Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 12

Wang Qiancha thinks that yewennian should be a very principled person.

I feel that he is lonely sometimes. I don't like being cheated!

So Wang Qiancha is guilty.

The night temperature year light way: "mmm."

In fact, after the third class, someone specially came to tell him about it.

After all, she had been asked to take Wang Qiancha in class before, and many people may have talked about Wang Qiancha.

So when she became a math class representative, someone told him.

He was just surprised.

I didn't expect that Wang Qiancha would take the initiative to explain to him.

"I know that after you become a math class representative, you should study math well and improve your math scores."

Ye wennian hopes that Wang Qiancha will study mathematics well and improve his grades.

"At the time of the college entrance examination, mathematics is still very important. If the foundation is well laid and the students play a stable role, they can test for a better school."

It's not just for scholarships and grants that ye wennian takes the first place in every exam.

Also for the school's recommendation quota, even if there is no recommendation quota, he will be admitted to the best school in a country by his own strength.

When he was a graduate student, he was preparing to go abroad to norbia University in China.

Nowadays, the University of nuorbia is the first-class school in the world.

Very famous.

It is said that more than 20 years ago, many big men graduated from that school.

He has to apply for a full scholarship. Only in this way can he study in that school without any burden.

This is the plan and plan given to him by yewennian.

He wants to use his own strength to make his grandmother no longer work hard.

Let his grandmother be proud of him.

Yewennian knew what he was going to do when he was very young after his mother's death.

Wang Qiancha looks at ye wennian seriously.

There is a deep light in it, which can swallow her as a whole.

In Wang Qiancha's opinion, yewennian's eyes are so deep and charming.

She looked into his eyes, only felt that there was a frightening power in it.

She couldn't help listening to him.

Wang Qiancha nodded vigorously, "OK, I'll study math well."

In fact, Wang Qiancha's knowledge and ability are very high.

She thinks it's good to go to college at will.

Anyway, it's OK to go to university in this city.

But at this moment, she suddenly wanted to go to a school with yewennian.

Seeing Wang Qiancha nodding, the eyebrows of yewennian stretched out.

Wang Qiancha blinked her eyes and said to yewennian with a smile, "then I'll go to a university with you."

Ye wennian was stunned and didn't speak.

Wang Qiancha tooted and said, "why don't you believe my strength?"

Ye wennian shook his head, "no, you are very smart. If you study hard, your grades will improve very quickly."

"And if you have goals and aspirations, you have motivation."

Yes, in yewennian's opinion, as long as Wang Qiancha is willing to work hard, he will make rapid progress.

Wang Qiancha said pitifully, "but I don't know a lot of things. Would you like to make up lessons for me?"

With that, Wang Qiancha took out the fake mobile phone he made last night.

"You see, it's all my lucky draw. You and I have no function, but they can send text messages and make phone calls."

Ye wennian said, "I don't need to!"

"You should do it for my study. If you don't use it, how can I contact you? How can I find you for the math problems I don't know?"

"Besides, what others say may not be as easy to understand as what you say. My foundation is not very good, you know."