Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 2

The boy's action towards the book is very gentle. He carefully picks up the book, pats the dust on it, and then puts it into the bag.

His schoolbag is light blue, some old, but clean.

Like himself, the clothes he was wearing were old, but clean and fresh.

Wang Qiancha walked forward a few steps, then squatted down, picked up the pen bag that fell in the distance, and handed it to the boy, "here you are!"

The boy saw his pencil bag and was held by a pair of white and slender hands.

Listen to the voice, a little soft.

Then he looked up at Wang Qiancha.

In front of her, Qi'er's black hair is playful, her skin is as white as snow, her eyelashes are dense, her willow eyebrows are curved, her nose is pretty, her face is small and delicate, and her lips are as bright as roses.

Especially the eyes, demon long and narrow, clear eyes with clear light, look carefully, but it seems to hook people, can seduce.

Her eyes, coupled with her charming and small face, are more charming.

The boy's face changed, but he still calmly lowered his head, took the pencil bag and put it into his schoolbag, "thank you."

Wang Qiancha hasn't recovered from the shock.

The youth is as beautiful as poetry and painting.

Phoenix eyes, as outlined by fine brushwork, are perfect in shape. They squint slightly, with the flowing light.

The eyes were cold, and there was a kind of aloofness.

His skin is cold white, and the contour of his face is as delicate as that of a knife.

Such as apricot blossom spring rain, bamboo dew breeze.

It's also like the moonlight, the water, the dust and the elegance.

He dropped his eyes, covered with thick and moving eyelashes, and also covered his cold eyes without temperature.

Clearly very good-looking people, but with the comb cold feeling, vaguely let people feel that he has a kind of gloomy feeling.

Wang Qiancha has seen so many good-looking men. There are many brothers in her family, including her own brother and uncle's family.

But this young man is beautiful, let her hard amazing.

He was different from all the people she had met, and his breath was different.

When Wang Qiancha was in a daze, the boy had packed up and stood up.

He put on his schoolbag and was ready to move on.

Wang Qiancha also stood up. She found that the boy was really tall, more than one meter eight. When she stood up, she would only reach his shoulder.

Some of Wang's tea hasn't come back.

The boy walked a few steps, as if he thought of something. He stopped and said, "it's not safe here. Don't go here in the future. Go home quickly!"

Wang Qiancha listened to the young man's voice and began to smile.

It doesn't look so cold. I still know how to care.

Wang Qiancha said softly, "I'm afraid. Can you take me away from here?"

The young man looked back at Xiawang Qiancha, but he had some pitiful eyes on Shangwang Qiancha.

The young Phoenix's eyes flashed, bringing the bright light.

He pursed his lips, thin and cold.

Just when Wang Qiancha thought he was going to refuse, he said, "let's go!"

Wang Qiancha is happy to keep up with the youth.

In fact, Wang Qiancha just flashed a lot of scenes in his mind.

It's a scene she often dreams about, especially last night.

But when she woke up, she forgot.

But just now, the moment she saw the boy, she thought of many things.

Think of some scenes in ancient times, he is her husband!

At that moment, Wang Qiancha was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

She thought, we must keep up with him.

The boy is tall and has long legs. Every step is a big step. Wang Qiancha is more than 1.6 meters tall. He walks a little slowly. He should walk faster.

But the boy seems to be a careful man, and he slows down.

Such a subtle action, Wang Qiancha felt.

"Well, my name is Wang Qiancha. What's your name?"

Young did not speak, Wang shallow tea toot toot mouth, some not very happy.

"I'm talking to you. Don't you talk to me?"

"At least I just saved you. I used my cell phone to make the siren sound."

Young listen to the words of Wang shallow tea, this just light way: "night Wen year!"

"Warm year at night?"

All of a sudden, Wang Qiancha remembered the book that had fallen on the ground before, as if the three words were on the page.

She knows what it is.

It turned out to be his name.

"Your name is very nice, warm year, warm year after year."

Wang Qiancha talks a lot, but young people talk very little and are relatively silent.

Wang Qiancha thought that his character might be very lonely.

In those memory scenes in her sleep, Wang Qiancha remembered that he didn't talk much, but he would also talk to her.He will answer everything she says and respond.

But now, he doesn't talk much.

Two people walked like this, quickly out of the alley, outside a turn is the road.

Wang Qiancha asked yewennian, "which direction are you going?"

Yewennian pointed in the right direction, "here!"

Wang Qiancha's eyes brightened. "I'm going here too. Is that the direction of your home? It's also the direction of my family. "

"Just on our way."

Night wennian frowned and said nothing.

Wang Qiancha looked at him carefully, "are you not happy that I say a lot of words?"

Looking at Wang Qiancha's head down, he was not happy. Yewennian said, "no!"

He's just not used to it. No one has ever said so much in front of him.

It's like talking.

He's not quite used to it.

Yewennian didn't know what to say.

Everyone avoided him, only the girl seemed to know nothing.

"That's to say that I like to talk. I'll tell you more later."

Most of the time, Wang Qiancha is talking.

Walking to the door of a milk tea shop, Wang Qiancha touched his pocket pocket money.

She has never been willing to spend.

She pointed to the milk tea shop, "let's have a cup of milk tea. You see, you take me out. I should thank you. Shall I treat you to milk tea?"


Wang Qiancha looked at the cold look of yewennian and said with a smile: "drink it, just drink it with me, OK?"

"Besides, it's not safe for me to go home if I drink it by myself so late. I don't have to be afraid if you accompany me."

Yewennian still hasn't moved.

Wang Qiancha directly went to pull his sleeve, "help people to help in the end, I really want to drink milk tea."

When Wang Qiancha talks, she has a very soft feeling. She is cute and can't bear to refuse.

Yewennian was dragged in by Wang Qiancha.

"Boss, two cups of milk tea, I want pearl flavor, as for his..."

Wang Qiancha didn't know what flavor ye wennian liked. He asked, "what flavor do you like?"

Ye wennian Feng's eyes flashed and a dark light flashed, "whatever!"

Wang Qiancha thought about it and said, "then give him a cup of your most popular brand milk tea. I want five cents of sugar..."

"His, also be 5 cent sugar!"