Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 4

Yewennian saw Huiwang tea.

Wang Qiancha suddenly felt a strong pressure on her head. She was a little surprised. Was it from yewennian?

But it doesn't look right!

He is a person who needs to be protected. How can he have a strong aura.

Just as Wang Qiancha looked up, the feeling dissipated.

Then she heard yewennian say, "you don't need to take pocket money. I'll make up for you."

Wang Qiancha was all excited, "really? Really? "

She was very excited and asked twice in a row, really!

When Wang Qiancha looks at people directly, her eyes are very charming. She can really hook people, and her eyes can capture people's soul.

And when she was excited, her eyes were flexible, as if she could speak.

The thoughts in my heart are expressed through my eyes.

It's clear to see.

Yewennian said: "it's true!"

His voice was light and mellow.

It's exciting to listen to the sound.

Wang Qiancha said with a smile, "well, you can't go back."


Yewennian doesn't talk much on weekdays, but what he says will be done.

Wang Qiancha's eyes are very bright, "you are so kind."

Wang Qiancha thinks that she can get along with yewennian more in this way. Moreover, she looks at his clothes as if they are very simple, and whether his family is not very good. She plans to save her pocket money to buy things and food for him.

Anyway, she can use him to help her with her lessons. She appreciates him for being good to him.

The more I think about it, the more I feel smart.

After drinking the milk tea, Wang Qiancha thought that he couldn't delay yewennian's study too much.

She said, "let's go home."

Then the two walked slowly on the road.

Wang Qiancha walked slowly, and yewennian walked faster. Several times, Wang Qiancha trotted to catch up.

When yewennian realized something, he slowed down and adapted to the pace of Wang Qiancha.

No matter how long the road is, it's almost where we live.

Wang Qiancha saw the community and said, "I live on the sixth floor of XX building here."

This is an old community. There are not many floors in the community. Wang Qiancha is on the top floor, and there is no elevator. Many street lights are still broken.

"Let's go," he said

Wang shallow tea Leng Leng, "where do you live?"

"Building XX, 1st floor!"

Wang Qiancha said, "do we have a community? The building number is very close, so we can go to and from school together? "

Wang Qiancha was so excited that his heart almost jumped up.

"I want to go out early in the morning," yewennian said

What to do when you go out, yewennian didn't say.

Wang Qiancha knew that he shouldn't ask these too private questions at this time. If he wanted to say it, he said it.

Wang Qiancha thinks it's really hard for her to get up early. Every day she thinks that she can sleep more at home on weekends.

She really doesn't want to get up early in the morning.

But when she thought that yewennian had to get up earlier than that time, she felt admiration.

"Do you get up early? Will it be very hard? "

Yewennian did not speak.

Wang Qiancha felt that her asking was the same as not asking.

It must be hard to get up early.

Just when Wang Qiancha thought yewennian would not answer, yewennian said, "I'm used to it!"

I'm used to it, so he doesn't think it's hard.

Wang Qiancha's heart suddenly pulled down, as if she was distressed.

Wang Qiancha wanted to be good to him, to make him not so hard, to give him what she had.

But Wang Qiancha also suddenly thought of one thing, that is, he should be a proud person, should not want to accept other people's gifts like this!

She should ask him to help make up lessons, and then treat him well.

This is also a way.

To the community, to go upstairs, Wang Qiancha turned his head and looked at yewennian, "that, what's your mobile phone number?"

"I think it's more convenient to have a mobile phone number."

Yewennian didn't speak. He didn't look very well.

Wang Qiancha looks at him and suddenly realizes that yewennian probably has no mobile phone number.

Wang Qiancha felt as if she had hurt one of his self-esteem.

Wang Qiancha hastily added: "I also just saved money to buy a brand-new mobile phone. I bought it for 200 yuan. I haven't added anyone. I don't know how to send messages. I just want to have your mobile phone number to send messages to each other."

Wang Qiancha decided to replace her mobile phone with a mixed brand.

It won't help.

"No!"When Wang Qiancha heard the word "ye wennian", he knew that he said there was no mobile phone.

Wang Qian said: "I still have a mixed brand mobile phone, which is one of the lucky draw. I don't need two. I'll use them for you. It'll be your reward for making up lessons for me."

"I've taken advantage of it. The cram school costs so much for a class. You must be better than the teacher."

"No!" said yewennian

"But how can I contact you?"

Ye wennian said, "if you have anything to do, you can come to the classroom for me."

Wang Qiancha nodded, "OK."

Then she walked back almost three steps. When she got to the bottom of the corridor, she turned her head and looked at yewennian and said, "see you tomorrow then!"

Wang Qiancha didn't know if yewennian had spoken. The wind was a little strong and he couldn't hear clearly.

But Wang Qiancha is in a good mood.

When I go up the corridor, I jump and jump.

This will suddenly thank her parents for her transfer.

She doesn't think the corridor is narrow, and she doesn't think the community is dilapidated.

Because there is a warm night here, so everything here has changed.

When Wang Qiancha came home, Aunt Wang had already cooked a meal. "Miss, why did you come back so late today?"

"Auntie Wang, I have something to do. I will study more in school, and I may come home later in the future."

"It's too late, miss. Be safe."

Although Aunt Wang is not very worried about the safety of Wang Qiancha.

Wang Qiancha's super skill can fight against the dark guards of the Ye family. Those people in the society are not miss's opponents.

Besides, the power behind the Wang family is too powerful. If anything happens to Miss Wang, the Wang family will get the news immediately.

The network is strong, no one can shake it.

So Aunt Wang is not worried.

She only needs to be responsible for the daily life of the young lady.

"I see, Aunt Wang."

Aunt Wang warmed up the meal and served it to Wang Qiancha.

Wang Qiancha asked Aunt Wang to eat together.

Although she is a real young lady, she is not as arrogant as a young lady.

Her parents did not allow her to be arrogant and unreasonable.

Therefore, Wang Qiancha is a very nice person besides having a strange personality.

After dinner, Wang Qian said, "Aunt Wang, I have something to do when I go out."

"Miss, it's so late!"

"It's OK. I'm in control."

When Wang Qiancha went out, he went out to several mobile phone stores and bought two non brand mobile phones.

Just as she went back, she suddenly saw a figure.

He was with an old woman, and they were pushing a small cart, which was full of paper shells and mineral water bottles.