Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 62

When Xie limo held the cloud and snow, he felt that his heart was full.

Holding the clouds and snow, Xie Li Mo's breath is soft.

It is so gentle, even the light in the eyes is as gentle as water.

In yunbixue's deep sleep, all the memories in her mind are about Xie limo.

In modern memory, a lot of memories, she remembered.

At this time, when she fell asleep, she felt in a familiar embrace.

Let her feel very comfortable, the whole body seems to be surrounded by the warm current.

When sleeping in a daze, yunbixue listens to a very familiar and gentle voice in her ear.

"Ah Xue, ah Xue..."

It's sherimort who's been calling her.

Listening to Xie limo's voice, yunbixue has a soft feeling.

Then cloud blue snow slowly opened eyes.

As soon as you open your eyes, yunbixue is right in Xie limo's eyes.

The eyes inside, so moving, with a whirlpool, are going to swallow people.

But the light inside is so soft.

Both cloud, blue and snow have the feeling of bathing in the spring breeze.

His eyes, let her so warm.

At this time on Xie Li Mo's eyes, cloud blue snow eyes are trembling.

Think of some scenes that two people know each other, yunbixue's eyes are red.

The scene of two people's first acquaintance flashed out in yunbixue's mind.

As clear as yesterday.

She still remembers what happened to the Yun family at that time. In her despair, he appeared, saved her, helped her and gave her warmth.

No matter how long in the past, yunbixue remembers the first meeting.

That's amazing.

Even now, as if it had been a long time, she still remembered it.

There is a feeling of amazing time and warm years.

Yunbixue suddenly felt that she had a lot to say to Xie limo, but she didn't know what to say. She felt that her words were stuck in her throat.

This test, in a strange world, a new world, no memory, just by feeling to find each other's world, let her feelings for sherimort deeper.

Especially when she thought of everything in the past, she was even more touched.

Xie limo looked at yunbixue's red eyes, reached out and touched her eyes, "a Xue, what's the matter?"

Yunbixue put her hand around Xie limo's neck and said, "limo, I think of everything we have in modern times. We know each other in modern times. The day we knew each other was as clear as yesterday. But I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty years have passed in modern times. Time flies so fast!"

Yunbixue's heart is filled with emotion.

She and Xie limo spent 20 or 30 years in modern times, from realizing to following.

In those days, Xie limo has been spoiling her.

He would take her around.

She's always been spoiled like a little girl.

Xie limo wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes to Yun bixue, "fool, I also remember, thinking of everything modern."

Not only yunbixue's heart is touched, but Xie limo's heart is also touched incomparably.

At this time, the sea of Xie limo's heart is also turned up the waves, the waves are turning.

In modern times, the memories of those years flashed out in his mind like a movie, just like yesterday.

Let Xie limo feel the most.

Many memories suddenly become clear again.

What impresses him most is what they experienced when they were young.