Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 6

Listening to the words of Ye wennian, Wang Qiancha was stunned.

She blinked her eyes, clearly the eyes of the demon, but now with a confused look, dull, some lovely.

The night is warm and the eyes are shining.

Wang Qiancha felt embarrassed and couldn't put on the smile on her face.

She bowed her head and didn't dare to see the look of yewennian.

Do you think yewennian knows that she is careful and that she meets him on purpose?

All of a sudden, the light in Wang Qiancha's mind flashed, "in fact, I want to study in the coffee shop at the gate of our school for a while, and then go in when the school opens."

The school opens at seven in the morning.

Generally, their class time starts at half past eight.

Yewennian nodded, and then walked towards the gate.

Wang Qiancha looked at the figure of yewennian and stretched out her hand to stop him, but she felt that there was no reason.

Wang Qiancha can only slowly follow behind and watch.

Then she found that yewennian went into a breakfast shop.

He put on his work clothes and helped with breakfast.

Because he is tall and handsome and has a high face value, many people come to have breakfast.

Wang Qiancha looked in the street and didn't want to go in.

We have to go to school first.

After class, Wang Qiancha was also absent-minded.

Xia Xiling looked at Wang Qiancha's face and asked, "Qiancha, didn't you have a good rest last night? You don't look very well

Wang Qiancha touched his face. Isn't his face good?

She did a good job of cleaning up before she went out. Could it be that when he saw yewennian in the morning, he thought her face was not good?

"Not pretty?"

"It's not that you are very beautiful in any way. It's just that you are not in the same state as usual and are a little listless."

Wang Qian tea holds her cheek and thinks for a while. All she thinks about is yewennian.

She suddenly asked curiously, "by the way, Xiling, do you know the yewennian of class one?"

On hearing the name of yewennian, Xia Xiling said excitedly: "I don't know. He is famous in the whole school."


"It's not. It's our school's grass root and the God of learning. It's the first place in every exam, but it's a pity that our family is poor, and we have to apply for scholarships, grants and poverty subsidies every year."

"But don't look at his family. He's very cold and lonely. No one else can get close to him."

"There are still some rich girls in our school who want to chase him. He's fierce, but he can't be moved. I heard that it's an ice cube."

"Money can't buy him off. No one can get close to him."

As soon as Wang Qiancha heard it, his heart was raised. Is it so popular?

Then she has a sense of crisis and tension.

"And what does he like?"

Xia Xiling said: "I don't know. Anyway, it's no use for rich girls, school girls or school bully girls to chase him."

"But you are so much more beautiful than the school flower. Shallow tea, you don't want to chase him, do you?"

Wang Qian tea way: "is curious, ask."

So cold and lonely?

In fact, in Wang Qiancha's view, yewennian is a soft and kind-hearted person.

Otherwise, she would not be willing to take her out of the alley when she was pestering him.

"Do you know what he does on weekdays?"

Xia Xiling shook her head and said, "I don't know. It's said that he has several part-time jobs, which he does in her spare time."

Wang Qiancha thought about it. Thinking of yewennian he saw in the morning, he should be doing a part-time job, right?

"Where will he go at night?" She is going to see him after school.