Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 6

Listen to Xie limo's cough, I don't know why, cloud Bi snow has a kind of heart with the feeling.


Listen to Xie limo's cough, yunbixue can't help feeling distressed.

He gently coughed, his face a little pale, eyebrows slightly frowning, there is a dust but sad feeling, let yunbixue eyes have some sour feeling.

Yunbixue said softly, "I'm ok. Don't worry. Your body Do you want to have a rest first? "

Yunbixue wants to find a time to get familiar with Xie limo. If he trusts her, she will feel his pulse and look at his body, and then give him medicine.

She also has acupuncture.

It seems that these pharmacological knowledge, these acupuncture methods, already exist in her mind.

When yunbixue looks at Xie limo, her eyes are naturally worried and distressed.

Xie limo naturally saw the light in yunbixue's eyes, and he lowered his head slightly.

When he lowered his head, Xie limo's eyelashes trembled slightly, covering the deep and complex light of his eyes.

Xie limo said quietly: "I'm ok. If you're hungry, I'll let the kitchen serve the food."

Listen to Xie limo with care, yunbixue heart some warm.

Come to this world, in addition to the father is really concerned about her, only Xie limo is really concerned about her.

His voice, his eyes are real.

"I'm not hungry. You go to have a rest first. Don't get tired."

Listening to yunbixue's words, Xie limo sighed, "princess, now you and I have become husband and wife. Although there is still a ceremony to be held, I don't think the princess needs to be restrained in the house. If you need anything, you can tell me anything."

Yunbixue looks at Xie limo, and his lips move.

"Just call me bixue, and I'll call you limo, OK?"

In fact, when yunbixue sees Xie limo, when she looks into his eyes, she has a feeling of looking at him for ten thousand years.

Just now, she seemed to say it naturally.

It's like, she was originally called Li mo.

It's like a voice coming from the throat.

She felt that it was more kind.

Listen to cloud blue snow this words, Xie Li Mo mind move.

Just when she said Li Mo, Xie Li Mo's heart jumped.

It's like there's a flash in my mind.

At this time, Xie limo thought of a sentence, and you first met, like an old friend back.

When he faced the clouds and snow, it was such a feeling.

As if naturally, he would want to be nice to her.

Xie limo said: "good!"

Cloud Bi snow listen to Xie Li Mo this good word, happy smile.

When she laughed, there was a feeling of sunshine.

Xie limo had a feeling that he was suddenly illuminated by the sun.

The memory of yunbixue in modern times is lively.

At this time, she said with a smile to Xie limo, "everyone says that I am a Fat Princess and a dandy. Don't you dislike me? Why do you promise? "

"I know the rumors are not credible, and the princess doesn't mind my sick body. How can I mind the princess's affairs?" When he said this, there was a sigh in Xie limo's voice.

Listening to his sigh, yunbixue was a little stuffy.

She couldn't help trying to cheer him up.

"You'll be fine." When she said this, yunbixue was confident.