuscript, opened it word by word, and read it carefully.

  Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song also stared at Yan Shifan intently, watching Yan Shifan browse the manuscript.

  After reading it from the beginning to the end, Yan Shifan showed a smile on his calm face, looked up at Yan Song, and said with a smile, "Hehe, Dad, Yang Jisheng really drafted a good book."

  Good performance? !

  When Zhao Wenhua heard this, his eyes almost popped out, and he stretched out his hands to dig his ears suspiciously. Did I hear wrong, or was Brother Donglou wrong? Brother Donglou actually said that Yang Jisheng’s memorabilia was a good one? !

  Yang Jisheng\'s memorial is a memorial to impeach his adoptive father, a memorial to put his foster father to death, how do you say it is a good memorial? !

   Zhou Fangzheng on the side opened his mouth in surprise when he heard the words.

   "Donglou boy, why is this such a good performance?" Yan Song was startled after hearing Yan Shifan\'s words, and asked in doubt.

   "Hehe, Dad, you don\'t have to worry about Yang Jisheng\'s memorabilia, and on the contrary, this is a great opportunity." The one-eyed fat man Yan Shifan said with a smile, like a fat version of a fox.


Hearing this, the wrinkles on Yan Song\'s face stretched three points. He couldn\'t trust his son Yan Shifan\'s intelligence. This is his family\'s unicorn. Ever since Yan Shifan was asked to assist him in handling political affairs, Yan Shifan has never let him down. Now that his son Yan Shifan said there is no need to worry, there must be a reason for him, and this heart can naturally be put in his stomach.

   "Brother Donglou, what do you see?" Zhao Wenhua asked curiously.

"Father, Brother Meicun, let me first talk about why Yang Jisheng\'s memorial is not enough to worry about. Hehe, the first point, after I read the entire article, I have a feeling. I don\'t know if you have the same feeling. I think Yang Jisheng\'s memorial He impeached not only your old man, but also our sage. He impeached the current sage in the memorial, hehe, do you think he can succeed?" Yan Shifan twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a confident smile, and asked Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua explained.

  Yan Song stroked his beard when he heard the words. Just now he was concerned and confused, ignoring some details. Now hearing what Yan Shifan said, he became thoughtful.

   "He also impeached the Holy One?" Zhao Wenhua was stunned when he heard this.

"Of course." Yan Shifan nodded with a smile, unfolded the manuscript in his hand and spread it on the table in front of Yan Song, pointed at the chapters of the memorial and said, "Father, Brother Mei Cun, please look at this place,\' Like earthquakes everywhere and eclipses of the sun and the moon, the disasters should be dealt with by the thief Song. If he waits by his side every day without realizing it, the benevolent and warning heart of the heavens will also be slackened and lonely. I don’t think the emperor is smart and strong. Judging, he is willing to be deceived by Song, people don\'t believe what they say, and they don\'t realize it even though God warns them, so that\'s why. He said that the earthquake, the eclipse of the sun and the moon, and other natural disasters should be on his father. Hehe, but what did he say next? He said that the Holy One was willing to be deceived by his father, that the Holy One would not listen to people, and that the heavens had warned the Holy One. Said, wouldn\'t it be self-destruction."

  Yan Song stroked his beard and nodded. He knew Emperor Jiajing very well. When Emperor Jiajing saw this sentence, he must have been furious.

   "Yeah, yum, brother Donglou, I really feel this way when I say it this way. He, Yang Jisheng, is accusing the Holy One. He\'s trying to kill himself."

  Zhao Wenhua listened to Yan Shifan\'s narration, like a kowtow, nodding repeatedly, his face full of joy.

"Actually, this part is relatively light. If you explain it, you can explain it. But Dad, Brother Mei Cun, look at this part again, \'the emperor is smart and just judged, even though Niluan is hidden and evil, he knows everything. , has always been tolerant of Song\'s evil, if you don\'t know it, and if you can\'t get rid of it, it can\'t cover the dignity of the ministers, and you will treat them with your own eyes. , There are tigers in the city, and one day\'s reign will be a day\'s harm. Why can\'t the emperor bear to part with a traitor and put up with the misery of millions of people? Kuang Er came to suspect the emperor\'s guess, and already has the intention of divorce. If you give You Ronggu the grace to treat you again, it may cause the disaster of the former prime minister, and all the subjects of the world know that it must not be done." He Yang Jisheng clearly pointed the finger at the Holy One at this place, accusing and preaching to the Holy One. It’s almost like saying that the Holy Majesty is your old father’s patron.”

  Yan Shifan smiled slightly, then pointed to a paragraph in the second half of the manuscript, nodded vigorously, and said mockingly.

  At this time, Yan Song showed a smile on his face, and looked at Yan Shifan with approval and satisfaction.

"Yeah, hahaha, brother Donglou is still as smart as a torch, I feel ashamed of Wenhua, this Yang Jisheng really did not disappoint, he is still as stupid as ever. I really want to knock Yang Jisheng\'s head open, I want to see What exactly is he thinking, every time he plays, this time he will die, hahaha"

  Zhao Wenhua laughed and bowed to Yan Shifan, admiring Yan Shifan\'s unique vision, and mocking Yang Jisheng from the air.

   There was laughter in the study room, and most of the tense atmosphere had dissipated.

   Zhou Fangzheng, who was in the corner of the study, saw this scene, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but thought about it, weighed it in his heart, and closed his mouth. Now is not the time.

  (end of this chapter)