Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 65

Think of those scenes, Xie Li Mo's eyes are also flashing gentle light.

Those days, because of the clouds and snow, Xie limo felt warm when he remembered.

It was also a good time for Xie limo.

As long as it is with the memory of yunbixue, Xie limo feels beautiful.

Yunbixue blinked her eyes and said, "I also took you to eat Malatang. At that time, I didn't expect that your noble young master would go to such a place with me for dinner."

At that time, yunbixue was surprised. Of course, when she took Xie limo to eat, she was still careful.

At that time, she carefully observed Xie limo's look and found that he didn't get used to it, so she was relieved.

After all, it's a roadside shop, or in the street behind the school, with a lot of people.

Generally speaking, those who are fastidious are not allowed to eat in such a place.

Xie Li Mo couldn't help laughing, with a smile in his eyes, "to tell you the truth, I still remember the taste at that time, spicy hot, delicious, I really ate it for the first time at that time."

"Ha ha..."

Yunbixue couldn't help laughing happily.

At that time, she was afraid that Xie limo didn't know how to eat, and she specially gave Xie limo something to eat.

Think, yunbixue heart is also very emotional, "if we go back to modern, we also go to the school to see if it's OK, also go to the store to eat spicy hot!"

In fact, sometimes people miss a kind of food because that kind of food can trigger their own memories.

And yunbixue still remember that she was walking hand in hand with Xie limo in the campus of the school.

That feeling, she now think, is very wonderful.

"All right, whatever you say."

Favored by Xie limo, yunbixue is very happy in her heart.

"If only we could get to know each other when we were in school, we could enjoy the campus life together, go to school together, watch the scenery together, walk hand in hand together, we were still young at that time, how wonderful it would be!"

Yunbixue couldn't help feeling.

She knows that this idea is also very greedy.

In fact, she really thought that it would be wonderful if she could get to know Xie limo on campus, go to school together, eat together and walk on campus.

Especially when yunbixue is in modern times, at that age, he sometimes envies those young people.

I think it's nice when I'm young.

But she has Xie limo by her side, and she is also very content.

Although she can go to school to have a look, she is no longer young in modern times, so she is not the young look and mentality.

I can only sigh at this time.

Xie limo listened to yunbixue's words, with a look of movement, "ah Xue, maybe the next test is that we are on campus."

"Is there a test?"

Hearing this, yunbixue was shocked.

"We need to repair the world on this side. After the test, we can go back to the original place and return to the divine world!"

"Are there any rules?"

"Heaven and earth have their own rules. Even if we have a special identity, we need to protect this heaven and earth, not to mention..."

"What more?" Cloud Bi snow at this time some nervous looking at Xie Li mo.

"In fact, I used my own strength to send you to the modern world. So there are some problems. We need to be tested before everything can return to normal."