Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1008: freaked out

Chapter 1008 Scared to pee

   "What I said just now was only the first point: Yang Jisheng impeached your father while you were old, and at the same time \'impeached\' His Majesty. This point is actually not fatal. In addition to this point, there is a fatal omission in Yang Jisheng\'s memorabilia."

   Yan Shifan pulled a sinister smile from the corner of his mouth, like a cobra spitting out a snake letter, stretched out a finger, and then stretched out another finger, shaking it in the air, and said confidently.

   "Huh? There is another fatal omission, hahaha, this Yang Jisheng really does not disappoint."

   Zhao Wenhua couldn\'t help laughing out loud when he heard Yan Shifan say that there was another fatal omission.

"Father, let me tell you something you don\'t like to hear. It\'s a good thing that Yang Jisheng was not recruited, so I wrote memorials to him. The typical success is more than failure. If he comes, I won\'t be able to sleep well." , I am always worried that one day he will impeach his political opponents, and my allies will be implicated by him."

   After laughing out loud, Zhao Wenhua joked with Yan Song in a measured manner, further enlivening the atmosphere in the study.

   "You!" Yan Song smiled and shook his head.

   "Hehe, Brother Donglou, please explain to Brother Donglou, where is the fatal omission in Yang Nizuo\'s book?" Zhao Wenhua cupped his hands and asked Yan Shifan for advice.

   "Here it is."

  Yan Shifan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and clicked on the manuscript, and pointed out the content to Zhao Wenhua.

Zhao Wenhua looked at Yan Shifan\'s hand, and saw that this part read: "If the minister does not speak, who dares to speak up? The emperor Fuwang listened to the words of the minister, and observed Song\'s treachery. The ministers were afraid of Song. There is no need to ask Wei Huaien. The emperor may ask the two kings to make him face Chen Song\'s evil; or ask all the cabinet ministers to tell them not to be afraid of Song Wei."

   "The emperor may ask the second king and make him face to face"

Zhao Wenhua has been in the officialdom for so many years, and he is not an easy person. As soon as Yan Shifan reminded him, Zhao Wenhua discovered the fatal omission, and he couldn\'t help reading it softly. He almost read out the following "Song evil" and was about to blurt When I realized something was wrong, I just shut up and swallowed it back.

   "Well, yes, it\'s here."

  Yan Shifan nodded with a smile, and clicked on the four words one by one in the manuscript, "\'Or ask the second king\', hehe, don\'t underestimate these four words, it is enough to make Yang Jisheng die without a place to bury him."

  Yan Song poured himself a cup of hot tea, and while scraping the lid, smiled and listened to the conversation between Yan Shifan and Zhao Wenhua.

   "I would like to hear more about Brother Donglou."

  Zhao Wenhua bowed his hand and asked Yan Shifan to continue, although at this time, Zhao Wenhua already understood.

"I believe that the Holy Majesty will be furious when he sees the words \'or ask the second king\'. Hehe, when the emperor is angry, Yang Jisheng will not be able to chop off even if he has nine heads. First, our Holy Majesty has always believed in the "two kings" For the curse of "the dragons will not meet", the Holy One is the real dragon, and the two kings are the potential dragons. The two dragons cannot meet, otherwise something unlucky will happen. Because he believes in the curse of "the two dragons will not meet", the Holy One is very taboo Meeting the Second King, now that Yang Jisheng asked the Holy Majesty to ask the Second King directly, isn\'t this a complete offense to the Holy Majesty\'s taboo, and it has already offended the Holy Majesty\'s bottom line!"

  Yan Shifan pouted his stomach, showed a honeyed and confident smile, stretched out his hand and made a beheading gesture in the air.

"Secondly, in the Ming Dynasty, the ancestral law clearly stipulated that vassal kings were not allowed to interfere in politics without the emperor\'s permission. After the founding of our Ming Dynasty, Emperor Taizu erected an iron tablet in the palace saying "harem and eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics" In the legal system, a written law was established that "vassal kings are not allowed to interfere in politics without the emperor\'s charter". Today\'s emperor is more sensitive and important to power than previous emperors, and he attaches more importance to this ancestral legal system. In private contact with the vassal king. Now Yang Jisheng directly said that the second king should testify for him. Hehe, isn’t it obvious that Yang Jisheng ignored the ancestral legal system and had met with the second king in private and got angry with him?! This point is even more infuriating His Majesty\'s bottom line. How can His Majesty tolerate this! If Yang Jisheng quibbles that he did not get angry with the Second King in private, he wrote this because only the Second King is not afraid of your father getting old and can tell the truth impartially, ha ha Let’s not say that the second king would definitely not dare to say that, just because he did not communicate with the second king in advance, but wrote “or asked the second king” to testify, Yang Jisheng cannot escape the charge of falsely passing the prince’s decree, which is heinous felony, the crime deserves to be hanged."

  Yan Shifan\'s face was full of confident smiles. Speaking of that, there was a feeling of pointing the country, talking and laughing, and Yang Jisheng was wiped out.

   "Hahaha, brother Donglou, Wenhua is ashamed. With these two points, you can rest easy, father-in-law..."

   Zhao Wenhua has long sleeves and is good at dancing. This remark not only praised Yan Shifan, but also flattered Yan Song without any trace.

"To underestimate your opponent is to bury yourself." Yan Song put down the teacup in his hand, waved his hand lightly, and sighed softly, "How many people in history have hated them on the spot because they underestimated their opponents. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, He underestimated Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and ended up slaying himself in Gaixia, with his head in a different place; Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, in order to avenge his brother, despised Lu Xun, a young scholar who was in command of Soochow, but was attacked by the opponent with fire in Yiting; At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty and the beginning of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the former Qin Emperor Fu Jian led hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was known as "throwing the whip to cut off the flow". Eternal jokes. In history, such examples abound, Wenhua, you relax too early..."

"Yes, yes, what the foster father taught me." Zhao Wenhua nodded again and again, and stepped forward to refill a cup of tea for Yan Song courteously, "Although Yang Ni is already a turtle in the urn, for Yang Ni, the children will be like lions fighting rabbits, and Taishan pressing eggs , never give him a chance to breathe."

  Yan Song nodded in satisfaction, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said good tea.

"Father, when Yang Jisheng\'s memorial to impeach you arrives at the Holy Majesty, you don\'t have to mention the first point I just said to the Holy Majesty. He will naturally notice it. You only need to emphasize the second point to the Holy Majesty. Point, hehe, you don\'t have to worry about the rest." Yan Shifan said with a slight smile.

   Yan Song nodded and continued drinking tea.

  Zhao Wenhua smiled, and discussed with Yan Shifan what charges Yang Jisheng should be charged with.

   The study room suddenly seemed to have entered the celebration part ahead of time, there was a burst of laughter, and there was no tension at all.

   Only Zhou Fangzheng in the corner, with his Adam\'s apple throbbing, had something to say in his throat.

   "Master Zhou, do you have anything to say?" Yan Shifan had already noticed Zhou Fangzheng in the corner.

   "My lord, the two fatal omissions you mentioned just now, when Zhu Pingan visited Yang Ni this morning, he had already raised it with Yang Ni, and suggested to Yang Ni to delete it." Zhou Fangzheng raised his head and said softly.

   Zhou Fangzheng\'s voice was very soft, but to everyone in the study, it was nothing more than a thunderclap.



  The teacup in Yan Song\'s hand knocked over on the table, rolled onto the clothes in his crotch, and fell to the ground again. The crotch was wet and the ground was broken, as if he had peed in fear.


  Zhao Wenhua turned pale with shock and left the table. His surprised shout was louder and harsher than the teacup Yan Song dropped on the ground.

  Yan Shifan, who has always been confident and calm, with a smile of having everything under control, also showed panic for the first time.

  (end of this chapter)