Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 67

Xie limo looked at yunbixue's smile, his own mood also followed light up.

For Xie limo, yunbixue's joy is his joy.

He also knew that no matter how many years passed, yunbixue was like a little girl sometimes.

In fact, he sometimes feels very magical, and he doesn't know how she keeps such a pure attitude, and it's easy to be happy with a little thing.

But what Xie limo wants to protect is yunbixue's happiness.

In fact, for yunbixue, she is not such a little girl's character.

Just because she has Xie limo by her side, it's easy for her to be happy and satisfied.

Next, Xie limo accompanies Yun bixue to put lanterns together, and plays by the river.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

Xie limo can hear the laughter of cloud and snow.

Until yunbixue sleepy, Xie limo took her back to Xie Fu.

Ever since Xie limo and Yun bixue got married, they have become more and more like glue.

After Xie limo recovered his modern memory, all his abilities naturally recovered, and naturally he didn't have to worry about anything.

Under the management arrangement of Xie limo, the whole Beidi substation is very prosperous.

Commercial streets, schools and numerous shops have all been built.

The business in Beidi is becoming more and more prosperous. Clothes, jewelry, stage clubs, night markets and so on, all of them have been built by Xie limo and become extremely prosperous.

Only unexpected, no Xie limo can not build.

The people of the north and even the whole dynasty, who do not know the names of Xie limo and Yun bixue.

These two men were famous throughout the Dynasty and even in the mainland.

Many businessmen from all over the world have come to Beidi.

It can be said that the prosperity of the North has gradually led to the prosperity of various places.

The economy of the whole dynasty flourished.

In addition, Xie limo and Yun bixue also introduced some food seeds from other countries to teach the people how to plant them.

We should also develop farming.

Even a lot of agricultural tools were designed and transformed by two people.

And they often visit the mountains and rivers of the whole continent.

In particular, yunbixue wrote a travel book to the mainland.

The famous and interesting places in the whole mainland are recorded in the travel notes.

In the whole dynasty, the common people vied with each other.

Even those who don't have time to travel, even those who haven't been, it's as if they have been to that place.

Because there are many pictures on the travel notes, which make people feel personally.

Xie limo and yunbixue went through a lot of places. Yunbixue also drew a complete mountain and river map, which was drawn in a modern way and had a scale map.

She gave the picture to her father.

Yunbixue's father was very excited when he looked at this picture.

Who said his daughter was a straw bag? Now, who in the whole mainland doesn't know the name of his daughter.

It's a special Princess of the town. No one will object.

And now their country is more and more prosperous.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, and all aspects of the agricultural economy are developing.

Yunbixue wrote a set of training methods in barracks, referring to the modern way, which strengthened the national strength of the dynasty.

Even after years of historical changes, people in the world still remember the famous Xie limo and Yun bixue.

Although Xie limo and yunbixue came to the world to accept the test, they still want to do something and leave something for the world.

And their contribution to the development of the world and this era is remembered by the common people, and also recorded in the dynasty history books.