Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 9

When it's time for lunch, she can see wennian at night.

She was looking forward to it.

She was extremely looking forward to seeing ye wennian.

Wang Qiancha looked at the time and felt that time passed slowly.

As for what the teacher said in class, Wang Qiancha couldn't listen to it.

Of course, Wang Qiancha is very clever.

As a matter of fact, she has learned the knowledge of the school very early.

Why her parents still let her go to school is to let her experience normal school life.

She needs to experience what other people should experience at this age.

Step by step study in class and play with classmates.

So Wang Qiancha should go to school and have classes.

Although everything will, the test is still in the middle level.

Don't show off, don't have a high profile, simply live high school life.

But now that we have a warm new year, Wang Qiancha thinks that high school life is also very exciting.

In math class, Xia Xiling is taking notes seriously. She looks at Wang Qiancha and falls asleep with her eyes closed.

Xia Xiling looked at Wang Qiancha with admiration.

She can still sleep in math class, such a nervous class.

In fact, the main reason is that Wang Qiancha didn't sleep well last night.

I didn't feel it at first, but it would be really sleepy.

In the view of other students, mathematics class is a very tense class, especially the mathematics teacher is very strict.

Sometimes I always ask my classmates to answer questions, or go to the blackboard to do questions.

Xia Xiling has to listen to the class seriously, for fear that the teacher will suddenly ask a question, and she will lose face in front of the class.

But Wang Qiancha can sleep with his head down.

She really admired her.

Xia Xiling is thinking whether to remind Wang Qiancha.

At this time, the math teacher seemed to see this direction, his face changed, said: "this problem, the students come up on the blackboard to do it."

After the math teacher finished this sentence, everyone looked along his line of sight, and then saw a girl with a low head and covered by her hair.

Isn't this Wang Qiancha who talked to ye wennian before?

Although they are poor students in class 9, they will also pay attention to Xueba school.

So a little bit of news came to their ears.

Some girls just wait to see Wang Qiancha's joke.

"It's the girl in the penultimate row with the white coat."

Xia Xiling's face changed greatly, and she gently woke up Wang Qiancha with her elbow.

"The math teacher told you to work on the blackboard."

Wang Qiancha woke up confused and looked up at the blackboard.

The corners of her mouth curved faintly. This kind of math problem for pediatrics is also for her to do.

So Wang Qiancha calmly walked to the platform, picked up the chalk and made it on the blackboard.

But when Wang Qiancha was ready to write, he suddenly thought of a problem.

That is, she showed a bad look at mathematics in front of yewennian. If she wrote the correct answer, would he know?

When Wang Qiancha hesitated, the math teacher thought she couldn't do it, and said, "if you don't listen well in class, you can't even solve such a simple problem. Go to the office to do the paper after school at noon."


She has to go to the canteen at noon to learn mathematics with yewennian.

So Wang Qiancha did not hesitate to write down all the steps to solve the problem.

After writing, Wang Qiancha threw the chalk smartly and accurately into the chalk box.

How cool!

Many people in class 9 look at Wang Qiancha and think how cool she looks.