Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 7

Xie limo listened to Yun bixue's words and gave her a gentle smile.

Seeing Xie limo's smile, yunbixue has a feeling of being amazed by the time.

When he laughs, so gentle, let a person have the feeling of a spring breeze.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo's smile, as if feeling the breath of spring.

It made her heart throb.

The cloud Bi snow mood all followed bright and beautiful.

Although Xie limo's smile is very light, it makes her feel better.

Xie limo to cloud blue snow elegant way: "thank you!"

Even a word of comfort can bring him a little strength.

"We'll be a family, no need to say thank you."

Cloud Bi snow mind out of control on the emergence of such a sentence, and then she said it.

And it's really strange that when she faced Xie limo, she didn't feel strange at all. Instead, she felt very familiar and kind.

When she talks to him, it's natural.

Just this sentence in my mind, it seems to have been said the same.

Xie Li Mo smiles gently, "good!"

Xie limo didn't find out. When he faced the cloud and snow today, he laughed several times.

On weekdays, there is no smile on Xie limo's face.

After a pause, Xie limo said, "the people who came with you, I've had them settled down. They live in the West courtyard."

"Well, good."

Yunbixue has a deep feeling of trust in Xie limo.

She felt at ease with everything he arranged.

After two people said a few words, Xie limo stood up and went out slightly weak.

Even if he is weak, he is still elegant when he walks.

He is slender, like a jade tree, and like a person who comes out of poetry and painting.

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo's back, and there is a feeling of heartache in her heart.

After a while, yunbixue smelled the fragrance.

Smelling the fragrance, yunbixue found that she was really hungry.

The servant girl in the house brought up the meal, "young lady, please use it!"

"Thank you

"You're welcome, madam. It's all arranged by Xie Shao. I've never seen Xie Shao treat any woman so well."

Yunbixue doesn't know much about Xie limo's past, but when he is in good health, he is amazing and very popular.

But now, everyone says that Xie limo is very sick. They all think he will go soon.

So the whole house of Xie became desolate.

But yunbixue knew that as long as she was there, she would not let Xie limo have something to do.

"What do you thank him for?"

"Xie Shao is very busy. He has to deal with a lot of things every day. He has a short rest time every day. He arranges all the things in his office, inside and outside, as well as the shops. Xie Shao is also very hard."

Listen to this servant girl's words, cloud Bi snow think of Xie Li Mo's figure, think of his thin appearance, distressed.

She wanted to help him.

She didn't want him to work so hard.

"Young lady, eat quickly. Xie Shao is afraid that young lady just came to the palace and is not used to the food in the north. He also specially asked the cook of the imperial city to cook. Xie Shao specially inquired about the eating habits of young lady in the palace. These meals should be suitable for her taste."

Listening to these words, yunbixue is really touched by her heart. She didn't expect that Xie limo would be so careful to her.

It's false to say that you are not moved!