Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 7

Xia Xiling thought about it and said, "I heard that he was going to take a part-time job in the evening. He usually takes a part-time job in the evening."

But Xia Xiling thought of something and said in a low voice: "I heard that he will go to the bar!"

Wang Qiancha was a little surprised. "Will he go to the bar?"

In Wang Qiancha's impression, yewennian is a clean and refreshing boy.

Although his family is poor, but he has a kind of unspeakable noble.

She doesn't think he's going to the bar.

I didn't expect him to work part-time in a bar.

There was a faint light in Wang Qiancha's eyes. She used to go to bars.

That's when I went crazy.

But now, she wants to be a good girl.

She knows that yewennian should like clever girls.

She can't be that crazy.

Wang Qiancha's eyes are full of light, more curious, "which bar will he go to?"

"At the ginger bar on Center Street!"

Wang Qiancha took out her mobile phone to check the specific location.

She thought about how to get close to yewennian.

He's like a piece of ice. It's hard to get close and melt!

But when Wang Qiancha thought of him in ancient times, he was full of strength.

During the recess exercise, Wang Qiancha saw the night wennian at the front of class one across the crowd.

He was wearing a white sportswear, the sun shining on him, so that his whole person seems to have a moving light.

As if from the painting out of the same people, picturesque, noble dust.

It's hard to look away.

He stood quietly in the front, facing the class team, he should be the leader.

And he looked ahead, and nobody looked.

But Wang Qiancha found that although yewennian did not squint, many girls were watching him.

Looking around, she really found that so many girls are watching yewennian.

Many people's eyes are bright, even green.

After the sound of broadcast gymnastics, everyone began to do exercises.

But Wang Qiancha's sight falls on yewennian from time to time.

Turn around, bend down, turn your arms

Wang Qiancha did as the students in front of him did.

She has just transferred to another school and hasn't studied radio gymnastics, but Wang Qiancha has been practicing dance since she was a child and has a good foundation.

Plus, she's smart and quick to learn.

So even if she is learning to do now, her movements are also very standard, and it is very pleasing to do.

Although Wang Qiancha used thick bangs to cover some of his appearance, he also wore black framed glasses and his clothes were relatively broad.

But the figure can't be covered.

When she does exercises, it's easy for her to light up, which is the feeling that people can't help noticing.

When sitting to the last discipline, when bending over to get up, Wang Qiancha instinctively looked in the direction of yewennian.

Then she felt as if she was in the eye of yewennian.

At that moment, Wang Qiancha forgot to do the action.

She felt as if her vision had been twisted away by the warm year of night across the space.

His eyes are so deep and beautiful.

But soon, yewennian looked away.

They all made Wang Qiancha think that it was just an illusion.

Wang Qiancha blinked her eyes and thought that she was wrong.

After morning exercises, everyone scattered and began to enter the classroom, some under the playground activities.

Wang Qiancha looks at ye wennian and seems to be going back to the classroom. She thinks about it and runs to catch up with her.

Yewennian has long legs and walks fast. Wang Qiancha has to trot to keep up.