Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 5

Seeing this scene, Wang Qiancha was stunned for a moment.

Then she reacted quickly and hid behind a wall.

But he peeped out his head and looked at yewennian.

At this time, yewennian is no longer the cold teenager. When he talks to the old woman, he seems to have a faint smile on his face.

When passing by the side of the road, yewennian saw that the mineral water bottle would be picked up and put on the cart.

"Wennian, just study hard. Grandma can do these things."

"Grandma, I'm also idle when I'm idle. I'd better go out and have some activities."

Yewennian's voice was gentle when he spoke to his grandmother.

Although it still sounds a little cold, Wang Qiancha knows that this is his gentle voice.

I don't know why, looking at the moment when yewennian stooped to pick up the bottle, her eyes were a little sour.

At this moment, Wang Qiancha wants to do something for yewennian.

But after thinking about it, she held back.

She felt that he should not want people to see him like this.

She doesn't know anything about casual clothes.

Wang Qiancha watched it for a long time. Until yewennian and his grandmother left the place, Wang Qiancha didn't come back.

After going back in the evening, Wang Qiancha lay on the bed, playing with his mobile phone, but couldn't sleep.

Her mind is full of images of yewennian.

I don't know why, it's heartache, it's heart pulling.

After not agree to sleep, Wang Qiancha in sleep, dream of the night warm year.

It's just an ancient scene.

When he looked down at her, his eyes were so gentle, with the light of doting.

That kind of eyes made Wang Qiancha indulge in it.

I just think she's wrapped in warmth.

Just when Wang Qiancha was about to get close to him, he suddenly caught his cold light.

Then Wang Qiancha woke up.

She sat up and her heart beat faster.

She knew that what she had just seen was the real night warm year.

He's not the ancient one.

However, Wang Qiancha got up very early, just after five o'clock.

She seldom gets up so early.

She knew it had to do with the warmth of the night.

Wang Qiancha thought about it and quickly got up to wash up.

Auntie Wang gets up at five o'clock every day. When she sees that Wang Qiancha gets up so early, she is shocked. "Miss, why do you get up so early today?"

"I didn't have a rest last night, OK?"

Wang Qiancha shook his head, "no, I'm sleeping well. There's something wrong today."

After Wang Qiancha cleaned up, he looked at the direction of a building not far away from the window.

She knew that was where yewennian lived.

She can see him if he goes out.

She was eating breakfast and staring in that direction.

So almost at six o'clock, Wang Qiancha saw the figure of yewennian.

The moment she saw yewennian's figure, her heart would jump out.

It was a feeling of excitement.

She ran downstairs excitedly.

She's going to meet wennian by chance.

It turns out that when I have to look forward to meeting someone every day, I feel really good.

I don't feel like I didn't sleep enough.

Wang Qiancha ran very fast. Then when he came out of the gate, he took a slow breath and pretended to be the warmth of the night.

"The night is warm, what a coincidence!"

Yewennian obviously did not expect to meet Wang Qiancha.

He nodded faintly.

The cold attitude of yewennian made Wang Qiancha feel uncomfortable.

After all, he should be gentle in her mind.

But Wang Qiancha still tried to smile at the night warmly and brightly, "are you going to school? I'll go too. Let's go together."

"The school will not open at this time," he said


PS: ordinary Qun: 106615788, vipqun: 706883820