Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 11

Wang Qiancha looked at wennian's eyes in the next night and said, "well, I took it too much by accident."

"In fact, I can't eat so much. Help me to eat some!"

With that, Wang Qiancha is ready to put chopsticks into yewennian's tray.

Yewennian held down Wang Qiancha's chopsticks with chopsticks, "eat as much as you can, and don't force yourself if you can't eat."

"Oh, oh!"

Wang Qiancha can only take back the chopsticks.

Then eat slowly.

Wang Qiancha quietly looked at yewennian and found that when yewennian ate, he was slow and elegant.

Wang Qiancha doesn't want yewennian to think she's wasting food.

So I ordered as much as I could and ate it slowly.

Yewennian ate faster. After he finished eating, he sat there waiting for Wang Qiancha to finish.

He didn't speak at dinner, and Wang Qiancha didn't know whether to speak or not.

So two people are relatively silent.

Of course, a lot of people in the canteen see it here.

Everyone was shocked to see Wang Qiancha and yewennian.

Everyone knows that when you eat in yewennian, you are not used to letting other people sit around.

Before someone deliberately sat opposite him, he left with a tray on the spot.

At that time, the school flower was still embarrassed.

Anyway, I was laughed at by my classmates for a long time.

But see ye wennian and that Wang Qiancha eat together, unexpectedly so harmonious.

After dinner, Wang Qiancha wiped her mouth with a tissue, "I'm full!"

Yewennian and Wang Qiancha took the tray to the reception place and then found a quiet place to sit down.

Ye wennian took out his notebook and pen and said, "what's wrong with you?"

No problem?

Wang Qiancha quickly took out the textbook from her backpack, and then found a few extracurricular exercises, "this, I don't understand, teacher class, I didn't understand."

Wang Qiancha thinks the voice of yewennian is very nice.

So I want to hear more of his voice.

Yewennian is a very serious person.

To explain it to Wang Qiancha is to explain it seriously.

He worried that the foundation of Wang Qiancha was not good, so the explanation was very detailed, starting from the foundation.

Including theorem examples, several similar problems, will talk about.

It's the kind that you take apart and crush, and then explain it clearly to Wang Qiancha.

After that, yewennian asked, "do you know?"

Wang Qiancha is immersed in the sound of warm new year at night. She hasn't heard enough of it.

She blinked. "That, I don't understand."

Yewennian looked at Wang Qiancha and seemed helpless. Then he continued to explain to Wang Qiancha.

"Can I do the problem by myself now?"

Wang Qiancha still shook his head.

The night temperature year Cu Cu Cu eyebrow center, pinched with the hand to pinch the eyebrow center, "where can't?"

Looking at the headache of yewennian, Wang Qiancha felt guilty.

Feeling unable to embarrass yewennian any more, she pointed to the last step, "this step, I don't quite understand."

Yewennian talked about this step in detail.

"I understand now!"

"Well, do these questions for a while!"

Yewennian found several similar problems and asked Wang Qiancha to do them.

Among the five questions, Wang Qiancha got four right and one wrong.

Ye wennian's eyebrows unfolded, revealing a faint smile.

Although it was very light, Wang Qiancha saw it.

Wang Qiancha is very excited, so he will laugh.

Did he laugh when he saw that she was right?

Ye wennian said, "if you make progress, your foundation is relatively poor. After mastering the foundation, your math scores will improve quickly."

Wang Qian said: "but my foundation is not very good. My math teacher also asked me to be a math class representative."

Wang Qiancha takes the initiative to confess that she doesn't want to be misunderstood by yewennian later.