Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V2.Chapter 60

Yunbixue really knows everything. She teaches us to play beautiful melody.

It's equivalent to the band playing. In this way, under such a tune, the atmosphere will be lively.

Yunbixue thinks out what she can think of and integrates some modern things with this era.

And yunbixue also prepared skin care and make-up for herself.

She also wanted to make herself beautiful. She specially made curly hair. She wanted to show Xie limo a more beautiful and better side.

The female is the one who pleases herself. Yunbixue is such a state of mind at this time.

Before Xie limo prepared clothes and jewelry for yunbixue, yunbixue hasn't had time to see them.

When she came back to the room and opened the box, she was really amazed when she saw the clothes and jewelry.

She didn't expect clothes and jewelry to look so good.

The workmanship is so exquisite that it is made by very exquisite craft.

Those headwear jewelry, above the carving decoration are lifelike.

As soon as yunbixue saw it, she knew that this kind of jewelry and clothes were of great value.

And the gold thread on the clothes seems to be embroidered by a special embroiderer.

The pattern embroidered on it looks just like the real one.

Even from the modern, well-informed yunbixue can not help but wonder.

Looking at these, she can feel Xie limo's intention.

Yunbixue's heart is touched and moved.

In yunbixue's room, she installed a big mirror for herself.

It can clearly show the whole body.

When it comes to the clothing store, she's ready.

So after putting on the clothes, yunbixue looked at herself in the mirror, so bright and moving, she blinked her eyes, all think this is her?

Yunbixue thinks she looks good in the mirror.

Yunbixue felt good-looking and couldn't help turning around in front of the mirror.

She can't wait to show it to Xie limo.

There's jewelry in the box and it looks good on your head.

And bracelets.

The tentacles are warm and comfortable to wear.

In modern times, yunbixue also operated the jewelry store of Yunshi family.

But when you look at this bracelet, you know it's worth a lot.

It's not modern jewelry.

Wearing it on her hand, yunbixue feels that her wrist is white.

Yunbixue can't help rising.

It's really the day of the ceremony.

Although Xie limo didn't invite anyone, it was time to set off firecrackers.

Around the people see the house of Xie lanterns are also curious to watch.

Of course, everyone was watching at the door.

Although not into the inner courtyard, but outside, also make very lively.

Of course, we all know that when Xie limo and Yun bixue held the ceremony, many people from the North came to watch.

A lot of people climbed to the wall, even to the tree, just to see the inner courtyard.

When we saw the red carpet, the band and the songs, we were all amazed.

They've never seen anything like this.

That tune sounds really good. It's very festive.

Let a person involuntarily immerse in this Xiefu festive atmosphere.

And everyone even in the door are in a hot discussion.

Looking inside, everyone was very curious.

So Xie limo and Yun bixue can hear everyone talking at the door.

So although Xie limo didn't invite many people, he was still very busy.