Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V3.Chapter 13

Wang Qiancha blinked her poor eyes and looked at yewennian. Her eyes were wet, like a deer lost in the mountains.

It looks so soft and pathetic.

This kind of eyes is the most vulnerable.

It's the easiest to soften.

Yewennian sipped her lips and didn't speak.

Wang Qiancha looks at yewennian with his mouth, as if he is about to cry without a mobile phone.

Looking at ye wennian's dilemma, Wang Qiancha said, "if you make money in the future, you can also give me a gift or something."

"You are a theological bully, and you will earn a lot after graduation."

Night temperature years are helpless knead next eyebrow, "so believe me?"

"Of course, I believe in my own eyes."

Wang added, "I think you're very good. I'll be very capable in the future. I'll learn from you and I'll get better."

Wang Qiancha hid his careful thinking.

I dare not let yewennian know.

It's just learning to be better.

Yewennian took the mobile phone and said, "I'll buy you a gift."

Yewennian doesn't talk much, but whatever he says will be fulfilled.

It's like a promise.

Wang Qiancha's eyebrows curved with a smile, "is any gift OK?"

In fact, she asked yewennian tentatively.

"Well, when I have the ability, any gift will do."

When Wang Qiancha lowered her head, her eyelashes trembled, and a sly light flashed in her eyes.

Yewennian said it himself.

She'll always remember anyway.

She felt like she made it herself.

The topic is almost the same, and Wang Qiancha can't occupy the time of warm year all the time.

She thinks it's hard for him to get up so early in the morning and work part-time every day.

We should have a good rest at noon.

Wang Qiancha knows what it means to stop when it's good.

Besides, she also wants to let yewennian know that she is a sensible girl.

Wang Qian said, "I'll go back and do these questions well, and you'll go back and have a rest at noon."

Yewennian nodded, then took the notebook and notebook to go out of the canteen.

He has long legs and walks fast.

Wang Qiancha ran to keep up.

"Let's go back to the classroom together!"

Yewennian nodded.

Then many students watched ye wennian and Wang Qiancha walk back to the classroom.

Many girls look at Wang Qiancha with jealous eyes.

But Wang Qiancha was not affected at all.

She doesn't care what others think of her.

She only cares about the attitude of warming up in the evening.

Wang Qiancha walks briskly and jumps.

It seems to know that Wang Qiancha walks slowly. Yewennian walks for a while, and then slows down.

His carefulness was also felt by Wang Qiancha.

She felt that although the night was warm and the year was cold, she was actually a careful and gentle person.

Back at the door of the classroom, Wang Qiancha waved to yewennian.


In the evening, after school, Wang Qiancha wants to go to that bar to find yewennian.

She was worried about the situation of yewennian and wanted to see it.

Just walk outside the school. When you come to a street, a few girls come out from the other side.

Looking at the appearance of these girls, Wang Qiancha sneered.

She knew what these girls were going to do at a glance.

Wang Qiancha's momentum changed in an instant. The whole person was evil, cold and evil.

"Why did you follow me here?"

Wang Qiancha squints at these girls with arrogant voice.

"Wang Qiancha, who do you think you are

"Yes, we're here to teach you a lesson."