Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 10

The more Xie limo coaxes yunbixue, the more yunbixue feels like crying.

It's like I'm very weak. When I'm wronged, I find the feeling of dependence.

It's as if you can act capriciously.

She did not know why, at this time there will be such a feeling.

But looking at Xie limo and listening to his gentle voice, she felt as if her heart was full.

And feel Xie limo gentle treatment of her, her heart seems to be hit by something.

My heart was shaking.

Especially for Xie limo's eyes, yunbixue has a feeling of involuntarily immersing in them.

Yes, immersed in it, she saw the warmth, she also felt the warm light like the spring breeze.

Looking at the dull appearance of yunbixue, I don't know why, Xie limo also has a very soft feeling in his heart.

It's like being nice to her is very natural.

He knows what to do with little brain thinking.

It's like I'm following my heart.

Xie limo reaches out his hand, gently embraces yunbixue, and then holds her up.

When doing this, Xie limo's action is very light and soft. He treats yunbixue like a treasure.

Yunbixue can also feel Xie limo's tenderness and carefulness.

And the cloud and snow is very natural in sherimort here, can feel the sense of security.

It was Xie limo who supported yunbixue, and yunbixue sat up.

However, she had a fever all over her body and a lot of sweating. At this time, she was weak and weak.

So at this time, yunbixue couldn't sit still. She was leaning on Xie limo's arms.

Leaning on Xie limo's arms for a moment, yunbixue smelled Xie limo's elegant and moving breath, which was clean and refreshing.

Smell the breath on his body that instant, the cloud blue snow head hummed for a while.

It's like there's a flash of light in my mind.

Let her have a familiar feeling from the bone.

Yes, familiarity.

Yunbixue doesn't understand why.

Is Xie limo body has a kind of breath, let her involuntarily want to rely on, involuntarily trust.

In fact, Xie limo in the moment of lifting the cloud blue snow, holding her that moment, the heart also missed a beat.

He also has a sense of wholeness.

Xie limo holds yunbixue and picks up the medicine bowl beside him. He scoops it with a spoon and blows it. The temperature is almost the same. Then he delivers it to yunbixue's mouth.

"The temperature is just right. After drinking the medicine, the fever will subside."

Yunbixue's head is dizzy. She opens her mouth and drinks a mouthful of medicine. Her throat is bitter.

Looking at cloud blue snow frown, Xie Li Mo heart also followed to pull up, he did not know where to take out a preserves, "eat this first!"

When I saw the candied fruit, my eyes were shining.

He He is really careful.

Cloud Bi snow on his gorgeous eyes, heart hard palpitation.

He gave her a sense of familiarity.

She was touched by his kindness.

"We Did we know each other before? "

Yunbixue has such a feeling that she is very familiar, but she can't remember it. Moreover, she comes from modern times and doesn't remember that she seems to have met two people.

But she felt as if she was missing some memory in her mind.

Hearing this question, Xie limo was also stunned.

Xie limo's eyes flashed a ray of light. In fact, he also had such a feeling in his heart.