Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 8

Yunbixue has a warm feeling in her heart at this time.

There is a warm current from the heart, warm current flow all over the body, let her whole person have a very warm feeling.

In the feeling of cloud and snow, Xie limo really gives people a feeling that strangers are like jade and childe is unique.

He is as gentle as jade.

That kind of gentle, give a person a kind of feeling.

So yunbixue is looking forward to coming to Xie and living here.

Because of Xie limo.

He gave her a very comfortable and gentle feeling.

When he saw her fat, his eyes were gentle.

It's said that eyes are the window of the soul. She knows that his eyes are sincere and he didn't cheat her.

Yunbixue laughed and said, "thank you!"

"It's very kind of you, young lady."

In fact, when yunbixue heard the maid call her little lady, she knew that it was an affirmation of her identity.

It should be arranged by Xie limo.

, so that she feels that she has come to Xie house to become a member of Xie, not what her royal highness is.

It made her feel closer.

I don't know if it's because I feel relaxed, so I smell the food and have an appetite.

The maid has to wait on yunbixue. Yunbixue is not used to it. She comes from modern times and is used to eating on her own. She is not used to having people wait on her.

When eating food, yunbixue really feels good.

Just eating, she can feel Xie limo's intention.

In fact, she didn't eat well all the way.

Moreover, the food she ate in the tavern and restaurant on the way tasted very common, and some of the food she couldn't eat. In addition, she was a little tired on the way, and she had no appetite.

In fact, along the way, she was a little thinner.

So this meal is a good one for her.

After eating enough, yunbixue went to the West courtyard to have a look. Her bodyguard team and two servant girls were well arranged.

Yunbixue brings the two servant girls back to the room.

They are usually served by these two people.

"Princess, we found that there are really few servants in Xie's house. It's said that because Xie's family has declined and several industries have closed down, many servants have also left."

"It's said that Xie Shao gave those people freedom, and those people took their deed of sale and left. I didn't expect that Xie Shao was such a kind person."

"Xie left a few people behind. They were really loyal. Originally, Xie wanted them to leave."

"Princess, it's said that Xie Shao will soon be gone, so will the Xie house. We didn't expect that the princess would choose Xie Shao to be his son-in-law, and she would come to Xie house instead of recruiting Xie Shao into the imperial city."


Yunbixue listened to the words of the two servant girls and said: "the rumor is not credible. Xie limo is a very good man, and he will live a long life. Don't talk about what you just said later."

Yunbixue is going to get some herbs to cure Xie limo.

As for the silver needle for acupuncture, she was ready to be made in the imperial city.

It's just for Xie Fu.

"It's the princess!"

"When you come to Xiefu, you should take the rules here as the rules, and protect the interests of Xiefu. Do you all know that?"

"Yes, princess, we all know."


At this time, yunbixue didn't know that Xie limo was standing not far away from the house. He listened to yunbixue's words and saw a surprised and soft light.