Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 10

Wang Qiancha looked up at the math teacher lazily, "teacher, can I go back to my seat?"

The math teacher looked up at the student and said, "what's your name?"

"Wang Qiancha!"

The math teacher nodded, "well, you'll be the math class representative in the future!"

This math teacher is famous for his strictness in school. Although he teaches the poor class, he is also the head teacher of class nine.

After the beginning of high school, he has not arranged the representative of mathematics class.

This time, he directly appointed Wang Qiancha as the class representative.

Wang Qiancha was stunned. She looked at the math teacher inconceivably and pointed to herself with her finger, "teacher, do you want me to be the math class representative?"

"Yes, you are a smart child. Study hard and you will get good grades."

Wang Qiancha doesn't know at all. This question on the blackboard is a bit of an outline and difficult.

Originally, the math teacher intended to embarrass Wang Qiancha.

Who let this student not listen in class, even dare to sleep!

But I didn't expect that this student could do it so quickly, and the steps of solving the problem were concise and accurate.

Teachers are very fond of smart students.

This makes them feel that their teaching is good and they will have a sense of achievement.

Wang Qiancha said, "teacher, I'm not very good at math. How can I be the representative of math class?"

Isn't that a slap in the face?

She told yewennian to ask for math problems before.

Ha ha!

Let ye wennian know, don't know how to think of her.

"When I say you're a math class representative, you're a math class representative."

Therefore, there is no doubt that Wang Qiancha has become a representative of mathematics.

Until after class at noon, Wang Qiancha went to class one first and waited outside the classroom.

As soon as class was over, she ran to the door and waited for yewennian.

After all, class one is the best class. The teacher is not very timely after class, and often delays the class for five minutes.

So Wang Qiancha waited patiently at the door.

Other classes of students after class, see Wang Qiancha figure, are dissatisfied with the hiss.

"This kind of bumpkin wants to go after yewennian!"

"But yewennian seems to take care of her."

"Yewennian is very lonely. It's hard for others to get close to him."

"Why did ye wennian talk to this man?"

"Can it be that they are in the same boat and have similar family circumstances?"

"Who knows!"


Everyone discussed one by one, and they were all jealous of Wang Qiancha.

How to look at it, I don't think there is anything special about Wang Qian tea.

They didn't know how beautiful Wang's black glasses and hair were.

When Wang Qiancha saw the night warm year coming out of a classroom, her eyes lit up, "night warm year!"

She walked over and waved at yewennian.

Yewennian nodded, "well, let's go!"


Two people are ready to go to the canteen to eat, do not stay overnight, wennian with a pen and notebook.

It seems that I really decided to teach Wang Qiancha math problems.

To the canteen, Wang Qian tea way: "what do you want to eat, I invite you to dinner!"

"No!" said yewennian

Although his family is not good, he also has his self-esteem.

He won't let girls pay for him.

Wang Qiancha looks at ye wennian's stubborn appearance and turns her lips.

If you want to be good to him, you can't start.

Wang Qiancha ordered a lot of food. Although she is not fat, she can eat it.

And I like to eat meat.

But when Wang Qiancha came to yewennian with a tray and sat down, looking at the light tray of yewennian, the food was light.

She was stunned, and then a little embarrassed, she as a girl, is not too able to eat?