Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 8

Wang Qiancha's eyes were watching that yewennian was going to the classroom. She could only say in a loud voice: "yewennian!"

After calling these three words, many students around heard the word yewennian.

Yewennian is very famous in the whole school.

It can be said that the man of the moment is the first.

Because many times, there are girls who call his name and want to talk to him.

Before there are many girls crazy pursuit of yewennian.

So many people to the classroom, are coincidentally, involuntarily stopped.

We all look at the year of yewennian.

Then look at Wang Qiancha.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know, such an ugly girl even wants to chase ye wennian?"

"It can't be compared with school flowers. You can see that they are so rustic, aren't they country bumpkins from the countryside?"

"Do such people want to be close to the warm year of the night?"

"I haven't seen this person before. I'm sure it's not a good student. Class one doesn't have her."

"She thought her name was yewennian, and yewennian would take care of her!"


Everyone is discussing, laughing and waiting to see Wang Qiancha's joke.

Wang Qiancha called yewennian, but she didn't notice yewennian's step. She continued to run a few steps.

"Yewennian, walk slowly!"

Then, when everyone ridiculed Wang Qiancha, they were shocked that yewennian really stopped.

He turned and looked at Wang Qiancha, "what's the matter?"

Wang Qiancha looked up at yewennian and laughed, "I have math problems that I can't do. Can I have lunch together at noon? You can tell me something in the canteen!"

When Wang Qiancha spoke, her eyes all looked pathetic.

There was a watery light in his eyes.

Yewennian was silent and didn't speak.

Wang Qian tea way: "you are not said, you will give me the topic of ah!"

Yewennian nodded, "OK!"

It's just a word, but it makes Wang Qiancha smile.

"I'll come to your classroom for you at noon."

With that, Wang Qiancha left with a jump.

She was very happy.

When she was about to go to her classroom, at the corner, she turned around and waved to yewennian.

The night temperature year eye light flickered under, then entered the classroom.

All the onlookers were about to lose their chin.

"It was the warm year of the night?"

"When is he so talkative?"

"He looks familiar with that girl. Who is that girl?"

"You see, she went to class nine. Such a poor student even wants to approach yewennian."

"Ask who she is."

"This man has gone too far."

"That's why ye wennian talks to her so easily."


Everyone was going to explode.

Especially many girls, they used to chat with yewennian, yewennian is not so easy to talk about.

The night temperature was cold until a year ago.

Although yewennian only said a good word to the girl, he obviously stopped to talk to her.

It shows that this girl is very special.

"Teach that girl a lesson!"

"Yes, let her know how good we are!"

There are also small groups among the girls in this school.

They don't like Wang Qiancha. Naturally, they are looking for trouble.

To these, Wang Qiancha does not know.

Of course, with Wang Qiancha's ability, these people are not her rivals.

When she was a big sister and a group of younger brothers and sisters, these people didn't know where they were.


Wang Qiancha happily went back to the classroom with a smile on her face.

She looked at the time, even looking forward to the time quickly past, so as to hurry to lunch time.