Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 63

Although Xie limo didn't cry, his eyes were also hot. His eyes were hot and his heart felt hot.

After wiping away his tears, he hugged yunbixue harder.

At this time, both of them sat up.

Yunbixue also holds Xie limo tightly.

The feelings in my heart don't seem to know how to express them.

But her heart was boiling hot, and it was flowing like magma.

"Li Mo, Li mo..."

Cloud Bi snow constantly called the name of Xie limo.

It seems that only by shouting like this can the feelings in her heart be expressed.

When yunbixue speaks, she buries her head in Xie limo's neck and deeply breathes Xie limo's breath.

That clean and pleasant smell is what she always likes.

It's something she always wanted to smell.

Xie limo gently patted yunbixue's back, the action is very light and soft, as if to appease yunbixue's breath.

"Well, I'm here, all the time!"

Said, Xie limo is gently rubbing the cloud blue snow's hair.

Yunbixue relied on Xie limo's arms for a long time, and then gradually calmed down.

Then yunbixue came out of Xie limo's arms. She looked at Xie limo and couldn't help laughing.

"So happy?"

Yunbixue nodded, "yes, it's amazing. You see, we spent so much time together. Now we are young again. I'm only 18 years old now. I'm 18 years old in this ancient world."

For yunbixue, this age is really amazing, and she is naturally happy.

Xie limo didn't expect that yunbixue was thinking about this.

But looking at yunbixue happy appearance, Xie limo is also happy with.

"Well, if you accept the test, you have to be in a new world, with a new identity and a young age."

"In fact, although it's a test, it's also good for us to recover our memory. We can enjoy our youth and then visit the north and south of the river in ancient times."

In modern times, she and Xie limo go to play everywhere, are some of the modern scenery.

But here is an ancient, completely natural scenery, the clouds and snow are a little excited to think of.

"Well, we'll play wherever she wants."

As for the cloud and snow, Xie limo is totally indulgent.

I just want to spoil it.

Even if they have no modern memory, Xie limo also wants to spoil yunbixue.

"Let's make Beidi prosperous first, open the shops, and then we'll play!"

"Well, just tell me what you want to do now. Don't worry about anything!"

Now that Xie limo has recovered his modern memory, he naturally knows everything, and his ability is better than that of cloud and snow.

Yunbixue naturally knows this.

She also knows that next all need not worry, Xie limo will do well, this kind of feeling is really good for yunbixue.

She can relax.

At this time, yunbixue has a feeling of relaxation.

But at this time, yunbixue's mind is also a modern memory.

She couldn't help but say to Xie limo, "limo, do you remember when I first met you in country a?"

"Of course, I remember that something happened to a Xue's Yun family at that time. Although I saw you for the first time at that time, I couldn't help but feel sorry to see you fall on the ground."