Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1006: Zhao Wenhua's Panic

Chapter 1006 Zhao Wenhua\'s Panic

   a great sin

  The Second Deadly Sins

  The more he looked down, the more dignified Zhao Wenhua\'s face became. When he saw the three major crimes, Zhao Wenhua had a look of panic on his face.

"Song\'s good administration in the emperor, every thing must be passed on to people from generation to generation. The emperor didn\'t intend to do this at the beginning. I discussed this matter. I\'m afraid that people in the world don\'t know that the power comes from themselves. And now Publish the sacred edicts and Song\'s expositions in ten volumes, called Jiajing Shuyi, so that future generations in the world will say that the emperor\'s previous good deeds have been done by him, and the emperor is incapable of doing anything. If you are good, you can say that the loyalty of the emperor is like this? This is the three major crimes of covering up the emperor\'s meritorious deeds."

  The first two major crimes are okay, they are based on rumors, and there is no actual evidence, but the third major crime has real evidence.

   "Jiajing Shuyi"!

  The book Yang Jisheng mentioned in The Third Deadly Sin does exist, and no one knows the true situation of this book better than Zhao Wenhua. The content of this book is exactly as stated in Yang Jisheng\'s memorabilia, mainly including two parts: the sacred edict and Songsuojin Jietie. This book was released last year, and it has issued ten issues so far, and more than 500 sets have been printed so far.

  The number of "Jiajing Shuyi" published is very large, and Yang Jisheng must have collected a set, or even more.

   In addition, Zhao Wenhua panicked not only because the book "Jiajing Shuyi" as evidence does exist, but also because this book has a deep bond with Zhao Wenhua, which can be said to be promoted by Zhao Wenhua.

   It happened last year.

  In that year, the Gengxu Revolution took place, and I replied that the rebel soldiers invaded Datong and killed them all the way to the outside of Beijing. Ding Rukui, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, asked his adoptive father Yan Song how to defend in battle. Yifu Yan Song said that in the frontier fortress, you can cover up your defeat, but if you fight outside the capital, you can\'t cover up your defeat. I replied that rebels are just predators, and they will go when they are full. Ding Rukui, Minister of the Ministry of War, understood his understanding, and strictly ordered the generals not to act rashly, not to go out of the city to fight, and to sit and watch the Alta soldiers burn, kill and loot outside the city, causing disasters for eight days. Afterwards, dissatisfaction among the people and the court boiled over, and then...Ding Rukui was pushed out by his adoptive father Yan Song as a scapegoat.

However, even though Ding Rukui was the scapegoat, there were still many people in the court who scolded the foster father Yan Song for being incompetent, scolding the foster father Yan Song for only flattering the Holy Majesty, making irresponsible remarks about Yan Song behind his back, which is very disrespectful, and many others People successively impeached Yan Song, his adoptive father, in Shangshu. The adoptive father Yan Song was forced to go to the school to resign and return home for a while.

  Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song are in a relationship where one prospers and the other suffers. Yan Song\'s life is difficult, and Zhao Wenhua and the others under Yan Song\'s protection are even more difficult.

   At this time, in order to help his adoptive father Yan Song regain his reputation and trust, Zhao Wenhua thought of a way for himself.

In Zhao Wenhua\'s "opinion", the reason why those officials in the court and the ignorant officials abused Yan Song\'s incompetence and made irresponsible remarks about his foster father was because they didn\'t know his foster father. I don\'t know how much my adoptive father has contributed to the Holy Father and the country. The adoptive father Yan Song assisting the current Holy One can be described as devoting his energy, devotion, wisdom, and fruitful results.

Therefore, Zhao Wenhua suggested to Yan Song, suggesting that Yan Song should select those that can be made public, have outstanding achievements, good governance and good deeds, and publish and print them out of the secret letters that have been presented to the Holy One since he presided over the government. Let the ministers and officials and students know the truth of the matter, understand the achievements and greatness of the foster father Yan Song as the chief assistant of the cabinet, and know that the foster father Yan Song has done many good things that are unknown to them behind the scenes. In this way, they will no longer say that the foster father Yan Song is incompetent, will no longer scold the foster father for only flattering the Holy One, and will no longer make irresponsible remarks about the foster father Yan Song.

  The so-called Jietie Mizha is a kind of letter unique to cabinet ministers. This is an informal official document other than memorials. Cabinet ministers often put forward their own personal suggestions on military and state affairs to the Holy Majesty through revealing the secret letter for the Holy Majesty\'s reference.

At that time, after Yan Song listened to Zhao Wenhua\'s suggestion, he praised Zhao Wenhua very much. The signal was handed over to Zhao Wenhua.

  Zhao Wenhua quickly published "Jiajing Shuyi", and officials above the Langguan level in the capital received a set, and dozens of sets were circulated in Taixue. For a while, "Jiajing Shuyi" became a hot book in the capital and a grand event in the capital. Officials who did not receive the book made strong demands, and officials from science and roads and local officials also came to ask for books. The hospitality was hard to refuse, Yan Song So Zhao Wenhua engraved more than a hundred sets as gifts to the group officials.

   This book was very helpful. For a while, Yan Song\'s reputation improved a lot, and the court was also stable.

   For this reason, Yan Song praised Zhao Wenhua many times. Zhao Wenhua was very proud of this and regarded it as his proudest work in his life.

  However, it never occurred to me that this "Jiajing Shuyi" was listed as the third most serious crime by Yang Jisheng, and it became the key evidence.

   Now, Zhao Wenhua calmed down and thought about it carefully, a dense layer of cold sweat appeared on the back of his forehead for a moment. He had to admit that this set of "Jiajing Discussions" did have the suspicion of arrogating the sky and competing with the Holy One.

   Now, Zhao Wenhua\'s intestines are green with regret.

   Look further down.

   Four major crimes.

There was more cold sweat on Zhao Wenhua\'s forehead and back. In the fourth major crime, Yang Jisheng directly named him Zhao Wenhua-"The emperor ordered Song\'s note book, which means that the emperor, Yichen, and minister work. , Let the father do what he wants and let the son work. But Shifan asked his sons Zhao Wenhua and other groups to vote to form a treacherous party, chaotic government and harm. One vote has been changed repeatedly, and the secrets will not be leaked? So the order has not been made, The Manchu Dynasty has already predicted it"

Among the fourth crimes, Yang Jisheng cited the incident of the censor Cai Pu guarding Xu Shi and other accidents, and the impeachment of Shen Lian\'s adoptive father Yan Song, saying that these two incidents were handled by Donglou votes. Ben and others did not change a single word, proving that the father-in-law Yan Song allowed his son to usurp, and the court was controlled by the father-in-law.

   These two things are also true.

Looking down at the fifth major crime, "Yan Song ordered his grandson Yan to be loyal to Guangdong and Guangxi to promote him to the governor, and to kill Qiongzhou alone to behead seven of his own. He also reported that he was loyal to the seven heads of the previous rank and was promoted to a thousand households of Jinyiwei. When I left home and went to the military gate, how could a child beheaded seven times by himself and falsely report military merits and pretend to be an official in royal guards?"

   Damn it!

  How did Yang Jisheng turn this out! Moreover, he understands it in such detail, and the details are so clearly stated, and there is also "Wu Xuan Si Zan Zi No. 19 Tang Manuscript" as evidence.

what! Yes!

  Yang Jisheng is now Wailang, a member of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War. It is very easy for him to consult and copy the materials of the Military Selection Department!

It’s bad, this fraudulent use of military merit was impeached by Zhou Mian, the Langzhong Zhou Mian of the Wuxuan Division of the Ministry of War, but at that time it was prevaricated with grace, but now Yang Jisheng has cited all the evidence of the "Wuxuan Sizhang No. 19 Hall Draft" Come out, how can this prevarication!

   further down

I also saw that Yang Jisheng cited the Gengxu Incident, told the truth about Ding Rukui\'s non-combat, revealed that it was Yan Song\'s claim, and cited Ding Rukui\'s execution, and found that he was wronged by his adoptive father, shouting "Yan Song misunderstood me carry on" example.

  Seeing this, Zhao Wenhua\'s hand holding the memorial manuscript trembled, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned his head to look at Yan Song, and shouted in a panic, "The foster father is broken, something happened."

  (end of this chapter)