Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 66

Yunbixue listen to Xie limo said a lot, she is not very understand, but she knows Xie limo do everything has his reason.

What's more, she and Xie limo have strong soul power in this play, and their identities are special in the divine world.

Naturally, they are also responsible for the mainland on this side.

In fact, with Xie limo around, yunbixue doesn't worry about anything.

Yunbixue looked at Xie limo seriously and said: "in a word, no matter which world you are in, I don't worry about anything. I am where you are!"

Such a sentence, no matter how simple, is very touching to the heart.

Even if Xie limo and Yun bixue were together for so long, they would be easily touched by such words.

"Even if there is a test, even if I forget my memory, I will find ah Xue."

When Xie limo said this, his eyes were full of firm light.

Because Xie limo knows that his feeling and memory of cloud and snow are engraved in his soul.

When he was tested before, he was still a little nervous and worried, because he didn't know how they would be in a new world, in a strange world.

He is also afraid to forget the cloud and snow.

But now that he has experienced a test in this world, he naturally knows that he will never forget the cloud and snow.

A name, as soon as he met, he knew that his heart would beat.

So now Xie limo is also relieved.


They talked a lot that night.

Yunbixue seems to have endless words to say to Xie limo.

Xie limo is afraid of yunbixue's bad rest. "It's late. Why don't you go to bed first and talk about it tomorrow?"

Cloud Bi snow is very spiritual appearance, eyes are flashing light, "now feel very excited, not sleepy at all!"

She's so energetic. She's so energetic at the moment.

Looking at the cloud blue snow this appearance, Xie Li Mo thought a way: "take you to see the night scene?"

"Night scene?" On hearing these two words, yunbixue was excited.

Xie limo nodded, "well, do you want to go?"

"Of course, I'll go wherever you take me."

With that, yunbixue got up and got out of bed to get dressed.

Xie limo looked at her hairy appearance, some helpless, some take her no way to feel.

"Slow down, don't forget to put on your shoes!"

Said, Xie limo personally to yunbixue will dress under, and then to yunbixue will wear shoes.

Looking at this series of actions, yunbixue's eyes are hot.

Her Li Mo will still spoil her.

After the two of them had packed up, Xie limo took yunbixue with ease to the edge of the river not far away.

Looking at the lanterns in the city, yunbixue was shocked.

"What a beautiful lantern! I haven't seen it before!"

With a sigh, yunbixue looks at the lantern in front of her. Suddenly, she looks a little dazed. She seems to remember some scenes she once had in modern times.

In modern times, once when they were in M country, Xie limo prepared lanterns for her and showed her the lanterns.

She still remembers the romantic scene at that time.

Her girlish heart is beating constantly.

At this time, when I see the lantern again, yunbixue is still touched.

Feel girl heart is still in, heartbeat is still very fast, as if she was the same girl.

Xie limo looked at the shining light in yunbixue's eyes, with a smile in his eyes.

He knew she would like these!