Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 3

With that, Wang Qiancha turned her head and looked at yewennian. She blinked her clear eyes and looked at him and said, "is five cent sugar OK?"

Under Wang Qiancha's eyes, yewennian's eyes flashed and nodded, "yes!"

Even when he spoke, his voice was clear and light.

But Wang Qiancha thought his voice was nice.

When Wang Qiancha looks at the warm year at night, her eyes are all bright.

She remembered yewennian in her dream. He was different.

He's her husband. He's very gentle with her.

When he is gentle, when he talks to her, his voice is better.

At that time, his eyes were full of moving light, instead of the cold and cold appearance now.

But it's a pleasure to see him.

Wang Qiancha's eyebrows and eyes are curved, with a smile, let people look at, there is a warm wind blowing feeling.

Yewennian's smiling eyes on Shangwang Qiancha were slightly dazed, and the Phoenix's eyes flashed a cold light.

The assistant of the milk tea shop finished the milk tea and asked Wang Qiancha, "do you want to drink it in the shop or pack it away?"

Wang Qiancha said in a hurry: "drink in the shop!"

When Wang Qiancha walked in, he saw that the night wennian standing by the door had not moved.

Wang Qiancha turned her lips, then went to yewennian's side, stretched out her finger, pulled yewennian's sleeve, blinked her big clear eyes and looked at him, "come in!"

Yewennian looks at Wang Qiancha's eyes, looks tiny, and then walks in with Wang Qiancha.

The radian of Wang Qiancha's mouth rose and she couldn't help laughing.

Yewennian followed Wang Qiancha's steps.

Where Wang Qiancha chooses to sit, he will sit down.

Wang Qiancha chose a place near the corner, "let's sit here!"

Then she put down the milk tea, inserted it with a straw, and gave it to yewennian, "this is yours, you drink it!"

Yewennian put down his schoolbag and put it on the chair next to him. Looking at the milk tea in front of him, he didn't move.

Wang Qiancha's eyes blinked. He was sad to see that he didn't drink it at night.

She dropped her mouth and said in a childish way, "why don't you drink? If you don't drink, it's a waste!"

At this time, yewennian turned over the money from his pocket and said, "I'll give you the money!"

Wang Qiancha looked at the money yewennian took out, and felt that it had been impacted all of a sudden.

It seemed that something beat her in the heart, and she turned pale.

Wang Qiancha seemed to be stimulated. After reaction, he pushed yewennian's hand, "you take the money back, take it back."

"It's normal for you to take me out of that alley and I'll treat you to milk tea. Thank you!"

Yewennian looks at Wang Qiancha's hand on his hand. It's delicate and white.

His hand seemed to be scalded, and he drew back. "No, you helped me in the beginning."

Wang Qiancha was a little angry. How could this man be so stiff and stubborn.

And his eyes calm, light, some casual feeling, people can not see what he was thinking.

"But I said I'd invite you to drink milk tea. If you feel bad, you'll protect me and we'll finish school together."

"You see, I can't drink two cups of milk tea. If you don't drink it, it will be wasted. I'll cry!"

Say, Wang shallow tea shrivels mouth, seem very aggrieved appearance, eye socket is red, prepare to cry.

In fact, it's not acting.

She was really sad just now, and her heart was stuffy.

I don't know why, just sour.

Maybe it's because yewennian is different from him in his dream. She can't stand being indifferent to her.

Maybe it's because she is distressed to see his life now.

He shouldn't be like this.

The more than ten yuan in his hand were stacked one by one, which was very flat. It can be seen that they were all saved on weekdays.

Looking at such a warm night, Wang Qiancha is really distressed.

When yewennian heard Wang Qiancha's words and looked at her red eyes, she suddenly felt at a loss, "don't cry, I'll drink!"

Hearing ye wennian's words, Wang Qiancha couldn't help laughing.

"I'm thinking, you're like poison."

Speaking of this, Wang Qiancha suddenly thought of some scenes in her dream. At that time, he really spoiled her and was very gentle. When she cried, he couldn't stand it.

He will do whatever he is told to do.

Maybe he would drink poison, but how could she give up.

Yewennian's mouth moved. In fact, he didn't like sweet food very much. He seldom ate sweet food.

But looking at the appearance of Wang Qiancha, yewennian still picked up milk tea to drink.

Wang Qiancha laughed at the meeting and felt that she wanted him to drink what she liked.She wanted to give him everything she liked to eat.

In fact, she took him to drink milk tea. Frankly speaking, she still wanted to find a reason to stay with him for a while.

After drinking a mouthful of milk tea, Wang Qiancha felt that the pores of his whole body were relaxed and open, and his heart was warm.

Wang Qiancha drank and asked yewennian, "is it good?"

Yewennian looked at Wang Qiancha's eyes, looked at her with expectant eyes, looked at him, as if waiting for him to say good drink.

The night temperature year Mou Guang micro motion, nodded, "mmm."

Wang Qiancha smiles more brightly.

In fact, Wang Qiancha used to be light on anything, but in the face of the warm new year, she felt that everything was different.

It's as if the whole person is refreshed.

I'm very excited.

"Would you like some more snacks? I think there's cake here."

The night wennian frowned, "no!"

He has a lot to do when he goes back.

Wang Qiancha looks at ye wennian with some silence and always wants to find some topics to talk about.

I want to talk to yewennianduo.

Or also want to know more about him now, but he said too little, if she asked, too impolite.

So Wang Qiancha said to herself, "I just transferred to this school. Not long ago, I'm in class 9, grade 2. What class are you in?"

"Class one!"


Wang shallow tea, ah, did not expect that yewennian is in class one, "class one is the strongest top class in our school, you are in this class, great!"

It seems that he is a bully.

However, the way he cherishes books, he should also love learning.

All of a sudden, Wang Qiancha felt ashamed that she didn't study hard at school.

She shouldn't have said anything about class nine.

I'm so embarrassed in front of Xueba.

All of a sudden, Wang Qiancha's face moved, and he had it!

"Well, I don't study very well, especially in mathematics. I can't understand it all the time. May I ask you some questions?"

When Wang Qiancha was talking, she was looking at wennian at night.

I found that the night warm year frowned.

Wang Qiancha's heart thumped. Was he not willing to teach her?

"I'll give you my pocket money. Can you teach me as a tutor?"


Wang Qiancha's face drooped, "can't I ask you about your study?"