Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 9

Xie limo was going to look for yunbixue and ask her if she has any needs and if she has any discomfort.

He felt that since yunbixue came to Xiefu as a princess and became her wife, he would give her some care.

Or maybe, deep in his heart, he really wants to care about her.

Xie limo is just busy, looking at the light is still on here, ready to come and have a look.

But I didn't expect to hear the conversation when I just came to the door.

I also heard what yunbixue said.

At that moment, Xie limo was touched and moved.

Her words, very simple words, with the meaning of maintaining him, let his cold heart suddenly pour into a warm current.

Yes, warm current.

Xie limo's cold heart felt a trace of warmth.

In fact, he also knows his physical condition. He doesn't blame others for talking behind his back.

Sometimes he would hear such discussions from others, and he could only pretend not to hear them.

It's always been him.

But I didn't expect that now he heard the words of defending him from yunbixue.

Heard her say, he will live a long life.

Even if it was just a word, it moved Xie limo.

Xie limo stood outside the door, standing quietly, as if to feel more from her breath.

The wind blows his hair and his clothes, which makes him more immortal.

At night, the wind was still a little cool. After a while, Xie could not help coughing.

But in order not to disturb the people in the house, he quietly walked out of the courtyard, like the wind, did not let yunbixue find anything.


In the middle of the night, yunbixue felt a little uncomfortable and seemed to have a fever.

The servant girl found that yunbixue was different and ran out quickly.

After all, they didn't know anything about Xie's house, and they didn't know how to get a doctor.

So the servant girl can only go to Xie limo's yard in a hurry to find Xie limo.

When Xie limo knew that yunbixue was not feeling well, his face changed and he quickly asked someone to ask for a doctor.

When the doctor came, he felt the pulse for yunbixue and prescribed medicine.

Xie limo personally went to boil the medicine, and then brought the medicine back to the house.

Yunbixue only felt that her whole body was very hot. She had a very weak feeling. Her whole body was weak and uncomfortable.

She was conscious, just didn't want to move, and the whole person was very uncomfortable.

Weak, especially homesick, she felt very lonely, miss her modern home.

Xie limo came to the bedside with the medicine bowl, looked down at Yun bixue, and said softly, "shall I help you to take the medicine first? You'll feel better after taking the medicine. "

Xie limo tried to keep his voice as low as possible to make his voice sound much softer.

In fact, this kind of cloud and snow looks really fragile.

Xie limo has a feeling of treating fragile dolls, very careful and gentle to her.

Yunbixue some homesick, and then hear Xie limo gentle voice, I do not know why, some sour nose.

Xie limo has been paying attention to yunbixue's mood. Seeing the light in the corner of her eyes, her hand trembles.

He put the medicine bowl next to him, and then gently wiped the water from the corner of his eyes to Yun bixue, "is there something uncomfortable? Just take the medicine. How about getting up and taking it first? "

Xie limo did not take care of people's amazing, so at this time is completely yunbixue as a little girl to coax.

Even the eyes are so gentle as water.