Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 61

Such a lively scene naturally made Xie limo in a good mood.

The corners of Xie Li Mo's mouth were covered with a shallow smile.

Fortunately, yunbixue was also prepared in advance.

Yunbixue has already prepared a lot of cakes and snacks, as well as some small gifts for people in the house to go out and distribute to everyone.

Yunbixue's move naturally aroused the favor of the people in the north.

Everyone cheered.

"Princess, thousand years, thousand years..."

"Princess people are really wonderful..."

"She is not only beautiful but also kind-hearted. Although she is a princess, she is so approachable."

"These cakes are not available on weekdays. They are delicious..."

"It's said that the princess made them all by herself..."

"Princess thousand years old..."

"Today's Princess must be very beautiful..."

"Xie Shao, dressed in red, is also so amazing and beautiful. He and the princess are really made in heaven..."


The people outside are very excited and praise Xie limo and Yun bixue.

Listening to such a voice, Xie limo and Yun bixue are also happy.

She felt very happy because she was blessed by everyone.

Therefore, the ceremony of Xie limo and Yun bixue was also very lively.

Xie limo and Yun bixue hold hands, hands are tightly together.


Of course, yunbixue didn't know that bailixiao and his brothers were also in Beidi, and they were secretly watching the ceremony of her and Xie limo.

How those people look is no longer the concern of yunbixue.

Yunbixue only cares about Xie limo now!


In the evening, Xie limo and yunbixue are in the same room. The night is deep. Naturally, they are affectionate.

When the deep sleep in the past, cloud blue snow brain sea flash out a lot of light and shadow.

Everything in modern times flashed into her mind.

A lot of memories, yunbixue remember.

Once the cloud blue snow thought that forgets that section of memory, unfolds completely in her mind.

In modern times, she got to know Xie limo, later they got to know each other and fell in love, later they went to Xie family.

A lot of scenes, a lot of memories, yunbixue all recovered.

She also knows that she and Xie limo have a special identity and come to this world to accept the test.

Even if she accepted the test, she had feelings for Xie limo.

Even if her memory is erased, she can find Xie limo and understand her inner feelings.

So at this time in the sleep, cloud blue snow are excited to tears.

"Li Mo, Li mo..."

Cloud Bi snow are gently calling the name of Xie limo.

But Xie limo is also the same, after the deep feeling, as if the mind suddenly exploded.

All his memories came back to him at once.

All the memories about him and yunbixue, he remembered and knew.

When I think of it, even when I fall asleep, Xie limo's heart is touched.

The sea of the heart has turned up a storm.

Then Xie limo seemed to hear something, like the sound of cloud and snow.

Xie limo suddenly woke up from his sleep.

He looked at the cloud and snow in his arms, at the people in his arms, his eyes were red.

He hugged yunbixue more tightly and whispered, "a Xue, a Xue..."

When calling yunbixue, Xie limo's voice is hoarse.

Fortunately, he stood the test.

Even if the memory was erased, even if he came to the new world, his heart is also feeling, also can find the cloud and snow.